5.Tom and Mike can speak a little English.B根据对话内容.选择正确答案:Mario:Tomorrowis my sister's birthday.She is thirteen years old.Tony:That's great! What's the date today?Mario:It's December the first.My sister likes a cake for her birthday.Let's make one.Tony:What? Can you make a cake?Mario:Sure.My sister likes chocolate cakes.So I make one every year.She says they are great.Tony:Well.Ok.What do we need?Mario:We need some flour.some chocolate and some sugar(糖).I have them here.But I don't have any milk.Tony:Let's go and buy some milk and make a cake!Mario:Happy birthday.Ellen.Do you like your cake?Ellen:It's great.Mario.Thanks!Mario:You are welcome.Ellen.But there is one thing.Ellen:What's that?Mario:Well.every year I make a cake.and every year you eat all of it.1 want to eat some.too.Ellen:I'm so sorry! You can have a piece. 查看更多



Tom and Mike are good friends.They are kind to children,   
They want to find summer jobs.One day Tom tells Mike that Beidaihe Kids Summer Camp needs help with sports, music and computers.They are both very glad to hear(听说)this. Tom can play basketball and volleyball and he can swim,too.Mike can play the violin,the trumpet, the drums and the guaitar.Tom and Mike like computers very much,Can they join the Summer Camp?
【小题1】Tom and Mike want to       . 
A.be good with children   
B.find summer jobs   
C.get help from the Camp   
【小题2】The Summer Camp needs help with        ?
A.Flying kites放风筝.   
B.Sports,music and computers.   
C.Drawing pictures.   
【小题3】Tom can play           .
A.basketball and volleyball  B.computer games  C.violin
【小题4】Mike can play           
A.the drums    B.volleyball    C.football   
【小题5】What do Tom and Mike both like?
A.Football.    B.Computers.    C.Swimming[来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。K]



Tom and Mike were good friends. Sometimes they were kind to each other, sometimes they were not. But some of their classmates said they were like brothers. One day they went out for a walk together, At noon they were very hungry and they went into a restaurant to have lunch. The waiter came up to them and asked, “What can I do for you?” “Please bring us two apples first.” said Tom .

When the waiter put two apples on the table; Mike took the bigger one at once. Tom got angry. “You are impolite(没礼貌)”.Why didn’t you take the smaller one?” Tom said.  “But I was right,” said Mike with a smile. “If I let you take first, which one will you choose?” “Of course I will take the smaller one.” said Tom. “Yes,” Mike said, “If you take the smaller one, the bigger one will be mine. Don’t you think so? ”  “Oh.” Tom couldn’t answer.

1.Tom and Mike were ________.

2.They went into a restaurant to __________.

3.The waiter brought them _______ before the meal.

4.Mike took__________ apple.

5.At last ________ had the smaller apple.




Tom and Mike are good friends.They are kind to children,   

They want to find summer jobs.One day Tom tells Mike that Beidaihe Kids Summer Camp needs help with sports, music and computers.They are both very glad to hear(听说)this. Tom can play basketball and volleyball and he can swim,too.Mike can play the violin,the trumpet, the drums and the guaitar.Tom and Mike like computers very much,Can they join the Summer Camp?

1.Tom and Mike want to        . 

    A.be good with children   

    B.find summer jobs   

    C.get help from the Camp   

2.The Summer Camp needs help with         ?

    A.Flying kites放风筝.   

    B.Sports,music and computers.   

    C.Drawing pictures.   

3.Tom can play            .

    A.basketball and volleyball  B.computer games  C.violin

4.Mike can play           

    A.the drums    B.volleyball    C.football   

5.What do Tom and Mike both like?

    A.Football.    B.Computers.    C.Swimming[来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。K]



Tom and Mike are good friends. They are good with children. They want to find jobs in summer vacation. This Friday Tom tells Mike that Sunson School Trip needs teachers to help with sports, music and computer. Mike is glad to know that.

Tom can play basketball, volleyball, and he can swim. Mike can play the violin, the trumpet, the drums and the guitar, and he can swim,too. Tom and Mike like computers very much. Can they join Sunson School Trip?

1.Tom and Mike are good               .

A.teachers          B.friends            C.children          D.musicians

2.What do they want to do in summer vacation?

A.They want to play computer games.          B.They want to go to a movie.

C.They want to find jobs.                   D.They want to go to school.

3.What kind of job can they do?

A.They can do the job of playing soccer.

B.They can do the job of doing Chinese kung fu.

C.They can be in the Rock Band.

D.They can help kids with swimming.

4.Tom and Mike like               very much.

A.playing volleyball    B.playing the violin    C.computers         D.dancing

5.Mike can             .

A.play the guitar      B.play basketball      C.play the piano      D.play volleyball



This is a boy. His name is Tom. He has a nice cat. It is an English cat. His friends are Lucy and Mike. They have cats, too. Their names are Mimi and Maomao. They are Chinese cats. The English cat is five. The Chinese cats are three. They like their cats.
Today they can’t find the English cat and the Chinese cats. They ask an old man, “Where are our cats?”“I don’t know.” he says. “Are they in the tree?” Tom and Mike ask. “Listen, listen!” Lucy says. “Miaow, miaow...”“Oh, over there.” They go to the tree, and carry(抱) them down.
【小题1】Lucy has a good English cat.
【小题2】Tom has two friends.
【小题3】The English cat is three and the Chinese cats are five.
【小题4】Tom and his friends have three cats.
【小题5】The cats are in the old man’s house.

