18.She likes but she does n′t like . A.Chinese.English. B.math.Chinese C.Chinese, math 查看更多



1. 他和他的父母住在中国.
    He _____ _____ China _____ his parents.
2. 她15, 来自加拿大.
    She is fifteen _____ _____. She _____ _____ Canada.
3. 他喜欢打篮球, 不喜欢游泳.
    He likes _____ but he dislikes _____ .
4. 他们认为云南是一个有趣的地方.
    They _____ Yunnan is a very_____ _____.
5. 你经常给你的朋友写信吗?
    Do you often _____ _____ your friends?


1. _____ you _____ (read) this story book before?
2. My mother _____ (go) out .She 's doing shopping in town.
3. The car doesn't move. What _____ I _____ (do)?
4. It was seven in the morning and Li Ping _____(have)some reading at his desk.
5. Let's run and seen who _____ (get) to the finishing line first.
6. Little Tom _____(draw) every evening after supper but he _____ (not draw)
at the moment.
7. "Listen! Who_____ (sing) in the next room?" "Maybe it is Wang Lin. She likes
_____ (sing) a lot."
8. Lucy _____ (not finish) her work yet. She _____ (do) it now. I _____ (be)
sure she _____ (finish) it soon. After she _____ (finish) it ,we _____ (go)
swimming together.
9. The story_____ (happen) many years ago.
10. At night we can always see him _____ (study) in the room .




It’s said that the first types of clothes were made of 1______ skins.People started to wear clothes so that they could protect themselves from the sun,wind,2______ and cold.

Today,we can 3______ different materials to make different kinds of clothes.But clothes do 4______ than keep us warm in modern society.They can also 5______ people about our jobs,our culture,our bobbies and even our moods.For example,when we see a man in a uniform.we can know his 6______ from the uniform.When we see a woman in a kimono(和服),we may think that she is 7______.If a man always wears sportswear,we may think he is active and likes 8______ exercise.If a person always wears 9______ or pink clothes,maybe he or she is lively and easy-going.As the saying goes,“You 10______ what you wear.”



come, day, wait, good, time, healthy, hope, idea, welcomes, answer, sit, subject

Do you like sports? If your    1    is yes, sometimes you'll find it difficult to have enough 1     to do it even if it's on weekends. However, you don't have to worry now because of a "Sunshine Sports" program launched(启动) by the Ministry of Education.

It suggests students around the country have an hour of sports every    3   .The difference is that students will be able to do any sport they like.The idea is to make students happy and keep them      4      at the same time.

Han Jianwen likes the     5   .The 13-year-old girl studies in Shanghai Yangsi Middle School.Her school began the activity at the beginning of this term.Han and her classmates skipped rope(跳绳) together."We had a good time", said Han."It was     6     playing than having classes."

Wang Lichao     7     the idea, too."It's good to be able to breathe(呼吸) fresh air instead of     8     in the classroom."

Wu Jiantong's school in Liaoning already has something like a "Sunshine Sports" program.

From the beginning of this term, Wu and other students at her school have been jogging(慢跑) for 40 minutes every morning."It's tiring," said Wu."But we do feel healthier." "We     9

do what we want.The school says later we can skip rope or kick jianzi(踢毽子).I can't  10    !" she said.

What about your school? There must be more sports that interest you and your classmates.


A:  I'm ready to do some volunteer work for our city.  I'd like to work outside.
B:  You could help pick'up 1._______beside the streets.
A:   I could do that! But what could my sister do? She wants to volunteer, but she 2._______like
      to work outside.
B:   3._______?
A:   She likes to play with children.
B:   She could visit sick children at the hospital.  She could play games with them.-,
A:   4._______!Now, how about my mom? What can she do?
B:   Does she want to volunteer today?
A:  Yes, she told me she'd like to help homeless people.
B:   She could collect some clothes and put them in boxes.  Or...she could 5._______ food at the
      food bank.
A:  I think she'd like to.

