55.A.play sports B.goes to bed C.begins to workA Hello.I′m John.I′m short and little.My mum is tall and big.We are in the street now.We walk and walk.Then I see ice cream. “Ice cream .Mum.I′m thirsty.May I have it.please? “Sure.John. I eat some ice cream and I′m happy. “John.1ook at the toylion.It′s very nice.It has a big mouth.a small brown nose and two little eyes.Do you like it? “Yes.I like it a lot. Mum buys the toy lion for me.Then I go home with her.We are very happy today. 根据短文内容.选择正确答案 查看更多



It was a morning, about 8:30 am, when an old man in his 80’s reached my hospital to take care of his finger. He said he was in a hurry because he had an appointment at 9 am.

While taking care of his finger I asked him if he had another doctor’s appointment this morning, as he was in such a hurry. The old man told me no, that he needed to go to the nursing home to have breakfast with his wife. I asked if she would be unhappy if he was a bit late. He replied that there was something wrong with his wife’s mind and she hadn’t known who he was since five years ago.

I was surprised, and asked him, "And you still go every morning, even though she doesn’t know who you are?"

He smiled to me and said, "She doesn’t know me, but I still know who she is."

1.The old man went to meet his wife ___________.

A.in the evening      B.at night           C.in the morning      D.on weekends

2.The old man went to the nursing home to _____________ with his wife.

A.play sports        B.have breakfast      C.enjoy music        D.have classes

3.There was something wrong with his wife’s ____________.

A.finger            B.feet              C.heart             D.mind



—Do you know what they did yesterday?


A.play soccer      B.goes to movies      C.went shopping       D.stay home


Hello, everyone! My name is Ken. I’m     1     years old. I was born (出生) in 1999.  My birthday is     2    . That’s National Day (国庆节). I like music very much and I     3     like sports.

My birthday is coming. My mother     4     buy a beautiful shirt     5     me. On Sunday, she     6     me to a big     7     store. There are     8     shirts and they are         9     blue, yellow and red. She selects(选了) a blue one. It looks cool.

My father gives me some CDs and a     10    . He knows what I like. He wishes(希望) me to play sports more. I am very     11    . And my sister, Monica, she is only two years old, so she can’t buy anything for me.    12     she sings a great song for me. It’s     13     fun. And I like her so much.

My parents want to have a     14     for me at home this year. My friends will come to it. We can play together. It’s very exciting     15     my friends in my house.

1.A. eleven    B. twelve        C. fourteen         D. sixteen

2.A. June 1st  B. July 1st      C. August 1st       D. October 1st

3.A. too       B. also              C. only             D. don’t

4.A. want      B. wants         C. need to          D. wants to

5.A. for       B. at            C. to               D. on

6.A. sells     B. takes         C. buys             D. brings

7.A. food      B. clothes       C. fruit            D. book

8.A. much      B. a little      C. lot of               D. many

9.A. in        B. on            C. to               D. at

10.A. pen       B. notebook      C. basketball      D. hamburger

11.A. happy     B. boring        C. interesting         D. relaxing

12. A. Because  B. But           C. Then                D. Next

13.A. only      B. not           C. really          D. a little

14.A. school day   B. birthday party

C. sports game     D. speech contest

15.A. to play with      B. to look for

C. to learn about       D. to listen to



American boys and girls like watching TV. Some children spend six hours a day at school and four to six hours a day in front of the TV sets. Some children even watch TV for eight hours or more on Saturday.

Television(电视)is like books and films . A child can learn good things and bad things from it. Some TV programs help children to understand the news, the people and places from other countries. With TV, children do not have to go out to see films, they can hear interesting music or watch a game at home. But some programs are bad for children, so parents sometimes help them to find other interesting and useful things to do.

1.In America, some children spend eight hours or more _____ on Saturday .

A.studying                              B.playing games

C.watching TV                            D.helping their parents

2.With TV, children can ________ at home.

A.play football                           B.hold a sports meeting

C.see some films                         D.have a swim

3.What does the underlined word “programs” mean?

A.频道           B.节目           C.新闻           D.小品



Confidence is very important in daily life. It can help you to develop a healthy attitude. But how to be more confident? Here are some suggestions:

1.If you like singing, sing as much as you can. In some ways, a hobby can make you outstanding. And it will make you happy and confident.

2.Exercise makes you tired but relaxed. A strong body helps you be full of confidence.

3.Fear comes along with failure(失败). But it’s easy to overcome if you know that failure is part of your life. Try to start again and believe you can do better.

4.When you are not confident, you will speak in a low voice. Try to speak loudly enough so that people can hear you clearly. The high voice can help you become more confident.

5.Write down a list of things you did during the day to see how many things you have done well. Did you finish your homework?Did you tell a joke that made everybody laugh?

Give yourself praise(表扬)for the good things you’ve done.

A. Play sports.                           B. Pick up a hobby.

C. Speak loudly.                         D. Get rid of(消除)fear.

E. Ask for help.                          G. Find your advantages.


