A. I’m Mr. Green. B. Who are you? C. Speaking, please. 查看更多




A.情景识图与情景应答 听句子或问题,从ABC三个选项中,找出与所听内容相吻合的图片或正确的应答语。(每句听一遍)

5ABusy. BSunday. CSunny

6ASorry, I'm not free. BWith pleasure. CNot at all

7AGreen. BOrange. CWhite

8AYes, I am. BYes, who are you? CYes, speaking

9AI am sure. BI don't like. CYes, please

10AYes, I will. BNo, I won't. CThanks, I will


11ADecember 24th. BDecember 25th. CDecember 26th

12AThe second floor. BThe third floor. CThe fourth floor

13AAt 620. BAt 630. CAt 640

14AIn a museum. BIn a library. CIn a bookshop

15ABy bus. BBy bike. COn foot


16MrsBrown has a lovely ________ as a pet

Adog Bcat Cmouse

17After disappearing, the cat comes back ________

Abefore lunch Bat lunch Cafter lunch

18The cat rushes into the room with ________ mice

Atwo Bthree Cfour

19Before anyone stops the cat, it puts the mice ________

Ainto the boxes Binto the chairs Cinto the plates

20From the story, we know there is a close friendship between ________

AMrBrown and the cat

BMrsBrown and the cat

CMrand MrsBrown

