What's Mr. Smith's telephone number? 查看更多



                  Ⅰ                                                          Ⅱ
(      )1.   What's your last name?               A.His name is Bob.
(      )2.  My name is Kim.                         B.Her telephone number is 908 -7869.
(      )3.  What's her telephone number?     C. I'm Jim. Nice to meet you.
(      )4.  What's this?                                 D.Smith.
(      )5.  What's his name?                         E.It's an ID card.
(      )6.  Is this your ruler?                         F.It's red,
(      )7.  Good morning, Mr Brown.          G.Fine, thanks.
(      )8.  How are you?                             H.Hello, Tom.
(      )9.  Hello, Linda.                                I.Yes, it is.
(      )10.What color is it?                          J.Good morning.


                              School Trip
      No.10 Middle School has a great school trip.
     You are welcome to join us! You can have fun!
Date: April 4th
Place: The People's Park
Please call Mr Smith at 86866881 to ask anything
about the school trip to the People's Park.
1. Which school has a great school trip?
2. When is the trip?
3. Where can you have fun?
4. Who can you call for more information?
5. What's the telephone number?


A.Could I take a message
B.Please have a rest
C.What’s wrong with you
D.He isn’t here right now
E.I’ll tell him to call you back
F.Wait a minute, please
G.Can I leave my telephone number for you
A:Hello! May I speak to Mr Smith?
B:I’m sorry.       小题1:,I think he’ll be back in an hour.       小题2:?
A:That’s very kind of you.I’d like him to come to my birthday party.       小题3:?
B:OK.       小题4:(79)! I’ll go and got a pen and a piece of paper.OK.Please give me your phone number.
A:5697846.My name is Liu Wei.
B:All right.       小题5:.


                                  School Trip
     No.10 Middle School has a great school trip.You are welcome to join us!
     You can have fun!
     Date: April 4th
     Place: The People's Park
     Please call Mr Smith at 86866881 to ask anything about the school trip to the People's Park.
1.Which school has a great school trip?
2. When is the trip?
3. Where can you have fun?
4. Who can you call for more information?
5. What's the telephone number?


A.Could I take a message?
B. Please give me your phone number.
C What’s wrong with you?
D He isn’t here right now.
E.Wait a minute, please.
F. Can I leave my telephone number for you?
A:Hello! May I speak to Mr smith?
B:I’m sorry. _小题1: .I think he’ll be back in an hour.  小题2:_ .
A:That’s very kind of you. I’d like him to come to my birthday party. 小题3:_ 
B: Ok ._ 小题4:_ ! I’ll go and got a pen and a piece of paper.Ok. _小题5:_ .
A: 5697846.My name is liu wei.
B All right. I’ll tell him to call you back.

