A. school B. chair C. bed D. kitchen43, A. what B. which C. that D. until 查看更多




Tom woke up on Monday morning.  He felt  1 . He always felt sick on Monday mornings. He had to go to school for a  2  week! He almost wished there were no week-ends.   3  was even more difficult for him to go back to school!

He  4  in bed and wondered what excuse(借口)he could make this time. He looked at his body, but could find  5   wrong, A little headache?   6  . He had used that excuse many times. Then he realized that one of his teeth was loose(松动). Good! He was just going to start groaning(呻吟)  7   he thought that Aunt Polly would pull the tooth out. That  would   8  ! He looked for something else. Suddenly he remembered what the doctor had said about a certain problem with toes. He pulled his right foot out and looked at it.   9  of the toes was really hurting, Tom began to groan.

“What’s  10  with you?” Aunt Polly asked.

     “My toe hurts.”

     The old lady fell into a chair,   11  a little. “Tom, you frightened me. Now shut up at once and get out of 12 .”

Tom felt like a thief being caught. “Well, it seemed all right. It hurt so Much  13  I forgot my tooth.”

      “Tooth, eh? What’s wrong with your tooth?”

 “One of them is loose and it hurts  14  .”

“No problem,” answered Aunt Polly. “I can pull it out.”

 “Please, Auntie! Don’t pull it out. It has  15  hurting now. Please!”

     “No way! Well, you’ll have your tooth out and you’ll go to school?

1. A. happy               B. tired              C. sick                   D. hungry

2. A. whole               B. all                 C. next                   D. this

3. A. That                 B. This              C. The weekend        D. It

4. A. lie                    B. lay                C. lied                     D. lying

5. A. something        B. anything        C. everything            D. nothing

6. A. No                  B. Yes               C. None                  D. Great

7. A. then                 B. when               C. while                 D. as

8. A. pain                 B. work               C. hurt                  D. be good

9. A. One                 B. Two              C. Some                  D. Many

10. A. matter              B. trouble            C. problem              D. wrong

11. A. saying            B. smiling            C. shouting              D. talking

12. A. school            B. chair               C. bed                     D. kitchen

13, A. what             B. which             C. that                     D. until

14. A. bad               B. badly              C. worse                   D. terrible

15. A. stopped        B. forgotten            C. enjoyed               D. begun


John Thomas was a student, but he had been a famous champion(冠军). Everybody at Boston University liked this tall, quiet boy. Once he was hurt, everybody at Boston University was    . People all over the country    about John Thomas and often asked, "Will he ever jump again?"

     John's mother went to the hospital to see her son. She looked at his     leg. Then she looked into his     . She knew what her son would    . "You're going to jump again, John, I know it," she said."    will be all right."

    If John hoped to jump again, he would have a    to do. He began at once. Even in his hospital bed John started to exercise. He used a wheel(轮子) and other metal things. Soon his   looked like a machine shop!

It was May when John     the hospital. "Is it all right if I go camping this summer?" he asked the doctors.

"Yes," the doctors said. "But take it easy on that foot."

    John took only    walks at first. He was taking it easy on his foot. But not on anything else. He went swimming and did other kinds of exercises. He exercised      his body cried for a rest. Some days later, he exercised a little    . In late summer John went back to    . He asked if he could practise with the football team. Football wasn't his favorite, but he had to get that leg     again! He worked hard. "No one pushed him as hard as he pushed himself," said one of his friends. "To    a champion fighting back is a wonderful thing to watch."

1.A. sorry      B. scared           C. alone                   D. tired

2.A. thought    B. talked            C. heard                     D. moved

3.A. broken    B. lost                   C. missing             D. dead

4.A. face      B. foot             C. eyes              D. leg

5.A. make     B. use                     C. agree             D. do

6.A. Nothing   B. Anything           C. Something                D. Everything

7.A. little         B. lot                   C. few               D. bit

8.A. chair     B. classroom        C. home                    D. bed

9.A. reached   B. called           C. left               D. found

10.A. short    B. long             C. quick              D. fast

11.A. a. after   B. if                C. until              D. when

12.A. later    B. better             C. more             D. less

13.A. school   B. hospital          C. shop                 D. church

14.A. thick    B. strong           C. straight                      D. hard

15.A. look           B. hear               C. know                    D. see




Is it difficult for you to get up in the morning? Do you sometimes oversleep? Do you often     26     late? Yes? Then Hiroyuki Sugiyama of Japan invented a     27      bed for you. His bed will wake you up! Here is    28     it works.

There is an alarm clock and a recorder(录音机) in the bed. When the clock      29    a sound, you’ll have a few minutes to wake up. Then the recorder plays light music with a little girls’    30      voice. She says quietly, “Wake up, my dear.” A few     31      later, a second recording plays. It can be unpleasant sounds, “Wake up,    32     you’ll be late!”

