32.一 ? 一No.I have a headache. A.What’s the matter B.How are you C.Are you okay D.How do you do 查看更多





(  )1.A.That’s OK



(  )2.A.Thank you

B.It’s a pleasure

C.The same to you

(  )3.A.Good luck

B.Sorry to hear that

C.I’m afraid not

(  )4.A.It’s Sunday

B.It’s June 18th

C.It’s my birthday

(  )5.A.sorry, I can’t help you

B.Not at all

C.What is it?


(  )6.How does Miss Wang usually come to work?

A.On foot

B.By bike

C.By bus

(  )7.Where is the woman from?




(  )8.What does the man tell the woman to do?

A.Drink some water

B.Have a rest

C.Take some medicine

(  )9.Why is the girl looking for a coat for her father?

A.For Father’s Day

B.For her father’s birthday

C.For Mother’s Day

(  )10.What did Nancy have for breakfast?

A.An egg and some milk

B.An egg and some porridge

C.Some bread and milk



(  )11.What did the woman buy?

A.A bike

B.A dress

C.A car


(  )12.What’s the matter with the woman?

A.She has a sore throat.

B.She has a toothache.

C.She has a headache.

(  )13.Will they go to the doctor’s together?

A.No , they won’t.

B.Yes, they will.

C.We don’t know.


(  )14.Why does the boy want to send his teachers cards?

A.Because Teachers’ Day is coming.

B.Because he will finish school next week.

C.Because he will go to another school next Monday

(  )15.What does the girl advise him to do?

A.To make some cards.

B.To ask his parents for some money.

C.Both A and B.


(  )16.Where does Mr.White work?He works ________.

A.in the factory

B.in the office

C.in the library

(  )17.How old is Mrs.White?She is ________ years old.



C.over 50

(  )18.After the old man gets up, what does he do then?________

A.Some reading

B.Some cleaning

C.Some morning exercises

(  )19.When does he leave the office?________

A.At half past six

B.At six

C.At seven

(  )20.After supper, Mr.White ________

A.watches TV

B.reads some newspapers

C.Either A or B



A.Do you have a fever?

B.I’m not feeling well.

C.But you’d better go to see a doctor

D.How long have you been like this?

E.Could you please go with me?

F.Maybe you’ve just had a cold.

A:Hi,Kate,you look so worried.What’s the matter?

B:__1__I’ve got a headache,a running nose and a sore throat.You know the A-

  H1N1 virus(病毒)is so scary.I am afraid…


B:No,I don’t.I took my temperature just now.

A:Don’t worry.A fever is the common symptom(症状)of the disease __3__

B:I hope so

A:__4__ You can get Some advice.

B:That’s a good idea.__5__

A:Sure.Let’s go.




1.A.It's important to eat healthy.

B.It's important to keep healthy.

C.It's important to have a healthy habit.

2.A.Lucy looks different from her sister.

B.There are no differences between Lucy and her sister.

C.Lucy isn't different from her sister.

3.A.Tom went home after he finished his homework.

B.Tom didn't finish his homework until he got home.

C.Tom did his homework at home.

4.A.I'm leaving for Beijing next Monday.

B.I'm going to Beijing next Monday.

C.I'm coming back from Beijing next Monday.

5.A.Tom forgot to call me when he got home.

B.Remember to call me when you get home, Tom.

C.Remember to call Tom when you get home.


6.What's wrong with Lucy?

A.She has a stomachache.

B.She has a headache.

C.She has a sore back.

7.How often does Tom go swimming?

A.About once a week.

B.Twice a month.

C.About twice a week.

8.What is Lily doing this afternoon?

A.Helping her mom cook.

B.Helping her mom clean the house.

C.Helping her mom wash the clothes.

9.What does the doctor tell the boy to do?

A.She tells him to drink more water.

B.She tells him to take the medicine once a day.

C.She tells him to have a good sleep.

10.How long did Linda stay in Beijing?

A.For five days.

B.For six days.

C.For seven days.


11.What's the matter with the young man?

A.He has a headache.

B.He has a toothache.

C.He has a fever.

12.What does the man need to do first?

A.He needs to make the toothache stop.

B.He needs to make himself warm.

C.He needs to have a good sleep.

13.How often should the man take the medicine?

A.Once a day.

B.Twice a day.

C.Three times a day.

14.When should the man come again?


