How does the man go to the post office?A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. On foot. (三)录音中有一段对话和五个问题.听对话两遍后.从每小题A.B.C三个选项中.选出能回答录音中每个问题的正确答案. 查看更多



1. How will they go to the cinema?
A. By bus.
B. Walk.
C. Take a taxi.
2. How long will it take to walk to the post office?
A. 5 minutes.
B. 10 minutes.
C. 15 minutes.
3. Is his watch cheap?
A. Yes, it is.
B. No, it isn't.
C. It is very nice.
4. Why does the woman think Wangfujing Street is a good place to hang out?
A. Because people can buy many wo nderful things there.
B. Because people can have great snacks there.
C. Because people can see movies there
5. What can the man have if he wants to have lunch soon?
A. Pizza Hut.
B. Noodles.
C. Dumplings.


1. When will Mr. White come back?
A. About four.
B. Quite soon.
C. Right now.
2. Where are the two speakers?
A. At a cinema.
B. At a bus stop.
C. At a restaurant.
3. How will the man go to the post office?
A. By bus.
B. By taxi.
C. On foot.
4. Why was Jim late this morning?
A. His bike was broken.
B. The traffic was very busy.
C. He got up late this morning.
5. How does the woman feel?
A. Surprised.
B. Happy.
C. Angry.


1. Where is the park?
A.It’s across from the supermarket.      
B.It’s across from the post office.      
C.It’s next to the post office.
2.Where is the restaurant?
A.It’s near their home.          
B.It’s far away from their school.        
C.It’s near their school.
3. How should(应该) the girl go to the airport?
A.By bus.            
B. By taxi.          
C. By train.
4. What does Mr. Brown’s new house look like?
A.It is a great house with a beautiful garden.        
B.It is a great house with a small garden.            
C.It is a small house with a big garden.
5. What does the man mean(意思是)?
A.The city is very new.          
B. He doesn’t want to help the woman.    
C.He doesn’t know the way, either.(也)


1. What is the weather like?
A. Sunny
B. Rainy
C. Cloudy
2. What did the students do yesterday?
A. had an English class
B. played football
C. climbed the hill
3. Which is Betty's favorite animal?
A. a giraffe
B. a monkey
C. a cat
4. Where will Linda probably go?
A. To school.
B. To the hospital.
C. To the post office.
5. How is the woman going to Beijing?
A. Take a taxi.
B. Take a train.
C. By air.
6. Where did the girl go for Sunday?
A. To a park.
B. To the cinema.
C. To a school.
7. Where is the woman going?
A. The supermarket.
B. The bookstore.
C. The post office.
8. When is Lucy going to London?
A. On Sunday morning.
B. Tomorrow.
C. Next Monday.
9. Why does the man say sorry?
A. Because he is speaking too fast.
B. Because he doesn't know what to say.
C. Because he is speaking too slowly.
10. How does Jim usually go to school?
A. By bike.
B. By bus.
C. On foot.






5What did Simon borrow from the girl?

AA book

BA bike


6What did the boy advise the girl to do?

ATo ask the teacher for help

BTo forget it

CTo phone Simon


7Where are the two speakers?

AIn a library

BIn a coffee house

CIn a museum

8What is the man having now?

ACoffee with sugar

BCoffee and bread

CCoffee with milk


9Who does the girl want to speak to?




10When will the show start?

AAt 740 p.m

BAt 800 p.m

CAt 820 p.m

11Why should they take some money?

ATo buy the tickets for the show

BTo buy some food and drinks

CTo donate to UNICEF


12What will Linda probably do this summer holiday?

ATo go to Tibet

BTo go to Beijing

CTo stay at home

13Why doesn’t Mike need to stay in a hotel?

ABecause he has some close friends there

BBecause he can stay at MrGreen’s house

CBecause he will sleep in a tent at night

14What are they mainly talking about?

AThe plans for the summer holiday

BThe books to read in the summer holiday

CThe friends to visit during the summer holiday


15Where is the man going?

ATo a post office

BTo an electrical shop

CTo a cinema

16How can the man find the place?

AGo straight along the street to the end of it

BGo down the street and turn left, then go across a bridge

CGo down the street and turn right, then go across a bridge

17How long will it take the man to get there?

ATen minutes on foot

BTen minutes by bus

CTen minutes by taxi


18What’s the matter with the boy?

AHe has a headache

BHe has a cold

CHe has a toothache

19What does the girl want to learn?

ATo repair computers

BTo search the Internet

CTo make a birthday card

20What does the boy usually do online?

AHe visits some websites

BHe watches films

CHe does some shopping


21Where did the speaker learn the story of Wang Ling?


BIn the newspaper

COver the radio

22When did the accident happen?

AOn 2nd April

BOn 2nd May

COn 2nd June

23What was wrong with the old man?

AHe hurt his feet

BHe hurt his hands

CHe broke his leg

24What was Wang Ling recommended for?

AA study award

BA youth award

CA bravery medal

25What kind of person is Wang Ling?

AModest and hard-working

BHonest and shy

CBrave and helpful

