A. she B. he C. that D. it 查看更多



  A 14-year-old boy from the USA was described as a hero yesterday after he saved the life of a woman in another country.

Dean Bluey from Dallas,Texas,was a school boy who has much 31 in computer.One day,he 32 an email to a friend on the Internet.Suddenly he received a message saying “Help! Pain! Help!”."The message was from Finland, 33 kilometers away from America.

“I didn't know 34 I should do,”Dean said to a reporter afterwards.“It was really difficult to tell if the message was real.”So Dean did nothing at first. 35 the message kept coming.

“By then it was easy to see that someone was in trouble,” Dean explained. He  36 and discovered that the sender was a student called Tarja, who was alone in a university library. She was ill. What was 37 , there was no phone around her. Her only way of communicating with the world was by email. Dean got in touch 38  the police immediately. And they realized that the situation was quite serious. They called the police in Finland. Then an ambulance rushed to the library.  39 , she was still alive and was sent to the hospital quickly.

    “I'm glad she's OK,” Dean said. “It's hard to believe, but  40  saved her life.”

31.A.interest        B.interested       C.interesting        D.interests

32.A.sent           B.sends          C.was sending       D.is sending

33.A.thousand        B.thousand of     C.thousands        D.thousands of

34.A.how          B.what          C.where           D.when

35.A.So           B.And          C.But             D.As

36.A.telephoned      B.replied         C.found           D.talked

37.A.better             B.worse          C.harder           D.easier

38.A.with          B.on            C.to              D.at

39.A.Hardly        B.Happily        C.Luckily          D.Carefully

40.A.a boy             B.doctors         C.the police       D.email


  The doctor in a small town was standing behind his desk, cleaning something.On the desk there are some books.A young man came in and asked quite excitedly: “Doctor, have you anything to stop the hiccups (打嗝) ?” The doctor looked at him with a smile for a moment and suddenly slapped (给……一巴掌)him in the face with the cloth he held in his hand.“What do you mean by that?” The young man shouted angrily.“Why! I only asked you a question.”“That was the cure(治疗) for the hiccups,” the doctor explained.“Are they gone?” “No, it is my wife.My wife has the hiccups and she is out in the car.”

36.What was the doctor doing when the young man came in?

A.He was reading                     B.He was talking with others.

C.He was cleaning something.           D.He was making a phone call.

37.Why did the man go to see the doctor?

A.Because was ill.

B.Because he couldn't stop hiccupping.

C.Because his wife was ill in bed.

D.Because he wanted to help his wife stop hiccupping.

38.Why did the doctor slap the young man?

A.Because the young man was not polite to him.

B.Because the doctor was busy cleaning and didn't want to listen to him.

C.Because the doctor thought it would be great fun to slap the young man.

D.Because he thought the young man had hiccups.

39.How was the young man after the doctor slapped him?

A.He was happy because he stopped hiccupping.

B.He was angry and shouted to the doctor.

C.He went out without saying say a word.

D.He slapped the doctor.

40.What do you think the doctor would do after he heard what the young man said?

A.He would feel funny.

B.He would ask the young man slap him, too.

C.He would say sorry to the young man.

D.He would go and slap the young man's wife in the face.


One day something went wrong with a man’s bicycle chain(链条). The man could not repair it, so he looked    36   for help. The only house nearby belonged to a woman who had    37   there a few months earlier. The man knocked at the door, but the woman did not answer. The door had clear glass in it, and the man    38   see that the woman was home. He decided to knock again. Finally the woman came to the door. The man immediately explained his    39  . “I can fix the chain,” the woman said. Later when the bike was    40   to go, the man said, ‘Thanks. I hope I can help you some day.” “I never need help,” the woman said.

The following week the man was riding his bike    41  he noticed the woman walking down the street. A strong wind suddenly lifted her hat and sent it into the branches(树枝) of an old tree. The woman tried to get her hat with a stick, but she failed. She seemed    42   because she clearly was not dressed for tree-climbing. The man hurried over, quickly climbed up to the hat and    43   it into the woman’s waiting hands. When she put on her hat, she    44   the man as he climbed back on his bike. ‘I think I told you I never need help,” the woman said, “I’m glad you didn’t    45   me. Thanks.” Then they both smiled.































































     My name is Sam . I joined a club called  “ passing help ” last month . Now let me tell you why I joined it.

      One evening this May, on my way home my old car broken down( 出故障) . It was 25 miles from my home . I wanted to get a ride (搭便车), but there was no car . It was also hard to take a taxi . I decided to take a bus home .I went to a bus stop nearby .

     After a while , a bus came , but it did not go to my town .the bus driver was a   young woman . She was kind and she told me which bus I should take . I waited there for about thirty minutes , but no bus came . At last a car came to me and a woman came out of the car .She was just the bus driver.

     When I reached the bus station , I got to that the bus to your town couldn't  come ,so I returned here.I just can't leave you here ,” she said , “ Get in my car and I will take you you back to your home .”

      “ It is a long way .”I said.

      “ Come on ,sir, ”she said ,“ Let’s go.”

      On the way she told me a story . A few days ago, there wasn't gas(汽油)in her car . An old man drove her up to a gas station and then back to her car.

      When we got to my home , I wanted to give her some money to thank her , but she didn't accept her . “ I only want to help others and do something nice for somebody. Pass it along. ” She said.  

36.What happened to Sam one evening this May?

 A. He lost his way.                B. His car broken down.      

 C. He was hurt in an accident.       D. He couldn't reach the gas station.

37. Sam didnt think of going home__________ that evening.

 A. by train                   B. by bus

 C. by car.                    D. by taxi.

38. From the passage , we know that the young woman was _________.

 A.a club boss.                 B. a taxi driver       

 C. a bus driver.                D.a gas station worker.

39. The young woman wanted Sam to _________.

A.give her some money.          B. get on her bus.  

C. take her to her house.          D. help others just as she did.

40. The best title (题目)of the passage is ________ .

A. A kind old man.       B. Getting a ride.

C. Passing help.         D. A broken car.  



John Thomas was an 18-year-old student, but he had been a famous champion (冠军).  Everybody at Boston University liked this tall, quiet boy. Once he was hurt, everybody at Boston University was  36  . People all over the country  37  about John Thomas and often asked, "Will he ever jump again ?"
John' s mother went to the hospital to see her son. She looked at his 38 leg. Then she looked into his  39  .She knew what her son would  40 . "You're going to jump again, John, I know it," she said. "  41  will be all right. "
If John hoped to jump again, he would have a  42  to do. He began at once. Even in his hospital bed John started to exercise. He used a wheel(轮子) and other metal things. Soon his  43  looked like a machine shop!
It was May when John  44  the hospital. "Is it all right if I go camping( 宿营) this summer?" he asked the doctors.
" Yes," the doctors said.  " But take it easy on that foot. "
John took only  45 walks at first. He was taking it easy on his foot. But not on anything else. He went swimming and did other kinds of exercises. He exercised  46  his body cried for a rest. Some days later, he exercised a little  47  . In late summer John went back to  48  . He asked if he could practise with the football team. Football wasn't his favorite, but he had to get that leg  49  again! He worked hard. "No one pushed him as hard as he pushed himself," said one of his friends. "To  50 a champion fighting back is a wonderful thing to watch. ":


