---What happened to him ? ---Oh, he off his bike and his legs. A falls, hurts B fell, hurt C felt, hurt D fell, hurted 查看更多




1.He wouldn’ t allow anything to ___ (get in the way of) him doing his job.

2. He was late because his car ___ (break down) on the road.

3. ——The sports meeting might ___(put off) because of the bad weather. ——What a pity!

4. Can you ___(come up with ) a good idea to help her with her English?

5. ____(take it easy) ! He will come back here in half an hour.

6. The dialogue is ____ (make up) of three sentences.

7. Don’t touch them because they don’t ___ (belong to) you.

8. The teacher’s chalk _____ (use up). Will you please bring some?

9. ____(at present) everyone in our class is studying English hard for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

10. The evening party began with an English song and ____ (end up) with a dance.

11. Some boys were talking and laughing ____(noise) when the teacher came in.

12. March 12th is Tree ______ (plant) Day.

13. The more we get together, the ___ (happy) we’ll be.

14. Look! The boy ____(tie) the tree to the top of the stick.

15. The ____ (die) leaves fall on the ground in autumn.

16. _____ (thank) to your help, I won the prize.

17. No man has traveled ____(far) than the moon so far.

18.Do you know ___ (who) son he is?

19. Please keep your eyes ______ (close).

20.My father told me an _____ (usual) story.

21. Michael Jordan is my favorite basketball ____ (play).

22. My wish is _____ (go) to college when I ____ (graduate) from high school.

23. _____ (say) is one thing and ____ (do) is quite another.

24. Does Mr Smith likes us ____ (speak) to him in Chinese?

25.Can rice ____ (grow) in winter?

26. Dr Bethune ____ (know) all over the world.

27. Three ____ (multiply) by two is six.

28. The world’s population is growing faster and faster, we must do _____ (some) to slow down its increasing.

29. Lily writes the most _____ (care) in our class.

30. They never knew what ___ (happen) in a hundred years.



1. He was very _________ (surprise) when he saw the UFO.
2. How _________ (interest) the film is!
3. My mother was cooking while I _________ (do) my homework.
4. Yesterday evening I was playing the piano when the doorbell _________ (ring).
5. -Did you see a girl in white _________ (pass) by just now?
    -No, sir. I _________ (read) a newspaper.
6. What _________ (happen) to you on the night of October 24 ?
7. -Knowledge is power.
    -Yes. I think it is as _________ (important)as money.
8. It was fine when the plane _________ (land)in Beijing.
9. I saw two _________ (woman) teachers in the office just now.
10. Father was still sleeping when I _________ (get) up this morning.


【小题1】Which team do you think                  (win) the football final tomorrow?
【小题2】Jack,                  (not invite) strangers to our home. It’s dangerous.
【小题3】I don’t know what                (happen) to the girl. She looks so sad at the moment.
【小题4】Which do you enjoy                  (spend) your summer holidays, staying at home or traveling abroad?
【小题5】While Tom with his parents              (sweep) the floor yesterday, the telephone rang.
【小题6】-----Would you please show me your new radio?
----- Sorry, I                 (type) a letter. I can show it to you in a minute.
【小题7】It’s cheaper to send a text message than                (talk) on a mobile phone.
【小题8】He                  (throw) his coat on the sofa and went out.
【小题9】My brother will call me as soon as he                   ( reach ) there.
【小题10】It’s necessary to spend as much time as you can                 (speak) English in and after class.


【小题1】 -- Where would you like to go on vacation?  -- I’d like to go somewhere __________ (relax).
【小题2】 More and more foreign __________ (visit) are interested in Beijing.
【小题3】-- What ____________ (happen) to Jim last night?   -- He fell down and hurt his leg.
【小题4】The children were ___________ (happy) because they didn’t get Christmas presents.
【小题5】--_________ you ever _________ (speak) to a foreigner before?
-- No, I haven’t.


动词填空 (8分)

1.She'll stop to rest as soon as the work ________________ (finish).

2.Do you know what ___________ (happen) in a hundred years? ---Sorry, I don’t.

3. The life we were used to ___________________ (change) since 1978.

4. His family _______________ (argue) about the football final last night when I came in.

5. You                   (give) some advice if you ask your teacher for some.

6. Mum                (buy) herself an overcoat not long ago.

7. It is necessary for us ______________ (donate) some stationery for children in need.

8. Eddie shouldn’t worry about ________________ (not pass) the final exam.


