13.A.For about two years. B.For about three weeks. C.For about six months. 查看更多



As China’s national treasure,giant pandas are deeply loved by people.Almost all of pandas live in Sichuan Province in Southwest China.Pandas there are well—protected,especially baby pandas.Before the birth of a baby panda,the mother panda will find a cave and make it into a den with bamboo.The mother panda will give birth to the baby panda in September and later the den will become a room for the young baby.The mother panda will try her best to keep the den quite clean.For the first three weeks,the mother will hold her baby.After two weeks the colors(white and black) on the baby panda’s body will be clear.However,the baby won’t be able to go out alone until it is 3 months old.

A young panda starts to eat soft bamboo shoots by the time it is about six months old. Pandas’ food is mainly made up of bamboo.As time goes by,the little panda will go out for food with its mother.By this time,the baby is much bigger.The next spring,the little panda is really free from its mother and begins to live its own life.Usually pandas live to be 12—14 years old.In fact,it is hard to keep a young panda alive before it is old enough to live by itself.Nowadays the number of giant pandas is smaller than 1,000.

1.What does the underlined word“den”mean in the passage?

A.A kind of food for animals.    B.A baby panda.

C.A tool for fighting.           D.A hidden home for animals.

2.When do mother pandas usually give birth to baby pandas?

A.In August.    B.In September.C.In winter.D.In spring.

3.Baby pandas are         when they call get soft bamboo shoots.

A.about 6 months old    B.less than 4 months old

C.about 3 months old    D.1ess than 3 months old

4.In order to teach the baby panda how to find food,the mother panda will        

A.keep the den quite clean and stay with the baby all the time.

B.hold her baby for the first four weeks

C.give the baby soft bamboo before winter

D.go out for food with the baby when it grows bigger

5.What can we infer from the passage?

A.Giant pandas are a national treasure in China.

B.Many baby pandas die when they are young.

C.Soon the number of giant pandas in China will be large.

D.Most mother pandas don’t feed and raise their babies themselves.


    The Italian island of Sardinia recently lost its oldest person. Family members say Antonio Todde died in
his sleep early this month. Mr Todde was 112 years old. He was less than three weeks away from his 113th
birthday. Record-keeping experts say he was the world's oldest man.
     His long life and that of other very old Sardinians are the subjects of a scientific project (项目) called
Akea. Luca Deiana of Sassari University is directing (指导) the study. He says the name Akea comes from
a traditional greeting (问候) on Sardinia. It means "health and life for 100 years." Professor Deiana and his
team started to collect information for the study in 1997. They identified (确定)) more than 220 Sardinians
who were centenarians-100 years old or older. His team needed three documents to make sure a person's
age. They were a government (政府) birth record, a church record and a statement (声明) by a close family
     The Akea study has produced two major findings. The first is Sardinia's extremely high number of
centenarians. The island has about 135 centenarians for every one million people. In other Western countries,
the average (平均数) is about seventy-five centenarians for every one million people. The second major
finding is an unusual rate (率) of female (女性) to male (男性) centenarians. Sardinia has two women
centenarians for every male centenarian. In central Sardinia there are the same numbers of female and male
     Studies in other parts of the world have shown a much higher percentage (百分比) of female centenarians.
The Akea study collected information about the health and food of about 140 of the centenarians. About
ninety percent of those in the study also agreed to provide blood (血) for scientific testing. The study team
hopes to identify genetic (基因) material in the blood that can be linked to successful aging. Study leaders
say there is no single reason why people on Sardinia live so long. They believe the answer is a combination
(组合) of genetic and environmental conditions (条件).
1. Centenarians are people who are ______ years old.
[     ]
2. Akea is a scientific project about ______.
[     ]
A.Mr Todde's death
B.the long life of Sardinians
C.Sassari university
D.Professor Deiana
3. What is the general idea of the third paragraph?
[     ]
A.Sardinia has a large number of centenarians.
B.An unusual rate of female to male centenarians.
C.Two major findings of the Akea study.
D.Sardinia has equal numbers of female and male centenarians.
4. Why do Sardinians live so long according to the study?
[     ]
A.Because the environment on Sardinia is very good.
B.Because they have special genetic material in their blood.
C.Because they have a glass of wine every day.
D.Because they enjoy special genetic and environmental conditions.



  The Italian island of Sardinia recently lost its oldest person.Family members say Antonio Todde died in his sleep early this month.Mr Todde was 112 years old.He was less than three weeks away from his 113th birthday.Record-keeping experts say he was the world’s oldest man.

  His long life and that of other very old Sardinians are the subjects of a scientific project(项目)called Akea.Luca Deiana of Sassari University is directing(指导)the study.He says the name Akea comes from a traditional greeting(问候)on Sardinia.It means “health and life for 100 years.” Professor Deiana and his team started to collect information for the study in 1997.They identified(确定))more than 220 Sardinians who were centenarians --100 years old or older.His team needed three documents to make sure a person’s age.They were a government(政府)birth record, a church record and a statement(声明)by a close family member.

