A cost B spend C take D pay for Rivers are one of our most important natural resources. Many of the world’s great cities are located on rivers, and almost every country has at least one river flowing through it that plays an the lives of its people.Since the beginning of history, people have used rivers for transportation. The longest one in the United States is the Mississippi. The lifeline of Egypt is the Nile. To the people of India , the Ganges is great, but it is also important for transportation; ships can travel along it for a thousand miles. Other great rivers are the Congo in Africa and the Mekong in southeast Asia, The greatest of all for navigation, however, is the Amazon in Brail, It is so wide and so deep that large ships can go about two thousand miles upon it.Besides transportation, rivers give food, water to drink, water for crops, and chances for fun and recreation for the people who live along their banks. In order to increase the supply of water for crops, engineers sometimes build a dam across a river and let a lake form behind the dam. Then people can use the water not only to irrigate their fields but also to make electricity for their homes and industries.However, large cities and industries that are located upon rivers often make problems. As the cities grow in size and industries increase in number, the water in the rivers becomes polluter with chemicals and other materials. People are learning the importance, however, of doing more to keep their rivers clean if they want to enjoy the benefits of this natural resource. 查看更多



-What’s your plan for this weekend?

-I’m going to ________ it with my grandparents.

A. cost        B. spend       C. give        D. pay




Building a new house costs quite a lot of money. If you plan to   1  a house, your first step is to find a suitable (适当的 piece of  2  . You will probably try to find a sunny place, in a  3  situation  (位置), near stores and bus stops, not too   4   from your friends and the place where you work. Next you have to find an experienced (有经验的) builder, and together with the builder you will make a   5  . The builder will draw it. The builder will also   6   the cost of your house.

He will estimate (估计) the cost of the wood, the glass, and  7   that he must use in building the house. Later on, when he starts to build, his estimate must be right, because the    8    may change (变化), and many other things may happen between the time when he makes the estimate and the time when he builds the house.          the builder gives you his estimate, you may wish to change your plan. You may find that some of the things you wanted at first cost too much, or that you can   10   a little more and add something to your first plan.

1.A. but         B. have         C. build      D. find

2.A. floor       B. place        C. land       D. playground

3.A. faraway     B. surprised    C. pleased    D. pleasant

4.A. near        B. far          C. close      D. next to

5.A. map         B. plan         C. decision   D. book

6.A. find out    B. carry on     C. work out   D. work on

7.A. everything else   B. nothing else

C. else anything     D. else something

8.A. color       B. prices       C. time       D. house

9.A. When        B. While        C. Until      D. Since

10.A. cost        B. spend        C. take       D. pay for





George Washington Carver was born in 1864. He was born a slave(奴隶). When he was still a baby, his mother was stolen. He was kept by his master.

All his life George loved  31  . When he was only seven years old, he already knew so  32   about plants that people in his hometown called him “the plant doctor”.

George wanted to learn as much as he could, but there was no   33   for black children where he lived. When he was ten, he left home to find a town that would allow   34   children to attend school. He studied in Missouri and Kansas   35   he finished high school. All this time he had to work to   36   his own expense(费用). He worked as a cook and opened his own laundry.

In 1890, George began college. At first he studied art, but he still had a   37   of plants. He began to study agriculture(农业). After he graduated, the famous inventor Thomas Edison asked him to work in his lab but George   38   . He had other   39  . He started an agricultural organization for black students in Alabama.

In those days, many   40   in the south grew only cotton. This was   41   to the soil(土壤). After a while the   42    would not grow as well. George Washington Carver wanted to help farmers in the south to grow plants like peanuts and sweet potatoes. These plants helped the  43  . Over the years he invented hundreds of ways to use these two plants.

George Washington Carver invented so many things that he was   44   “The Wizard(能手) of  Tuskegee”. He died in 1943 at the   45   of 79.

1. A. animals      B. plants       C. buildings       D. photos

2. A. much        B. many       C. little           D. few

3. A. house        B. farm       C. hospital        D. school

4. A. brown       B. yellow      C. black          D. white

5. A. when        B. until        C. for            D. since

6. A. cost         B. spend       C. pay            D. take

7. A. love         B. hate        C. question        D. surprise

8. A. accepted     B. refused      C. understood      D. cared

9. A. situations    B. suggestions   C. plays          D. plans

10. A. farmers      B. scientists     C. doctors        D. inventors

11. A. helpful      B. harmful      C. careful         D. wonderful

12. A. pumpkin     B. peanut       C. cotton         D. potato

13. A. soil         B. water        C. air           D. weather

14. A. seen        B. look         C. found         D. called

15. A. time        B. year         C. age           D. season



-- Do you often get online?

       -- Yes, I ______ a lot time on it. It’s a good way to kill time. 

A. cost

B. spend

C. pay

D. take



When you sit and watch TV hour after hour, do you ever think of what it may be doing to your health?

More and more children are becoming overweight(超重)and near-sighted ___41_ they spend too much time in front of the TV. Also, they are growing less and less creative(有创造性的)because watching TV doesn’t __42__ any active thought.

Last week, the TV-Turnoff Organization began its ninth TV-Turnoff __43__ in the USA. The Organization encourages people to play games, read books, lie under a tree, talk to family members and friends __44___ watching TV.

American school children __45__, on average(平均), 1000 hours a year watching TV--more time than they spend in school. That’s too much, said the doctors __46__organized this year’s TV-Turnoff Week.

Doctors said that the __47_ children watch television, the more overweight they may become. The food children eat while they watch the television makes this weight __48_ more serious.

To keep mentally and physically healthy, children need to take exercise, talk with friends and family, read, and __49_ the world around them. Could you go a week without television? It might be __50__ for many TV lovers, but why not give it a try?

1.A. because            B. until        C. whether          D. though

2.A. find           B. need         C. lose             D. know

3.A. Day                B. Week         C. Month            D. Year

4.A. together with  B. because of   C. lots of          D. instead of

5.A. cost           B. spend        C. use              D. do

6.A. whom           B. whose        C. which            D. who

7.A. later          B. fewer        C. longer           D. less

8.A. problem            B. question     C. thing            D. lesson

9.A. explore            B. invent       C. find             D. make

10.A. easy          B. happy        C. dangerous        D.difficult


