9.You’d better us more details.A.tell B.to tell C.speak D.to speak 查看更多



选词填空 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)

argue with ,  divide into ,  prefer…to… ,  deal with,  vote for…,
be proud of,  look good in ,  cheer up,     pay attention to,  give up
【小题1】Simon ________ meat _______ vegetables in the past.
【小题2】When you feel stressed, do you know how _____________ the problems.
【小题3】I believe my parents _______________ me in the future.
【小题4】The teacher advises me ______________my spelling when I wrote.
【小题5】Many of his fans_____________ him online yesterday.
【小题6】The strange man likes _____________ others, so few people like him.
【小题7】He ______ a bag of cookies ______ three and shared it with them.
【小题8】_____________, You should believe yourself.
【小题9】You’d better not _________learning English. It’s very useful.
【小题10】The person with brown hair ____________  orange.


【小题1】When Li Na appeared, some of her fans jumped with _________ (excite).
【小题2】The second-hand smoke is also __________ to people’s health. (harm)
【小题3】Han Han is              known as a writer and a racing driver . (wide)
【小题4】Please check if the printer is __________ to the computer. (connect)
【小题5】My grandmother told me the sun _________ in the east and sets in the west. (rise)
【小题6】It's difficult for a common young man to            to buy a flat in modern cities. (买得起)
【小题7】Shopping online is more and more popular among the young at __________. (现在)
【小题8】Many rich Chinese families like to send their children to study __________now. (国外)
【小题9】You’d better buy some __________toys for your children as gifts during the festivals. (教育性的)
【小题10】They have a _________ research about how to prevent AIDS. (far)


1. 学校要举行一次艺术展览。
    The school is going to______ ______ ______ ______.
2. 这个大学生打算找一份做演员的兼职工作。
   The_____ _____is going to find a_____job______ ______actor.
3. 我不确定我能拿高分。
    I'm not_____ if I can______ ______ ______.
4. 你最好别让我们等很长时间。
    You'd better______ ______us______for too long.
5. 我想做我想做的事。
    I'm going to do ______I______ ______ ______.


1. 学校要举行一次艺术展览。
    The school is going to_______.
    The_______ is going to find a_______job_______ actor.
    I'm not _______if  I can_______.
4. 你最好别让我们等很长时间。
     You'd better _______us _______ for too long.
5. 我不会做我不想做的事。
     I'm not going to do _______ I_______ do.



1.Can you____ (help) me with my English?

2. Listen, who ____ (sing) an Swedish song?

3.They ____ (move) to Sydney last month?

4. Do you enjoy _____ (live) in the country?

5. You’d better ____ (not tell) him about it.

6. I ____ (be) more careful next time.

7. Summer ____ (come) after spring, do you know?

8.What ____ you ____ (do) an hour ago?

9. The best time ____ (visit) the farm is in autumn.

10. Thank you for ____ (teach) us so much.