If you don’t get up after the     33     recording, you’ll be sorry. There is a mechanical (机械的) “    34     ” in the bed. It can kick(踢) you in the head. Then the bed ­    35     for a few more minutes. What? You’re     36      lying in bed! Slowly the top of the bed goes     37     . The end of the bed goes lower and lower.     38      the bed is straight. You slide off(滑下)the bed and fall onto the    39      . You are     40     the bed and awake.

1. A. go home   B. go to school   C. go to bed   D. have supper

2.A. special    B. big           C. small      D. long

3.A. where     B. when        C. how       D. why

4.A. needs     B. hears         C. makes     D. gets

5. A. loud      B. unhappy      C. terrible     D. sweet

6. A. minutes   B. hours         C. days       D. weeks

7.. A. and       B. but          C. or         D. until

8. A. first      B. second        C. third       D. fourth

9. A. mouth    B. hand          C. arm       D. foot

10.A. asks      B. sleeps         C. waits      D. wakes

11. A. also      B. still           C. even       D. already

12. A. higher and higher    B. lower and lower

C. longer and longer   D. shorter and shorter

13. A. At first    B. At last        C. As usual    D. As well

14. A. bed       B. chair         C. table       D. floor 

15. A. in        B. on           C. under       D. out of



John Thomas was a student, but he had been a famous champion(冠军). Everybody at Boston University liked this tall, quiet boy. Once he was hurt, everybody at Boston University was      . People all over the country       about John Thomas and often asked, "Will he ever jump again?"

     John's mother went to the hospital to see her son. She looked at his       leg. Then she looked into his      . She knew what her son would      . "You're going to jump again, John, I know it," she said."      will be all right."

    If John hoped to jump again, he would have a      to do. He began at once. Even in his hospital bed John started to exercise. He used a wheel(轮子) and other metal things. Soon his      looked like a machine shop!

It was May when John      the hospital. "Is it all right if I go camping this summer?" he asked the doctors.

"Yes," the doctors said. "But take it easy on that foot."

John took only      walks at first. He was taking it easy on his foot. But not on anything else. He went swimming and did other kinds of exercises. He exercised        his body cried for a rest. Some days later, he exercised a little        . In late summer John went back to       . He asked if he could practise with the football team. Football wasn't his favorite, but he had to get that leg         again! He worked hard. "No one pushed him as hard as he pushed himself," said one of his friends. "To          a champion fighting back is a wonderful thing to watch."

1.A. sorry            B. scared            C. alone                  D. tired

2.A. thought       B. talked                 C. heard               D. moved

3.A. broken                B. lost                     C. missing               D. dead

4.A. face             B. foot             C. eyes               D. leg

5.A. make          B. use                     C. agree              D. do

6.A. Nothing         B. Anything              C. Something          D. Everything

7.A. little            B. lot                     C. few                 D. bit

8.A. chair            B. classroom         C. home                 D. bed

9.A. reached      B. called                 C. left                  D. found

10.A. short                 B. long             C. quick              D. fast

11.A. after          B. if                      C. until                D. when

12.A. later           B. better            C. more            D. less

13.A. school         B. hospital                C. shop                           D. church

14.A. thick           B. strong            C. straight                   D. hard

15.A. look              B. hear                  C. know                   D. see



     Tom was eight   1   , and he went to   2    near his house. He could go there and came home   3   bus
every day, but he always went to school and came home   4   foot. He usually came back on time. But last
Friday he came home late from school.When his mother   5   him, she said, "Why are you   6   today, Tom?"
"My teacher was angry( 生气 ) and made me   7   behind," Tom answered."   8   did she made you stay
behind?" " Because she asked a question in class," Tom said, "And   9   in class gave her the answer except( 除……之外) me ,"His mother wasn't clear (明白). "but why did the teacher make you stay behind? Why
  10  she make all the other children stay behind?" She asked Tom,"Because she asked, 'Who put glue (胶水)
on my chair?'"
(     )1. A. year old  
(     )2. A. the school
(     )3. A. by        
(     )4. A. by        
(     )5. A. saw       
(     )6. A. late      
(     )7. A. stay      
(     )8. A. When      
(     )9. A. anybody   
(     )10. A. did      
B. years old   
B. a school    
B. on          
B. on          
B. see         
B. early       
B. to stay     
B. Where       
B. somebody    
B. will     
C. year-old  
C. that school
C. after     
C. after     
C. looked    
C. later     
C. keep      
C. Why       
C. everybody   
C. didn’t  
D. years    
D. school   
D. in       
D. in       
D. look     
D. earlier  
D. to keep  
D. Because
D. nobody   
D. won’t

