Who found the money? 查看更多



The California Gold Rush of 1849 attracted (吸引) people from countries all over the world. Men and women came to the place hoping to find gold and become rich. One said in his diary, “My dream is to find gold so that I can make a new life.”

People’s dreams did not always come true as they had hoped. Firstly, the trip was very hard to make. People who came from the eastern United States faced a long trip across the country. People who came from Europe found it took six months to travel by ship to San Francisco. It was a dangerous journey.

 Then, when they got to California, most people found that mining (采矿) was a hard life. Few people made money by mining for gold. People would spend a short time in the mines. Then most of them went to the cities. San Francisco and Sacramento were growing cities then. It was full of excitement and easy for people to find jobs.

People who hadn’t found any gold in the mines were paid in gold for their work.

Most of the people who came to California could make a better living doing other work. After a while, some people decided to make the long trip home. Some traveled east to see more of the country. Others chose to remain in California and become part of its history.

64.  When was the California Gold Rush?

65.  Why did men and women come to California?

66.  How long did it take from Europe to San Francisco by ship?

67.  Why did most of the people go to the cities?

68.  What does the writer tell us about the history of California Gold Rush?


The telephone rang when Mrs. Gates was cooking lunch. Her son Bruce went to answer the phone. His aunt said she was coming to see them with her daughter that afternoon. Mrs. Gates was happy because she hadn't seen her sister for several months. She knew the girl liked bananas very much, but she was busy in the kitchen and couldn't go to buy any for her. She gave some money to Bruce and said, "Go and buy two kilos of bananas in the shop. "
Bruce liked bananas, too. He went out happily. Half an hour later he came back with a bag in his hand. Mrs. Gates weighed the bananas and found they were half a kilo short. She took the bag to the shopkeeper and said, "I sent my little son for two kilos of bananas, but you gave him only one and a half kilos!" "Have you weighed your little son yet, madam?" asked the shopkeeper, "My scales (秤) are all right.”
小题1:Who went to answer the telephone when it rang?
A.Mrs. Gates.B.Her sister.C.Bruce.D.The girl.
小题2:Mrs. Gates asked her son       .
A.to cook lunchB.to buy some bananas
C.to sweep the floorD.to play with his sister
小题3:Why did Bruce go to buy bananas happily?
A.Because he had money.B.Because he liked his cousin.
C.Because he knew the way.D.Because he liked bananas.
小题4:How many bananas did Bruce give his mother?
A.Half a kiloB.One kilo.C.One and a half kilos.D.Two kilos.
小题5:The shopkeeper thought that _     .
A.Mrs. Gates' son ate the bananas
B.Mrs. Gates' scales were wrong
C.Mrs. Gates had eaten the bananas
D.his scales were wrong


The night before Christmas a man punished his 5-year-old daughter for using up all of all of the family’s expensive gold wrapping peper (包装纸)._ _____was tight(紧张的), he became very _________when the child tried to wap a box to put under the Christmas trre .
However,the next morning the little girl who was ______with excitement,brought the gift box to her father’s bedroon and said to him ,“This is ______ you ,Daddy! Merry Christmas nad I love you !
The father was ____by his earlier reactions (反应) But,when he opened the box ,he found it ________and became angry “when you give someone a    . you should put _____inside the box !
The little girl looked up him_____around his little gittle said,“Daddy,it’s not empty . Last night I blew kisses into it ______it was all full
The father fell on his knees and put his_____ around his little girl He asked her to ______him for anger
After tjat, the father kept the little gold box _______his bed for all the years of his life Whenever he was discouraged or faced difficult ______,he would open the box ,take out a kiss and remember the _______of his beautiful child who had put it there
Choose the best choice from A、B or C according to the passage you read .
小题1:A.Life            B. Money          C. Air
小题2:A.anxious         B.worried          C. angry
小题3:A.filled           B.dealt            C. agreed
小题4:A.for             B. to              C. from   
小题5:A.educational      B. exhausted        C.embarrassed
小题6:A.empty           B.mystic          C.full
小题7:A.sadness          B.happiness       C. present
小题8:A. it               B.something      C.them
小题9:A.imoerssion       B.tears            C.sadness
小题10:A.until          B. as soon as        C.even though
小题11:A. elbow        B. hand            C.arms
小题12:A..forgivc       B. renenber          C.forget
小题13:A.at            B.near              C.by
小题14:A.triouble       B. decision           C.problems
小题15:A.kiss           B. love              C.goodness 


The Greens could not speak any English when they first visited New York. They wanted to walk around to see the   1   , so they thought up a great idea.   2   they left the hotel, they walked to the first street corner and wrote a note in their notebook.   3   they went on.They   4   the notebook would help them find their   5   back if they got lost.

After they walked for hours, they   6   that they had lost their way. They asked a policeman for   7   , but the policeman didn’t speak their language.

Later, they found a man who understand their   8   .They told him that they couldn’t find their hotel, but they remembered   9   corner the hotel was on. They showed the man the words in the notebook.The man began to   10   .

The words were “STOP” and “ONE WAY STREET”.

1.A.school                   B.country                   C.city                   D.factory

2.A.Before                    B.After                       C.But                   D.Because

3.A.Then                      B.So                          C.Although           D.As well

4.A.read                       B.thought                   C.liked                 D.looked

5.A.street                      B.road                        C.way                  D.hotel

6.A.remembered                                        B.thought of

C.looked                                                D.found

7.A.help                        B.money                    C.bus                   D.food

8.A.news                      B.situation(处境)  C.word                 D.language

9.A.what                      B.why                        C.which               D.where

10.A.talk                       B.cry                         C.speak                D.laugh


The weather in some parts of the United States changes a lot and often very quickly.

James and Jennifer were  36 from Nevada to Idaho with their five-month-old son. Shortly after they left home it began to snow. The snow was soon so 37 that it became a blizzard(暴风雪). The blizzard went on for many hours. By the time it was 38 , there was about 1.5 meters of snow on the road and it was 39  to drive. They looked around for a house to stay in, 40 they could see nothing. They looked for another  41 , but there wasn’t one to travel on. They  42 stay where they were. They stayed there for 43  days. They had very little to eat or drink. They ate some cookies they had in the car, and they even had 44 for water. Jennifer was able to feed her baby herself.

After five days, they knew they could  45 stay in their car. James made a large hole(洞) in the snow for Jennifer and the baby to stay in,and he started the long walk to 46 . In 22hours he walked over 45 kilometers. At last he got to the town of Vya. James was very 47 and could just speak, but he was able to tell the people in the town 48 Jennifer and his son were. The people in the town hurried to 49 Jennifer and her baby. When they found them, the baby was crying loudly. They took them to hospital, where the doctors 50  them.

Many people thought it was a miracle(奇迹) that the family didn’t die in such a blizzard.

36. A. driving   B.flying    C.walking     D.sailing

37. A. thin    B.strong    C.cold      D.white

38. A.back    B.near     C.over      D. out

39. A.safe     B.quick    C.dangerous    D. easy

40. A.and     B.but     C.so       D. or

41. A.town    B.person    C.hole      D. road

42. A.could    B.might    C.would     D. had to

43. A.six     B.five     C.three     D. two

44. A.fruit     B.cookies    C.snow     D.plants

45. A.no longer   B.as usual    C.later on    D.after all

46. A.make money  B.get help   C.see a doctor   D. repair his car

47. A.strange    B.interested   C.sad      D.tired

48. A.where    B. why     C. who     D. what

49 A.ask      B.visit     C.save      D. feed     

50. A. looked after   B.looked up   C.looked for  D. looked like

