27.―Is your toothache getting better? 一No.it’s .A.bad B.Serious C.worse D.the worst 查看更多




A: Hello. Ms Jiao. Congratulations on your success at the London Olympic Games.

B:           1         

A: May I ask you some questions?

B:            2        

A:             3       

B: I am from Harbin, Heilongjiang Province.

A:              4                 

B: I’m twenty- two years.

A: Thank you.

B:                   5             

A. You’re welcome.

B. How old are you?

C. Thank you!

D. Do you like English?

E. Where are you from?

F. When is your birthday?

G. Yes, of course.



A.What’s the population of it?
B.What is it famous for?
C.What’s the weather like in Shanghai in winter?
D.Is it in the east of China?
E.How old is it?
F.Where is your hometown?
G.Is Beijing bigger than Shanghai?
Betty:Hello,Tony.Are you from China? (1)_________________
Tony:Yes.I’m from China,and my hometown is Shanghai.
Tony:Yes,it is.
Tony:About thirteen million people.
Tony:No,it isn’t Beijing is smaller than Shanghai.
Tony:It’s very cold.
Betty:Is it colder than Beijing?
Tony:No,it isn’t.It’s warmer than Beijing.
Betty:Oh,I like Beijing better.



A.What’s the population of it?
B.What is it famous for?
C.What’s the weather like in Shanghai in winter?
D.Is it in the east of China?
E.How old is it?
F.Where is your hometown?
G.Is Beijing bigger than Shanghai?
Betty:Hello,Tony.Are you from China? (1)_________________
Tony:Yes.I’m from China,and my hometown is Shanghai.
Tony:Yes,it is.
Tony:About thirteen million people.
Tony:No,it isn’t Beijing is smaller than Shanghai.
Tony:It’s very cold.
Betty:Is it colder than Beijing?
Tony:No,it isn’t.It’s warmer than Beijing.
Betty:Oh,I like Beijing better.


1. The car is worth m_______ of dollars.
2. His uncle is carrying out a r_______ on the cause of cancer.
3. Don't draw on the p_______ walls.
4. You don't understand me in the s_______.
5. There are p_______ of eggs in the basket.
6. How is your son g_______ along with his English?
7. The dove (鸽子) r_______ peace.
8.  My throat is p_______ sore, and I am coughing very much.
9.  I'm sorry to b_______ you, but can you tell me how to do it?
10. You should not be too c_______ of success.


A.  My favorite subject is history.  
B.  When do you have history?
C.  I usually get up at six-thirty.  
D.  Why do you like history?
E.  Who is your history teacher?
F.  When is your birthday?
G.  What time do you usually get to school?

A: Hi, what time do you usually get up?
B: __1__
A: __2__ 
B: I usually gel to school at seven-thiny.
A: What's your favorite subject?
B: __3__ 
A: __4__ 
B: Because it's very interesting.
A: __5__ 
B: I have history on Tuesday ancl Thursday.