B.Three days later.

C.A week later.

15.Where are they talking?

A.In the school.

B.In the shop.

C.In the hospital.


16.How does Mary feel these days?

A.She feels tired but excited.

B.She feels tired and stressed out.

C.She feels relaxed and excited.

17.When does Mary have a math test?

A.Next Monday.

B.Next month.

C.Next Friday.

18.What was Mary's grade in the last math test?

A.She got a C in it.

B.She got B in it.

C.She got an A in it.

19.What does Mary do after she finishes her homework?

A.She goes to bed.

B.She reads English books.

C.She does a lot of math exercises.

20.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Mary doesn't think she is improving.

B.Mary is good at math but isn't good at English.

C.Mary studies until ten at night every day.












6.A.My name is Mark.

B.I'm 12 years old.

C.I'm a reporter.

7.A.Thanks a lot

B.Me, too.

C.You are welcome.

8.A.Good luck!

B.No, a isn't.

C.It's rainy.

9.A.Nice to meet you.

B.That's OK.

C.I hope so.


B.It's great

C.I don't feel Hell.



11.What color is this pair of shorts?




12.When will Tim have the test?

A.On Saturday Morning.

B.On Sunday afternoon.

C.On Friday morning.

13.Where is Jack now?

A.in London.

B.In New York.

C.In Tokyo.

14.What’s the matter with the man?

A.He bas a sore throat

B.He has a headache.

C.He has a fever.

15.What is the machine used for?

A.Washing dishes.

B.Catching something.

C.Cutting apples.


16.Where was I playing football with my classmates?

A.On the playground.

B.On the street

C.In the garden.

17.Who took me to the hospital at once?

A.My parents.

B.My classmates.

C.The policemen.

18.During my stay in bed, some classmates ________.

A.sent me some flowers

B.called me every day

C.helped me with my lessons

19.Did I pass all the exams?

A.Yes, I did.

B.No, l didn’t.

C.We don’t know.

20.What will I do my best lo do?

A.I will give all my love to my family.

B.I will give all my love to others

C.I wil give all my love to my school.




1.A.It was long.

B.It was very good.

C.It was sunny.

2.A.That’s too bad.



3.A.She is shorter than you

B.She is a skater.

C.She is an outgoing girl

4.A.It’s five kilometers.

B.By bike.

C.Once a week.

5.A.Thank you.I like it very much.

B.Sorry, I don’t like it all.

C.Please put it away.


6.A She’s at home.

B.She’s at school.

C.She’s out in the street.




8.A.Ann’s school is very fine.

B.Ann’s school is very far from her home.

C.Ann’s home is near her school.

9.A.He had a bad headache

B.He had a bad cough.

C.He’s feeling well.

10.A.At home

B.At school.

C.At the doctor’s



11.What does Lisa have to do?

A.She has to come to the party

B.She has to see the doctor.

C.She has to look after her brother in the hospital.


12.Does the woman like talking too much?

A.Yes, she does.

B.No, she doesn’t.

C.We don’t know.

13.Who likes to make friends who are different from him or her?

A.The man.

B.The woman

C.Both the man and the woman.


14.How long is Maria staying in Hainan?

A.A week.

B.Two weeks

C.Three weeks

15.How will Maria go to Hainan?

A.By plane.

B.By bus.

C.By train


16.What is Lin Lao doing?

A.He is playing football.

B.He is playing volleyball.

C.He is doing his homework.

D.He is watching TV.

17.What day is it tomorrow?





18.What are they doing on the farm?

A.They are flying kites on the farm.

B.They are going to help Mr.Green feed the animals.

C.They are going to help Mr.Green water the trees and the flowers.

D.B and C

19.When are they leaving?

A.At about seven forty-five.

B At a quarter past eight.

C.At fifteen to seven.

D.It’s seven forty-five.

20.How do they get there?

A.Take a bus.

B.Ride bikes

C.On foot.

D.By boat.


21.What’s the matter with Mr.Green?




22.How does Mr.Green go to work today?

A.By car.

B.By bus.

C.On foot.

23.What does Mrs.Green do?

A.A teacher.

B.A worker.

C.A student.

24.How far is from Tom’s home to school?

A.1 kilometer

B.10 kilometers.

C.100 kilometers.

25.How long does it takes Tom to school?

A.2 minutes.

B.5 minutes.

C.15 minuters.

