10.A.I like football better.B.I like badminton best.C.Yes, I like football best.Ⅱ.对话理解.听下面5段对话.每段对话后有一个小题.选出最佳答案.听两遍. 查看更多



Hello, everyone! My name is Ken. I’m     1     years old. I was born (出生) in 1999.  My birthday is     2    . That’s National Day (国庆节). I like music very much and I     3     like sports.

My birthday is coming. My mother     4     buy a beautiful shirt     5     me. On Sunday, she     6     me to a big     7     store. There are     8     shirts and they are         9     blue, yellow and red. She selects(选了) a blue one. It looks cool.

My father gives me some CDs and a     10    . He knows what I like. He wishes(希望) me to play sports more. I am very     11    . And my sister, Monica, she is only two years old, so she can’t buy anything for me.    12     she sings a great song for me. It’s     13     fun. And I like her so much.

My parents want to have a     14     for me at home this year. My friends will come to it. We can play together. It’s very exciting     15     my friends in my house.

1.A. eleven    B. twelve        C. fourteen         D. sixteen

2.A. June 1st  B. July 1st      C. August 1st       D. October 1st

3.A. too       B. also              C. only             D. don’t

4.A. want      B. wants         C. need to          D. wants to

5.A. for       B. at            C. to               D. on

6.A. sells     B. takes         C. buys             D. brings

7.A. food      B. clothes       C. fruit            D. book

8.A. much      B. a little      C. lot of               D. many

9.A. in        B. on            C. to               D. at

10.A. pen       B. notebook      C. basketball      D. hamburger

11.A. happy     B. boring        C. interesting         D. relaxing

12. A. Because  B. But           C. Then                D. Next

13.A. only      B. not           C. really          D. a little

14.A. school day   B. birthday party

C. sports game     D. speech contest

15.A. to play with      B. to look for

C. to learn about       D. to listen to



(Miss Yu is giving a class. Suddenly some bottles drop out of a student’s desk.)

T: What’s the noise there?.

S: Sorry, Miss Yu. 1                                   

T: (Walking over to take a look) Oh, so many bottles.

S: I’m collecting bottles.


S: Because I want to make toys out of them.

T:3                           If so, why not put a big paper box at the back of our classroom? Then your classmate can help collect the bottles.

S: Thanks for your advice.


S: Yes, quite a few.


S: Of course, I’ll bring a few here tomorrow.

T: Perfect!

That’s an interesting idea.          We can’t wait to see the toys you’ve made.

Some bottles dropped onto the floor.  Can you show some to us one day?

Could you help us make some toys?  Have you already made some toys?

Why do you collect bottles?

B) 根据下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。

A: Hi, Bob! How was your last weekend?

B:6.                                        I really had a good time.


B: I played basketball.


B: Twice a week. I like it very much. How did you spend your last weekend?

A: 9.                                    

B: Sounds interesting. Do you often go to the mountains?

A: Yes. Once a week. 10                                                    

B: I’d love to. But I’m afraid I can’t go with you this weekend. Maybe next week is OK.



on, look, where, in, cases, picture, some, behind (在…后面 ), what, teacher's
What's this on the table? It is a 【小题1】__ of my new classroom. 【小题2】__ at the picture. 【小题3】__ can you see 【小题4】__ the classroom? I can see a 【小题5】__ desk in the front of the classroom. Some books are 【小题6】__ the desk. I can see two white 【小题7】__, too. There are【小题8】__ colored chalks (彩色粉笔n them. 【小题9】__ is the broom (扫帚)? It's 【小题10】the door. I like this new classroom.


Bruce is only an 8 years old boy.He loves the 33    very much.Many students in his class have pets(宠物), 34    he doesn’t have one.So he wants his mother to buy him a 35    .It’s Sunday today.Bruce and his mother go shopping.Bruce asks,”Mom,could you buy me a pet?”
“Let me see…What pet do you 36  ?”his mother asks.
“I want a  37   .I like it very much.”
“Oh,dear.You can’t have a pet monkey.It will  38  your bananas.”
“How about a panda?It’s cute.It’s my 39   animal.”
“A panda?No.It will drink your milk.”
“Well,”Bruce 40   a moment(一会儿).”Oh,I can have a pet elephant.It can’t drink my milk.It is very kind,too.”
“It’s so 41  and we don’t have a big room for it,”says his mother.”You can have a pet.It isn’t big,and it can’t drink your milk or eat your bananas.”
“Well,I know.”
42   is it,my dear?”
“Dad!Bruce says happily.

A.old B.youngC.bigD.nice
A.HowB.WhereC.Whos D.What


I have a happy family.  There    1    four people in my family. They are my father,   my mother,  my sister and    2   .  My father is a    3   ,   and he works in a factory(工厂).  He thinks it’s a boring job.  He wants   4   a policeman. My mother is a teacher.   She works    5    a school. She thinks    6    job is very interesting.  She  works hard and often comes back home late.   In her free time,   she likes reading    7    and magazines. My sister is    8   .  She is about one year old.  I am a student.   I    9    in a school.  I like singing.   I want to be a    10    when I grow up. 

1.A. be             B. is           C. am           D. are

2.A. I              B. my           C. mine         D. you

3.A. teacher            B. doctor       C. worker       D. clerk

4.A. be             B. is           C. being        D. to be

5.A. in             B. on           C. at           D. of

6.A. she                B. he           C. her          D. his

7.A. story          B. book         C. newspaper    D. books

8.A. old                B. young        C. busy         D. big

9.A. study          B. teach        C. play         D. work

10.A. singer            B. waiter       C. reporter     D. doctor


