Who did the boys have to ask instead? 查看更多




1.A.Yes, please.                    B.Good idea.                        C.Of course, it is.

2.A.Certainly you are.           B.Sure. Hold on, please.        C.I’ll do that.

3.A.Oh, they are over there.  B.I’m glad you’ve found it.   C.Go straight and turn left.

4. A.OK, I wil.                            B.Yes, I think so.                  C.Good for you.

5.A.Never mind.                   B.You are welcome.                     C.I’m sorry.


6.When will Mrs White come back?

A.Right now.                       B.Quite soon.                       C.At four.

7.What sport does the woman like?


8.What does the woman prefer to do?

A.To see the new play.                 B.To do some shopping.               C.To visit the museum.

9.What are the man and woman doing?

A.They are looking for a CD player in a shop.                  

B.They are learning how to press the button.

C.The man is teaching the woman how to use the CD player.

10.Why was Frank on the news last night?

A.He walked along the beach at night.

B.He swam alone in the cold water.

C.He got the boy out of water and saved him.


11.Where could the dialogue happen?

 A.In a shop.                       B.In a library.                       C.In a hospital.

12.Why did the young man go to see the doctor?

A.He didn’t know where to begin his talk.

B.He felt difficult to fall asleep.

C.He felt unhappy most of the day.

13.How long has the young man been ill?

A.For about two years.                B.For about three weeks.                    C.For about six months.

14.In what season did the young man feel worse?

A.In Spring.                                B.In Autumn.                              C.In winter.

15.What did the doctor ask the young man to do?

A.To take some medicine.            B.To burn away his worries.         C.To take more exercises.


16.What happened to the three boys in a cold day?

A.They lost their way.

B.They couldn’t find the big house.

C.They had to spend the night in the open air.

17.What did the three boys ask the farmer to do?

A.To give them some water and food.

B.To let them stay in his house for a night.

C.To tell them the way to walk out of the forest.

18.Why did one of the boys have to sleep in the big house?

A.The farmer didn’t like the third boy.

B.One of the boys made a loud noise when he slept.

C.There wasn’t enough room in the farmer’s house.

19.Who was the first to sleep with the horses?

 A.Mike                              B.Jack                                        C.Tom

20.Why were all the horses outside at the house door?

A.Because someone drove them out of the house.

B.Because the smell in the big house was really terrible.

C.Because the horses didn’t like to stay with people at night.


1.Where was Tony born?
2.What is the most dangerous sport?
3.What will they do next?
4.Who is Tom?
5. Which box is the heaviest of all?
A. The white one.
B. The black one.
C. The brown one.
6. How did Lily go to school this morning?
A. By bus.
B. By bike.
C. On foot.
7. How many people are there in Peter's family?
A. Four.
B. Five.
C. Six.
8. Whose school has the most teachers?
A. Peter's
B. Jack's
C. Lily's
9. What did the man ask the woman to do?
A. He asked her to get him a magazine.
B. He asked her to get him some bread.
C. He asked her to get him some Coke.
10. Why didn't the girl catch the plane?
A. She didn't set out early.
B. She didn't know the way to the airport.
C. The traffic was too heavy.
11. What will they do on holiday?
A. Go climbing
B. Go hiking
C. They haven't decided.
12. What can we learn about Bill?
A. He's fine.
B. He needs to have more rest.
C. He has to stay with a doctor.
13. What can we know about Li Lei?
A. He's friendly and helpful.
B. He likes playing footbal1.
C. He wants to be a doctor.
14. Which is cheaper, meat or vegetables?
A. Meat
B. Vegetables
C. Both
15. When did the plane arrive at the airport?
A. At 7:20
B. At 7:00
C. At 7:40


Spending more than two hours a night doing homework leads to better results in English, math and science, according to a major study (by Pam Sammons, England) which has tracked (跟踪)the progress of 3,000 children over the past 15 years.

Spending any time doing homework showed advantages, but the influence was greater for the students who put in two to three hours a night, according to the study published by the Department for Education in England.

The scientists who did the research say their study emphasizes (强调)what students actually do rather than how much work the school has set.

Pam Sammons, a professor of education at Oxford University, said that time spent on homework showed the influence of the school—if children were expected to do homework and if

they enjoy their subjects. “That’s one of the reasons Indian and Chinese children do better. They put more time in it.” he added.

It’s also reported that students who enjoyed school got better results. “Schools could make sure children had a better experience by improving the school environment, making school work interesting and making children feel supported by teachers." Sammons said.

It is suggested that children aged 5 to 7 should be set one-hour homework a week, half an hour a night for 7 to 11-year-olds. Secondary schools were encouraged to set up two hours a night for 14 to 16-year-olds.

“Headteachers should make their own homework policy,” the government says.

