The story is thrilling hardly any people believe it.A. such, that B. such, so C. so, that D. so, such 查看更多



Prana was a beautiful dog, whose name means “breath of life”. Although he died several years ago, I can still remember the days we spent together and what he has taught me about love.

I have two apple trees in the garden. Prana loved apples. When he went outside, he’d catch an apple and take it into the house to eat later. The apples had been on the ground and were often dirty so I wasn’t always happy that Prana had brought them into the house.

It was an autumn day in America, but it was very cold. A big snow fell and we had not done anything for its coming. On that special day, Prana went outside and I watched him through the window. I noticed that he was madly digging(挖) holes and bringing the apples to the ground so they could be seen above the snow. I did not know why he was doing this. He seemed to want to do something special.

When I called him back, he had his usual one apple in his mouth. About five minutes later, I looked outside. The garden was completely covered with birds. Prana had dug up all those apples for his bird friends to eat. He knew that they wouldn’t have stored enough food for the coming winter!

1.Prana was                .

A.the writer

B.a boy

C.a bird

D.a dog

2.I wasn’t always happy because                .

A.Prana loved apples

B.Prana caught an apple and ate it

C.the apples fell on the ground and were dirty

D.Prana brought the dirty apples into the house

3.On the snowy day, Prana                .

A.ate up all the apples

B.dug holes to put the apples in them

C.brought the apples under the snow to the ground

D.left the house and died

4.The birds flew to the garden to                .

A.look for Prana the apples

C.make new homes food for the winter

5.The topic of the story is about                .





The story is about a young student.She worked very hard at her lessons.She worked so hard that she became ill.She couldn't go to sleep at night.But when she got up the next morning, she felt very tired.
So she went to see a doctor.Hearing the student's words, the doctor said, "You are too stressed out.You must eat more yin foods like vegetables and tofu Besides(此外), you can try to count numbers when you are lying in bed.By the time you count one thousand, you will be asleep(入睡).I'm sure of it."
The next day, the student came to see the doctor again."Well," said the doctor, "How are you feeling today? "The student still looked tired."Not very well," she said." I tried to count one , two, three, four., up to one thousand.But when I counted five hundred and sixty, I felt sleepy.I had to get up and drink some coffee so that(以便)I could go on counting up to one thousand.But then I still couldn't be asleep.
【小题1】Why couldn't the young student go to sleep?

A.She was worried about her lessons.
B.She always couldn't finish her homework.
C.She worked too hard and became ill.
D.Her bed was too small.
【小题2】What did the doctor ask the young student to do?
A.To eat more yin foods and count numbers when she was lying in bed in the evening.
B.To exercise more in the morning.
C.To do more reading.
D.To take some medicine.
【小题3】What did the young student do after she felt sleepy?
A.She fell asleep.B.She got up to have some coffee.
C.She listened to some music.D.She got up to do some homework.
【小题4】What made the girl unable(不能) be asleep during the night after she went to see the doctor?
A.The doctor's adviceB.The student's lesson.
C.The student's illnessD.The coffee.
【小题5】If you are a doctor, what will you ask the girl to do?
A.I will ask the girl to do more homework every day.
B.I will ask her to go to bed earlier.
C.I will ask her not to do so much homework
D.Both B and C.


Mr. Smith is an Englishman. He teaches English well. His English classes are very interesting. He likes us and we like him, too.
Mr Smith has two children—Tom and Lucy. Tom is seven and his sister Lucy is four. Tom goes to school but Lucy doesn’t. Mr Smith likes to wear(穿 )a T-shirt and jeans(牛仔裤).Football is his favourite sport. After school we often have a basketball match. Sometimes(有时) Mr Smith watches and joins us. He plays basketball just for fun.
【小题1】Mr Smith is __________.

A.a Chinese English driver
C.a Japanese English teacher
【小题2】How many sons does Mr Smith have?
A.Only oneB.TwoC.ThreeD.Not any
【小题3】Lucy doesn’t go to school because ___________ .
A.she looks beautifulB.she is seven
C.she is only fourD.she doesn’t like school
【小题4】________ is Mr Smith’s favourite sport.
【小题5】The story is about _________.
A.Mr Smith’s sonB.Mr SmithC.Tom and MaryD.a basketball match


Everybody wants a new start for a new school year. So, students often go back-to-school shopping. They buy school things and shoes. But, the story is not so easy.

"Mum, I want this pair of shoes!"

"Dear! Those are 900 yuan! That is too __16___ !"

"But all the boys in my class wear this brand (牌子)!"

So the real story is: Kids___17____to catch up with school fashion.

Chinese students __18__ uniforms at school. Parents think all the kids look the same, but kids know the differences. The "rich" kids wear amazing watches, ride good 19__and use cool pencil cases. They show off their expensive things to 20__ kids. Then everyone else wants them too. For example, some "rich" kids use a pencil box that _21_1,000 yuan! It not only holds pencils, but also has a thermometer (温度计), a compass (指南针), a music box and even games in it! But think about it. Do you really need ____22___ a special pencil box? What can you do with a compass or a thermometer in class? They only distract (分散注意) you.

As for these "rich" kids, they are not rich at all. 23__ parents buy them all their school things. They may have an advantage now, but it won't last forever. If you want to show off __24__ money you have, you have to make it yourself first. So, study hard. You will get a great job in the future.

Parents should also learn __25___to refuse their kids' demands (要求). They should tell their kids: as students, what is really important is not school fashion but good school grades.

1. A. expensive     B. cheap            C. ugly             D. nice

2.A. hate          B. give up          C. want             D. get

3.A. put on        B. take off          C. buy              D. wear

4.A. cars          B. bicycles         C. MP3            D. CDs

5.A. another       B. the others       C. others            D. other

6. A. pays          B. costs           C. spends            D. buys

7. A. so            B. such           C. as                D. like

8.A. His           B. Her            C. Their             D. Your

9. A. how many     B. how much       C. how long          D. how often

10.A. how          B. what            C. why             D. where



Nat lived in a small town in England. He always stayed in England for his vacation, but last year he thought, “I’m never outside this country. All my friends go to Spain , and they like it very much. So this year I’m going there, too.”
First he went to Madrid (马德里) and stayed in a small hotel for a few days. On the first morning he went out for a walk. In England people drive on the left, but in Spain they drive on the right. Nat forgot about this and when he was crossing a busy street, a bike knocked (撞) him down.
Nat lay (躺) on the ground for a few seconds and then he sat up and said,
“Where am I ?”
An old man was selling maps at the side of the street, and he at once came
to Nat and said, “Map of the city, sir ?”
【小题1】Nat always spent his vacation______ . SpainC.outside his England
【小题2】One year, Nat went to _______ .
【小题3】The exact (准确) Chinese word for “busy” in this story may be “______”.
【小题4】“Map of the city, sir ?” means “______”.
A.Do you have a map of the city
B.Show me a map of the city, please
C.Do you want to buy a map of the city, sir ?
D.Do you want to have a look at the map of the city
【小题5】The end (结尾) of the story is ______ .