  The Akea study has produced two major findings.The first is Sardinia’s extremely high number of centenarians.The island has about 135 centenarians for every one million people.In other Western countries, the average(平均数)is about seventy-five centenarians for every one million people.The second major finding is an unusual rate(率)of female(女性)to male(男性)centenarians.Sardinia has two women centenarians for every male centenarian.In central Sardinia there are the same numbers of female and male centenarians.

  Studies in other parts of the world have shown a much higher percentage(百分比)of female centenarians.The Akea study collected information about the health and food of about 140 of the centenarians.About ninety percent of those in the study also agreed to provide blood(血)for scientific testing.The study team hopes to identify genetic(基因)material in the blood that can be linked to successful aging.Study leaders say there is no single reason why people on Sardinia live so long.They believe the answer is a combination(组合)of genetic and environmental conditions(条件).


Centenarians are people who are ________ years old.

[  ]










Akea is a scientific project about ________.

[  ]


Mr Todde’s death


the long life of Sardinians


Sassari university


Professor Deiana


What is the general idea of the third paragraph?

[  ]


Sardinia has a large number of centenarians.


An unusual rate of female to male centenarians.


Two major findings of the Akea study.


Sardinia has equal numbers of female and male centenarians.


Why do Sardinians live so long according to the study?

[  ]


Because the environment on Sardinia is very good.


Because they have special genetic material in their blood.


Because they have a glass of wine every day.


Because they enjoy special genetic and environmental conditions.


This course is for those who want to learn to type, as well as those who want to improve their typing. The course is not common. You are tested in the first class and begin practicing at one of eight different skill levels. This allows you to learn at your own speed. Each program lasts 20 hours. Bring your own paper.
Course fee(费用):$125         Matericls:$25
Two hours each evening for two weeks .New classes begin every two weeks. This course is taught by a number of professional business education teachers who have successfully taught typing courses before.
This twelve-hour course is for people who do not know very much about computers, but who need to learn about them. You will learn what computers are, what they can and can’t do and how to use them.
Course fee: $75  Jan.4, 7,11,14,18    Wed.& Sat. 9:00-11:30 a.m.
Equipment fee:$10
David is a professor of Computer Science at Beijing University. He has over twenty years of experience in computer field.
Do you want to stop smoking? Have you already tried to stop and failed? Now is the time to stop smoking using the latest methods? You can stop smoking, and this twelve-hour course will help you do it.
Course fee:$30   Jan.2--Jan 23      Mon.2:00-5:00 p. m
Dr John is a practicing psychologist who has helped hundreds of people stop smoking.
小题1:If you choose the UNDERSTANDING COMPUTERS course, you will have classes_______.
A.from Monday to Sunday
B.on Wednesday and Saturday
C.on Saturday and Sunday
D.from Wednesday to Saturday
小题2:How long will the STOP SMOKING course last?
A.For four weeks.B.For three hours.
C.For a week.D.For three weeks
小题3: Mr. Black works every morning and evening, but he wants to take part in one of the three courses. What is suitable for him?
小题4:If you want to learn about computers and the same time you want to improve your typing, how much will you pay for it?
A.$75B.$150C.$ 235D.$100
小题5:What’s the special difference between the TYPING course and the other two?
A.People with different skill levels may learn at different speed.
B.You will take a test after the course.
C.You will pay less money.
D.People with different skill levels must learn at the same speed.


Something was crying outside. So I went out to see what was happening. A big cat sat by the door. It must run for a long time as it looked tired and dirty. I let it in my house and took out some food; this poor cat ate all, but still looked starving…, so I got my own cats’ fish, and the cat ate that too!
My five-year-old son and eight-year-old daughter were interested in the cat. They bathed (给……洗澡) it and fed it more food. They wanted to keep it. But I didn’t agree. It was not because I didn’t love it. We already had 2 cats and 2 dogs and our house was not big enough to keep more. Another reason was that I thought maybe it got lost. And its owner (主人) must be worried about it. Then I posted notices all over the town in the hope of finding its home. I also bought an ad (广告)time on a radio station. Three weeks passed, but there was no response (答复).
Finally, I decided to keep the cat. Our house was small, but I would take good care of it as possible as I could.  
小题1:What did the cat look like when it came to the writer’s home?
A.Tired but beautiful.B.Cute and clean.
C.Dirty but lovely.D.Tired and dirty.
小题2:Why didn’t the writer agree to keep the cat?
A. The children liked to hit the cat.B.The cat was too small.
C.He wanted to help the cat find its owner.D.He didn’t like it.
小题3:What does the underlined word“starving”mean in Chinese?
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.At last, the writer had three cats and two dogs.
B.The writer’s house was too small to keep the cat.
C.The writer’s daughter is three years younger than his son.
D.The writer tried hard to find the cat’s home.
小题5:What is the passage mainly about?
A.Why the writer didn’t want to keep cats any more.
B.How the writer found a cat and raised 饲养 it.
C.How the writer’s family looked after a cat.
D.What the writer did to find the cat’s owner.

