--When is your birthday? --My birthday is . A. October eleven B. eleven October C. October eleventh 查看更多



—When is your birt,hday?              
—It ' s _____April  26th.             
[     ]
A in                
B. at                  
C. on


----When is your father going to Hong Kong?

---- He is going there         the morning of November 10th.







1—When is your first class?

—It’s at 8:20 am.

A. What’s the time     B. What time            C. Where            D. Why



【小题1】When is your birthday?
A. age                B. date of birth       C. day
【小题2】How old is he?
A. How is he          B. How old is she      C. What's his age
【小题3】What time does she play basketball?
A. Where              B. When               C. What
【小题4】I often have lunch at 12:00.
A. eat                 B. eats                C. has
【小题5】She is 9 years old.
A. She is 8 years old  B. Her age is 9        C. I am 9 years old


A: Hey, Robert! Wait a minute.
B: What’s the matter, John?
A: 【小题1】________
B: Of course I can. What can I do for you?
A: 【小题2】________
B: Your birthday is next Saturday. We have more than a week to get ready for your party.
A: Yes, you are right. I want to write some invitation cards today.
B: That’s great. 【小题3】___________
A: 【小题4】My handwriting is bad, so I want you to write them for me.
B: OK. 【小题5】________You should practice writing to improve (提高) your handwriting.
A: Thank you very much. I’ll do my best.

A. Some friends in our class.
B. I’ll get to your house at about eight.
C. Can you come to my house and help me?   
D. When is your birthday?
E. I want to have a birthday party.
F. How old are you?
G. Who are you going to invite?

