From the story we can see that the dog is .A. lazy and shy B. clever and braveC. strong but careless D. weak and foolish V. 单项填空从A.B.C.D四个选项中.选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案. 查看更多



1. They always left _____ at home when they went out.
A. their dog
B. their cat
C. their daughter
D. their son
2. How did they go to the cinema one evening?
A. On foot.
B. By bike.
C. By car.
D. By bus.
3. The woman was very angry because _____.
A. the dog was missing
B. her husband didn't catch the robber
C. the door was broken
D. she didn't think the dog had looked after the house
4. What happened to the robber according to the story?
A. He was locked in the door.
B. He was caught in the garden.
C. He was bitten by the dog.
D. He was sent to the police station.
5. From the story we can see that the dog is _____.
A. lazy and shy
B. clever and brave (勇敢的)
C. strong but careless
D. weak and foolish

