9.A.a lot of B.1ots of C.a lot D.1ittle 查看更多




1.W_____out! The car nearly hit you.
2.Lucy sits in the m_____of the class.
3.His family has a s_____change.
4.We often have our lunch at n_____ .
5.People all over the world hope to live a p_____and wealthy life.
6.I enjoy the beautiful scenery in the v_____.
7.A dog is killed and there is a lot of b_____on the ground.
8.The baby is sleeping now. Please don't make any n_____.
9.The room was s_____after the party was over.
10.He died from a s_____illness.


     Hello, I'm Barry.I __1__ three friends. Their names __1__ Tom, Cindy __3__ Bob. I know what they
 __4__ . Tom __5__ apples.  But he __6__ bananas. Cindy likes ice cream and strawberries and she eats
 __7__ ice cream and strawberries every day. But __8__ doesn't like oranges. Bob likes eggs and
 tomatoes. He is a __9__ . He __10__ healthy food every day.
(     ) 1. A. have  
(     ) 2. A. is    
(     ) 3. A. but  
(     ) 4. A. like  
(     ) 5. A. like  
(     ) 6. A. likes
(     ) 7. A. many  
(     ) 8. A. he    
(     ) 9. A. run  
(     ) 10. A. eat  
B. has        
B. am        
B. and        
B. likes      
B. likes      
B. like      
B. a lot of  
B. she        
B. running    
B. eating    
C. am              
C. are            
C. or              
C. are            
C. is              
C. doesn't like    
C. a lot          
C. they            
C. runs            
C. eats            
D. is        
D. be        
D. of        
D. is        
D. are      
D. isn't    
D. a lots of
D. they      
D. runner    
D. isn't. eat


Once there was an old man in a town. He always forgot   1   things. So his wife always had to say to him, “Don’t forget this!”

    One day he went on a long trip (旅行)alone. Before he   2    home, his wife said, “Now you have all these   3__. They are what you need for your trip. Take care of your things during the trip.” He went to the station, bought a ticket and   4   the train with it.

    About half   5    hour later, the conductor began to see the tickets. He came to the old man and   6   , “Will you please show me your ticket?” The old man looked for his ticket in all his pockets, but he could not find   7  . He was very worried. “I can’t find my ticket. I really bought a ticket   8_ . I got on the train,” said the old man.

    “I believe (相信)you bought a ticket. All right, you don’t have to buy  9  one,” said the conductor kindly. “But how can I know where I’m going?  I can’t  10__  my station!” the old man said sadly.

1.A.a lot of              B.a kind of             C.a piece of           D.a pair of

2.A.got                  B.left                 C.went            D.moved

3.A.money               B.clothes               C.tickets             D.things

4.A.had on               B.went on             C.got on             D.passed on

5.A.a                   B.an                     C.the               D.this

6.A.say                 B.said                 C.says              D.saying

7.A.it                    B.this                 C.that               D.tick

8.A.when               B.till                   C.before              D.after

9.A.other                B.the other            C.the others           D.another

10.A.forget             B.get                 C.remember        D.see   


     The bicycle is one of the simplest yet most useful inventions in the world. What is most surprising
is that it was not    1    earlier, although the great inventor Leonardo Da Vinci had drawn pictures for
bicycles and also for flying machines and some other things. Those things were not produced    2   
long after he died.
     A person riding a bicycle uses    3    energy to make the bicycle move, and there is no pollution at
all when you are riding. Even so, in developed    4   , most people don't travel to work by bicycle. It
is not because the bicycles are expensive or people feel    5    if they ride to work. It's because    6   
cars on the roads becomes larger. It certainly becomes    7    to ride a bicycle. As a result, more people
put their bicycles away and go to work    8    their cars, and in this way, the situation is made more
serious.    9    the best way to make riding safer and more popular is to create paths(开设通道) only
for bicycles, and to make    10    so difficult and expensive for drivers to take their cars into the city
that they will go back to use their bicycles.
(     )1. A. invent      
(     )2. A. before      
(     )3. A. much        
(     )4. A. world        
(     )5. A. tired        
(     )6. A. the number of
(     )7. A. safer        
(     )8. A. by          
(     )9. A. Hardly      
(     )10.A. it
B. inventing      
B. until          
B. quite a lot of
B. countries      
B. glad          
B. a number of    
B. more dangerous
B. in            
B. May be        
B. them
C. invented      
C. since        
C. very little  
C. land          
C. sorry        
C. this kind of  
C. much dangerous
C. use          
C. Perhaps      
C. that


     We live in the "computer age (时代)". When people talk about computers, they often say that computers
can help people do ________ (1) work. It is very ________ (2) to work on the computer. Is ________ (3)
a computer in your home? What do you usually ________ (4) on the computer? Now a computer can do a
lot of work very ________ (5). Many students like playing computer games. They think computer games are
________ (6). Some students like music very much, so they often download music________ (7) the Internet.
Some students use computers for _______ (8) their school work. They get information about English, history,
maths and other subjects. Some students send emails________ (9) their friends. In some schools, teachers
use computers to teach, then students can ________ (10) their homework on the computer.
(     )1. A. lot of     
(     )2. A. quick      
(     )3. A. here       
(     )4. A. do        
(     )5. A. good      
(     )6. A. interesting
(     )7. A. in         
(     )8. A. studying   
(     )9. A. for        
(     )10.A. write      
B. a lot of  
B. quickly   
B. there   
B. play     
B. bad      
B. interested
B. of        
B. to study  
B. into      
B. writing   
C. a lot   
C. slow    
C. these   
C. use    
C. well    
C. interests
C. from   
C. studies  
C. to     
C. writes  
D. a lots of   
D. slowly      
D. those       
D. check       
D. nice        
D. interestings
D. on                                      
D. study       
D. at          
D. to write    

