A. Over the river. B. He’s gone to Shenzhen. C. I have no ideas. ii. 下面各组对话后均有一个与对话内容有关的问题.从下面小题的A.B.C三个选项中找出能回答这个问题的最佳答案.(共5小题.每小题1分.共5分) 查看更多



There is a ________ over the river.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.


 There is a _______ over the river.

A. ship B. boat C. bridge D. village


1--- It’s difficult for the village children to cross the river for school.

--- I think a bridge _______ over the river.

A. should be built     B. is being built    C. has been built      D. was built



There is an old tiger in the forest (森林). He doesn’t want to look for (寻找) food now. He often lets other animals get him some food to eat.

One day, he sees a monkey (猴子) and says,“I am hungry, monkey. Go and get me something to eat.”“I can’t do that now, tiger.” the monkey says,“There is another tiger over there(那边). He doesn’t let me get anything for you to eat. I am afraid of (害怕) him.” “What?” says the old tiger. “Take me to the tiger. I want to talk to him.” The monkey and the tiger go to the bridge(桥) over the river(河). “Now look down at the water.” says the monkey. “Do you see the tiger?” “Yes, I do.” says the old tiger. “Let me eat him.” Then the tiger jumps(跳) into the river.

1.How many tigers and monkeys are there in the story?

A.Two tigers and two monkeys.

B.Two tigers and one monkey.

C.One tiger and two monkeys.

D.One tiger and one monkey.

2.Why do other animals get food for the tiger?

A.Because they are afraid of him.

B.Because only they can find some food.

C.Because they are his friends.

D.Because they like to do that.

3.The monkey ________.

A.goes to get something to eat

B.goes to the bridge with the tiger

C.knows there is another tiger

D.tells the tiger to jump into the water

4.Which of the following is right(正确的)?

A.The tiger is very clever.

B.The monkey eats the tiger.

C.The tiger eats another tiger.

D.The tiger jumps into the water.



There will be a _______bridge over the river.

      A.2,000-metre-long                 B.2,000-metres-long

      C.2,000 metres long                D.2,000 metre long


