They have seen many kind-hearted people in Binzhou they moved here. A. since B. after C. before D. when 查看更多



Many people say that they have seen flying saucers(飞碟)in the sky.   31  can these things be ?
Some people think that they are spaceships from other planets. Doctors   32  that perhaps they are only a weakness of the eyes. It is possible that they are our own planes   33  very high. Or are they birds with the sun’s light on them?
But some people say that they have seen them   34 . They have seen beings(人)get off them and walk around. They have   35   to those beings, sometimes in English. People have   36   photos of flying saucers and of these beings. We have seen the photos, but sometimes the people had to take them in a   37 . Children have seen flying saucers, and even dogs have seen them. Perhaps we do not think that the   38  of children, or dogs are important. But school-teachers have   39  seen them and Air Force officers and   40  policemen. Must we not listen to these people?
【小题4】 B.turnC.landD.move



Many people say that they have seen flying saucers(飞碟)in the sky.   31   can these things be ?

Some people think that they are spaceships from other planets. Doctors   32   that perhaps they are only a weakness of the eyes. It is possible that they are our own planes   33   very high. Or are they birds with the sun’s light on them?

But some people say that they have seen them   34  . They have seen beings(人)get off them and walk around. They have   35   to those beings, sometimes in English. People have   36   photos of flying saucers and of these beings. We have seen the photos, but sometimes the people had to take them in a   37  . Children have seen flying saucers, and even dogs have seen them. Perhaps we do not think that the   38   of children, or dogs are important. But school-teachers have   39   seen them and Air Force officers and   40   policemen. Must we not listen to these people?

1.A. How                           B. What             C. Which           D. Where

2.A. say                            B. prove             C. know            D. understand

3.A. rising                           B. flying             C. risen             D. flown

4.A. fly                              B. turn              C. land             D. move

5.A. flown                          B. gone           C. come             D. spoken

6.A. received                         B. bought            C. taken            D. sent

7.A. horse                            B. hurry              C. colour            D. way

8.A. opinions                       B. discussions        C. suggestions        D. needs

9.A. often                          B. hardly            C. also              D. still

10.A. yet                          B. even             C. so               D. then



Many people say that they have seen flying saucers(飞碟)in the sky.   31  can these things be ?
Some people think that they are spaceships from other planets. Doctors   32  that perhaps they are only a weakness of the eyes. It is possible that they are our own planes   33  very high. Or are they birds with the sun’s light on them?
But some people say that they have seen them   34 . They have seen beings(人)get off them and walk around. They have   35   to those beings, sometimes in English. People have   36   photos of flying saucers and of these beings. We have seen the photos, but sometimes the people had to take them in a   37 . Children have seen flying saucers, and even dogs have seen them. Perhaps we do not think that the   38  of children, or dogs are important. But school-teachers have   39  seen them and Air Force officers and   40  policemen. Must we not listen to these people?



one,  everyone,  usual,  for,  hundred,  fly,  look,  understand, study,be 
     There is something people didn't understand in the sky. The USAF (美国空军)     1      used the
words"Unidentified Flying Object" to describe them. Today      2     uses the term UFO.  When people
see a UFO, it is     3      a weather balloon (气球) or an airplane. But the Center     4    UFO Studies
continues to  receive     5      of reports every year.
     In 1947 a businessman and pilot, Kenneth Arnold.     6      near Mount Rainier, Washington when he
saw nine shiny, round objects flying through the air. He told a newspaper reporter that they    7      like
"pie plates  skipping over water". The reporter used the words "flying saucer" in his-story and today that
    8    a popular name' for UFOs.
     Now in different countries, many people     9      the UFOs. Some people make mistakes when they
say they have seen UFOs. But people still can't     10    UFOs clearly. It may take many years to find a
clear answer.


     Many people say that they have seen flying saucers (飞碟) in the sky.  1  can these things be?
     Some people think that they are spaceships from other planets. Doctors  2  that perhaps they are only
a weakness of the eyes. It is possible that they are our own planes  3  very high. Or are they birds with the
sun's light on them?
     But some people say that they have seen them  4 . They have seen beings (人) get off them and walk
around. They have  5  to those beings, sometimes in English. People have  6  photos of flying saucers and
of these beings. We have seen the photos, but sometimes the people had to take them in a  7 . Children have
seen flying saucers, and even dogs have seen them. Perhaps we do not think that the  8 of children, or dogs
are important. But school-teachers have   9   seen them and Air Force officers and  10  policemen. Must we
not listen to these people?
(     )1. A. How      
(     )2. A. say      
(     )3. A. rising   
(     )4. A. fly      
(     )5. A. flown    
(     )6. A. received 
(     )7. A. horse    
(     )8. A. opinions 
(     )9. A. often    
(     )10. A. yet    
B. What      
B. prove     
B. flying    
B. turn      
B. gone      
B. bought    
B. hurry     
B. discussions
B. hardly    
B. even      
C. Which     
C. know      
C. risen     
C. land      
C. come      
C. taken     
C. colour    
C. suggestions
C. also      
C. so        
D. Where       
D. understand  
D. flown       
D. move        
D. spoken      
D. sent        
D. way         
D. needs       
D. still                              
D. then        

