A. luckily B. carefully C. hardly D. badly 查看更多



One day, there was a teacher - parent meeting in Jim' s school. Jim felt   1    .He didn't want his classmates and teacher to meet his   2    because there was a scar(伤疤) on his mother' s    3    . He didn’t want to know about the scar and his mother never told him about it.

At the meeting Jim sat in the back row, but he could still    4     the teacher talking with his mother. The teacher asked    5    , "How did you get the scar on your face?" The mother replied, "When my son was a baby, his room caught fire. Everyone was too    6     to go in. I rushed in. As I was running to his bed, I saw a long piece of    7     coming down and I threw    8     over my son, trying to protect him. I was knocked on the face, but my son was      9  ." She pointed to her face. "This scar will be lasting, but to this day, I have never felt sorry about what I did."

At this time, Jim came    10    . He ran to his mother with tears in his eyes. Now he felt his mother was the most beautiful woman.

l. A. happy              B. pleased             C. worried            D. glad

2 A. mother             B. father               C. brother             D. friends

3. A. foot               B. hand               C. leg                D. face

4. A. hear               B. like                 C. agree              D. stop

5. A. luckily               B. carefully              C. hardly               D. badly

6. A. interested           B. weak               C. frightened           D. busy

7. A. bread             B. paper              C. wood              D. glasses

8. A. her                B. him                C. myself             D. it

9. A. died              B. saved              C. sleeping           D. broken

10. A. out              B. down               C. from              D. back


One day, there was a teacher--parent meeting in Jim's school. Jim felt   1  . He didn't want his classmates and teacher to meet his   2  because there was a scar(疤痕)on his mother's        . He didn't want to know about the scar and his mother never told him about it.

      At the meeting Jim sat in the back row, but he could still  4  the teacher talking with his mother. The teacher asked   5   , "How did you get the scar on your face?" The mother replied, "When my son was a baby, his room caught fire. Everyone was too  6  to go in. I rushed in. As I was running to his bed, I saw a long piece of   7   coming down and I threw  8   over my son, trying to protect him. I was knocked on the face, but my son was  9   " She pointed to her face. "This scar will be lasting, but to this day, I have never felt sorry about what I did. "

     At this time, Jim came out. He ran   10  his mother with tears in his eyes. Now he felt his mother was the most beautiful woman.

     1. A. happy '        B. pleased         C. worried        D. glad

     2. A. mother        B. father          C. brother         D. friends

     3. A. foot           B. hand          C. leg             D. face

     4. A. hear           B. like           C. agree           D. stop

     5. A. luckily         B. carefully       C. hardly          D. badly

     6. A. interested       B. weak          C. frightened       D. busy

7. A. bread          B. paper          C. wood           D. glasses

8. A. her            B. him            C. myself         D. it

9. A. died           B. saved          C. sleeping        D. broken

10. A. to             B. down          C. from           D. out


 Dean Bluey is 14-year-old boy from the USA. He became a hero after he saved(救)the life of a girl in another country.

   A 14-year-old boy from the USA was described as a hero yesterday after he saved the life of a woman in another country.

   One day,he  46  an email to a friend on the Internet.To his surprise, he received a message, saying “Help! Pain! Help!”."The   47   was from Finland(芬兰), thousands of  kilometers away from America.Later Dean said to a reporter,  “I didn't know   48   I should do.  It was really difficult to tell if the message was real.”So Dean did nothing at first.  49   the message kept coming.Now it was easy to see that someone was in trouble. He   50   and found that the sender was a student called Tarja,   51   was ill, alone in a university library. What was   52  , there was no phone around her. Her only way of communicating with the world was by email. Dean telephoned the   53    immediately. And they realized that the situation was quite serious. They called the police in Finland. Then an ambulance(救护车) rushed to the library   54   , she was still alive and was sent to the hospital quickly.

 “I'm glad she's OK,” Dean said. “It's hard to believe, but   55  saved her life.”

1. A. brought      B. lent         C. sent            D. bought

2.A. speech       B. message     C. music           D. telephone

3. A. how         B. what        C. where          D. when

4.A. So           B. And        C. But            D. Or

5. A. replied        B. ran        C. walked          D. played

6.A. He           B. She        C. It              D. I

7.A. worse        B. better       C. harder          D. easier

8. A. teacher       B. friend       C. doctor          D. police

9.A. Badly        B. Hardly      C. Luckily         D. Carefully

10. A. fax          B. better       C. flight           D. e-mail