1 Where can we probably read this passage?

A. In a poster.      B. In a magazine.     C. In a storybook.    D. In an advertisement.

2 According to the first paragraph, spending __________ doing homework leads to better results in lessons.

A. half an hour     B. an hour            C. over two hours     D. less than two hours

3 The underlined word “published” probably means __________ in Chinese.

A. 公布                 B. 印刷               C. 出版                   D. 发现

4Which of the following sentences is TRUE according lo the passage?

A. Schools could make sure children had a better experience.

B. Children aged 14-16 should spend an hour a night on homework.

C. The study was published by the Department for Education in China.

D. Chinese and Indian children do worse in schoolwork from Pam Sammons.

5 From the passage, we can know that __________.

A. Students should become interested in their results.

B. Students should do homework as much as possible.

C. Parents should encourage their children to do more homework.

D. It’s headteachers’ duty to make their students’ own homework policy.


My dad used to say he knew I would be a singer. When I was a baby, I was always singing loudly. Dad was a big sports fan, but he was happy I loved music.

After dinner, Dad would often ask me to sing. He always said I sang I Will Always Love You much better than Whitney Houston!

At every school concert he cheered me on. The look of pride on his face made me happy.

My life was full of concerts, singing lessons and laughter. Though my mum and brothers helped me, they did not share our love for music.

Our lives changed when Dad was told that he had cancer. We always hoped that something would happen and he would get better, but the doctors told us that they could not save him.

About a week before my dad died, he fell into a coma (昏迷). The nurses said even though Dad did not reply, he could still hear me.

The nurses said I should sing him a song. I sang one of our favorites. As I sang, my dad gave a big smile, and clapped (鼓掌).

I will always remember that smile. I was so pleased to know that Dad had heard me sing one more song.

My dad died on May 14, 2000. It was hard to believe: he was so full of life. I don’t know how to say how much I miss him.

Now I have all the memories of him and his beautiful smile deep inside my heart. I will always know that he is listening from his front row seat in heaven.

He used to say: “Sing from your heart.”

My dad has been and will always be my hero.

1.According to the story, Whitney Houston is probably ______.

A. a famous singer?????????????????? B. a famous actress

C. the writer’s friend???????????????? D. a sports star

2.Who did the writer think make her confident?

A. Whitney Houston.???????????????? B. Her father.

C. Her mother.????????????????????? D. Her brothers.

3.According to the story, which of the following is TRUE?

A. Their lives didn’t change though her father had cancer.

B. when the writer’s father fell into a coma, he couldn’t hear her song.

C. The writer’s mum and brothers never helped or shared love for music.

D. The writer misses her father very much.

4.What does the underline word “heaven” mean in paragraph10?

A. 剧院???????????? B. 影院???????????? C. 天堂?????????????????? D. 舞台

5.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. My hero.?????????? B. M y favorite song.?????? C. My dream.????????? D. My family.



Once when I was a teenager, my father and I were standing in line to buy tickets for the circus. Finally, there was only one family between the ticket office and us. This family made a big impression on me.

         There were eight children, all probably under the age of 12. You could tell they didn’t have a lot of money. Their clothes were not expensive, but they were clean. The children talked excitedly about the clowns. It was clearly a very important day out for them. The father and mother seemed happy as they could be.

         The tickets lady asked how many tickets the father wanted, he proudly answered, “Please let me buy eight children’s tickets and two adults’ tickets, so I can take my family to the circus.”

         The ticket lady told him the price.

         The man’s wife lowered her head. There was no longer a smile on the man’s face. He quietly asked, “How much did you say?”

         The ticket lady again told him the price.

         The man obviously didn’t have enough money. But how could he tell his kids the bad news?

         Seeing what was happening, my dad took a $20 note from his pocket and dropped in on the ground. (We were not rich ourselves at all!) He then tapped the man on the shoulder and said, “Excuse me, sir, you dropped this.”

         The man understood my father was helping him. He picked up the money, looked straight into my dad’s eyes, and in tears replied. “Thank you. This really means a lot to me and my family.”

         Although we did not go to the circus that night, we didn’t go without.

1.Why does the writer say “Their clothes were not expensive, but they were clean” ( Paragraph 2)?

A. To show the children were well looked after.

B. To show cheap clothes could be popular.

C. To show how hard the mother worked.

D. To show how rich the family were.

2.Why was the poor man unhappy after he spoke with the ticket lady?

A. He had lost his money.                     B. His children were noisy.

C. The tickets were sold out.                        D. The tickets were too expensive.

3.Who did the $20 note belong to?

A. The poor man                .                           B. The writer’s father.

C. The poor man’s wife.                                 D. The ticket lady.

4.Why was the poor man in tears at the end of the story?

A. He found the money he lost.                   B. He wanted others to help him.

C. He made his children unhappy.               D. He was thankful for the kindness.

5.Which of the following statements is probably true according to the passage?

A. The poor mans saw the circus that night.

B. The two families became close friends.

C. The writer’s father earned some money.

D. The writer saw the circs that night.


