A. A sweater. B. A T-shirt. C. A skirt. 查看更多



1. What does the man want to buy for his daughter?
A. A T-shirt.          
B. A skirt.            
C. A sweater.
2. What color does the man’s daughter like best?
A. Red.              
B. Black.            
C. White.
3. How much is the T-shirt?
A. It’s 20 dollars.      
B. It’s 50 dollars.        
C. It’s 15 dollars.


One morning the Browns get up very early.They want to buy something in a new shop.They get to the shop at nine thirty. In the shop Mrs. Brown buys a shirt for their son, a skirt for their daughter, and a sweater for Mr. Brown.Mr. Brown looks at his watch.Then he says, “Oh, it’s twelve o’clock.I think we must go home now.It’s quite late.” So they go out of the shop and drive home, but they lose their way. 

    Mr. Brown drives along the street.He still can’t find the way.Then he drives up to an old man and asks, “Excuse me, sir.Where am I?”  

    The old man looks at him and their car. “You are in your car, sir,” he says.

1.The Browns go shopping          .

A.by bus         B.by bike               C.on foot             D.by car

2.They buy some          in the shop.

A.food         B.drink              C.clothes          D.cars

3.They are in the shop for about          .

A.two hours    B.two hours and a half  C.three hours       D.fours hours

4.In the story “lose their way” means          in Chinese.

A.迷路            B.问路               C.没有办法         D.按原路


             Xinhua Clothes Store

Clothes Color Price
skirt yellow, blue, black ¥36
shortsblack  blue, white, yellow ¥35
shoes 35white, black ¥43
sweater 43red, white, green ¥32
T-shirt  blue, green, yellow ¥28
1. The store has _____  kinds (种类) of things to sell.
    A. three
    B. four
    C. five
2. You can't buy _____ in Xinhua Clothes Store.
    A. skirts
    B. socks
    C. T-shirts
3. There're _____ in Xinhua Clothes Store.
    A. black sweaters
    B. green shoes
    C. yellow skirts
4. How much are two skirts and a pair of (双) shoes?
    A. ¥ 113.
    B. ¥ 114.
    C. ¥115.
5. If (如果) you only have¥60, you can buy _____.
    A. a sweater and a T-shirt
    B. a skirt and a sweater
    C. a pair of shorts and a pair of shoes


      One morning Mr and Mrs Brown get up very early. After they have breakfast, they go shopping at seven
thirty. They get to the shop at seven fifty. In the shop they see a lot of clothes. Mrs Brown likes them. So she
buys a shirt for her son, a skirt for her daughter, and a sweater for Mr Brown. She buys a blouse for herself,
      The shopping bag is full now. Mr Brown looks at his watch. Then he says, "Oh, it's twelve o'clock. I
think we must go home now. It's quite late." So they go out of the shop and begin to go home, but they lose
their way. 
       Mr Brown drives along the street. He can't find the way. Then he drives over to an old man and asks,
"Excuse me. Where am I?" 
      The old man looks at him and their car. "You're in your car, sir." he says.
1. Mr and Mrs Brown go shopping _______.
[     ]
A. by bus
B. by bike
C. on foot
D. by car
2. They buy some _______ in the shop.
[     ]
A. food
B. drink
C. clothes
D. cars
3. They are in the shop for about _______.
[     ]
A. ten minutes
B. four hours and a half
C. four hours and ten minutes
D. five hours
4. In the story "lose their way" means _______.
[     ]
A. 迷路
B. 问路
C. 没有办法
D. 按原路
5. Does the old man help them?
[     ]
A. Yes, he does.
B. No, he doesn't.
C. I think so.
D. We don't know.


     The following is from Priory School-a British middle school about school uniform.
                                                  Priory School Uniform Rules
     Priory School uniform is simple, neat (整洁的) and practical. We have found that parents and students
appreciate our dress ideas below.
     Priory School uniform is produced in Wards, High Street, Lewes.
     Compulsory(必须的)for all years
     Shirt Either a white school shirt, or a simple white "polo"shin (no logos) (元商标) under the sweater.
     Trousers Black. "school uniform" type. Not jeans or fashion trousers.
     Skirt-girls Black, simple, knee-length regulation school skirt. (Not fashion wear.)
     Shoes Simple black leather (皮革的), or leather-like shoes with no patterns, colours, logos, or coloured
     Optional (可选择的)
     Sweatshirt A black sweatshirt with "Priory School" woven in it.
     Sweater A black fine-knit v-neck sweater with "Priory School" woven in it.
     T-shirt If students wish to wear a T-shirt under the school shirt, it must be simple white; no ron-neck
sweaters should be worn.
     Coat Coats should NOT be worn in school.
     Socks Black, grey or white. Girls may wear black or grey warm tights in cold weather.
     Jewellery None except very small sleepers (小耳环), one for each ear-for safety reasons. Rings sets of
earrings, large earrings, nose, tongue and eyebrow rings must not be worn. No jewellery may be worn during
PE, or similar lessons.
     Clothes of famous logos should not be brought to school.
     All students are expected to be arrive with the correct dress for PE lessons. Health and Safety orders NO
jewellery of any kind to be worn. This includes any form of body piercing.
     To help make clear our expected dress ideas, designs anti models can be viewed on the school website
1. What's the parents' attitude towards Priory School uniform ideas?
A. They agree.
B. They don't agree.
C. They are not sure.
D. We are not sure
2. "Lewes" in the passage above is probably the name of _____.
A. a head teacher of the school
B. a producer or a company
C. a middle school
D. a city or a town
3. Which is a proper costume for a student in Priory School?
A. A white shirt,jeans and black shoes.
B. A pink T-shirk a black skirt and grey socks.
C. A white T-shirk black trousers of "school uniform" type and very small earrings.
D. A coat trendy black trousers and black leather shoes.
4. The students in Priory School can wear _____ in PE lessons.
A. a school shirt
B. rings
C. nose piercing
D. Adidas sports shoes
5. According to the instructions above, if you want more information about the school uniform, you can _____.
A. make a telephone
B. surf the Internet
C. send an email
D. write a letter

