34.Tom′s brother breakfast at schoo1.A.doesn′t has B.have C.doesn′t have D.hasn′t 查看更多



Linda, Tom and Sally are my friends. Let’s go to their rooms and have a look!

I’m Linda. Welcome to my room. My English book is on the bed. My school ID card and the schoolbag are on the sofa. What are those in the bookcase? Oh, they are my tape player and some tapes.

My name is Tom. This is my room. Look! My keys are on the sofa. My red quilt is on the bed. In the bookcase is my brother Jim’s model plane. Where is my schoolbag? Oh, it is under the chair.

Hi, I am Sally. What can you see in my room? My computer is on the desk. My schoolbag is on the bed. The CDs are in the bookcase. What are those under the bed? Oh, they are three baseballs. They are my friend’s Alice’s.

1. Where’s Linda’s tape player?

A.On the bed.                           B.On the sofa.

C.In the bookcase.                        D.In the desk

2. What color is Tom’s quilt?

A.Black             B.Red              C.Blue             D.Green

3.  What’s under Sally’s bed?

A.Her schoolbag.                         B.Some CDs

C.Her computer game                     D.Three baseballs.

4.  Whose are the baseballs?

A.Linda’s                              B.Tom’s

C.Alice’s                              D.Sally’s

5. Who is Jim?

A.Tom’s brother                        B.Tom’s father

C.Linda’s brother                        D.Sally’s friend



Tom's brother is ______ than him.

A. out goinger      B. more outgoing      C. most outgoing



Tom's brother is ______ than him.
A. out goinger      B. more outgoing      C. most outgoing


Teens Talk


Lisa Black

Age 13

Mexico City, Mexico         “My favorite kind of music is salsa, and my favorite singer is Mare Anthony. Salsa is a kind of Latin music. Why do I like salsa? Well, it’s exciting. There’s always salsa music at our home. That’s because my parents love it— and because we live next to a salsa music store!”

Tom White

Age 14

New York City, USA             “What’s my favorite kind of music? I like all kinds of music, but my favorite is techno. It’s too cool! My brother hates techno— he thinks it’s terrible! He doesn’t understand it. But I understand his music either—he thinks country music is great!”

Linda Green

Age 13

Paris, France                     “My favorite kind of music is classical. My friends think I’m boring. but I think classical music is really cool. My mom and dad like classical too, and my dad has a great collation of classical CDs.”


1.Lisa Black likes salsa and she thinks it is ________.

A. exciting                B. terrible       C. boring

2.Tom White comes from_________.

A. Mexico City, Mexico     B. New York City, USA    C. Paris, France

3.Linda and her parents like music, and _________ has a great collation of classical CDs.

A. her brother             B. her mother             C. her father

4.Lisa Black is the same age as _________.

A. Linda Green           B. Tom White            C. Tom’s brother

5.The topic of today’s talk is about teen’s __________.

A. favorite collation       B. favorite music          C. favorite singer



There is a park near our school. We can see many trees and flowers there. We can see a hill behind the park, too. At the foot of the hill we can see a river. There are some boats on it. It is Sunday today. There are many Young Pioneers(少先队员) in the park. Some are walking and singing. Some are dancing or playing games. Ann and her sister Kate are flying a kite. Tom and his brother Sam are throwing a frisbee (扔飞盘). Their parents are sitting under a tree. All the family are having a good time.

1.Where is the hill?

A.Across from the river.                    B.Behind the school.

C.In front of the park                      D.Behind the park.

2.Who’s Sam? He is ______.

A.Kate’s brother    B.Ann’s brother     C.Tom’s brother     D.Jim’s brother

3.Do their parents come to the park, too ?

A.Yes, they do.       B.No, they don’t.    C.Yes, they are.       D.No, they aren’t.

4.What are Ann and Kate doing?

A.Singing           B.Flying a kite        C.Working          D.Throwing a frisbee

5.Where are their father and mother sitting?

A.Near our school.                        B.Behind the park.

C.At the foot of the hill.                    D.Under a tree.


