A. Did you go to Jack's Clothing Store? B. Why do you think so?C. How do you like Jack's Clothing Store? (三)听对话和对话后的问题.选择最佳答案.对话和问题读两遍. 查看更多




A: Hi, Tina. How was your vacation?

B:        1.            .

A: Did you go to the zoo?

B:       2.            . But I went to the aquarium.

A:       3.             ?

B: No, there weren’t any sharks, but there were some really clever seals.

A:         4.             . What else did you do?

B: Well,       5.              .



【小题1】A : Do you think outdoor ___________  are good for our health. ?
B: Yes, I often go hiking and cycling at weekends .
【小题2】A: Giant pandas are in ________ now .
B: Yes ,we must help them survive in the wild .
【小题3】A: Many animals lose their ________ because people buy furs.
B: I don’t think that’s right .
【小题4】 A: Did you go to the cinema last Sunday ?
B: No, I stayed at home and packed my bag ________ .
【小题5】 A: What’s Millie like ?
B: She is very ________ and often shares her food with us .


 补全对话 根据对话内容,从方框中选出适当的选项补全对话( 共4小题,每小题1分,计4分)

A: Hi, how was your school trip?

B:     1   

A: Did you go to the zoo?

B: No, I didn’t. I went to the aquarium.

A: Oh, it must be very interesting.     2   

B: No, there weren’t any sharks, but there were some really clever seals.

A: Wow, that sounds wonderful!     3   

B: Well, I hung out with my friends and I took lots of photos.

A:     4    

B: Of course. I’ll bring them to school as soon as they come out.

A: Thank you.

A. What else did you do?

B. Were there any sharks?

C. Then could you show me your photos next time?

D. It was fantastic, really fantastic.



A: What did you do after you got up yesterday morning?
B:  I 1._____ myface and quickly  2._____ breakfast.
A: Were you busy yesterday?
B: Yes, I was. I 3._____ my homework and then I 4._____ to see my friends.
     We went to the zoo 5._____ bus. In the zoo we 6._____ many animals.
A : 7._____ did you have lunch?
B: We had lunch in the park. We had milk and bread 8._____ lunch. When I got home, I was very
     tired  9._____ happy.
A: Did you go to bed early 10_____  late?
B: I went to bed early. I didn't watch TV last night.


A:    1     were you born, Dashan?
B: I    2     born in Australia.
A: Oh! So you weren't born    3      China.
B: No. l came      4    in 1996.
A: Hmm.You were pretty    5     .
B: Well, I was eighteen.
A: Did you go to college     6      away?
B: No. My Chinese wasn't very good, so I     7     Chinese classes for one year first.
A: Your     8      is really fluent now.
B:     9   .   Your Chinese is pretty good, too.
A: Yeah, but l was born    10      .

