31.――Has the train arrived?――No.It here until one o’clock tomorrow.A.hasn’t got B.didn’t arrive C.won’t get D.didn’t leave 查看更多



Can you tell me_____________?

   A. when did the train arrive                          B. whether has the train arrived

   C. when will the train arrive                         D. whether the train has arrived



Can you tell me_____________?
A.when did the train arriveB.whether has the train arrived
C.when will the train arriveD.whether the train has arrived


Can you tell me_____________?

A.when did the train arriveB.whether has the train arrived
C.when will the train arriveD.whether the train has arrived


Can you tell me_____________?

A.when did the train arriveB.whether has the train arrived
C.when will the train arriveD.whether the train has arrived


Can you tell me_____________?

  1. A.
    when did the train arrive
  2. B.
    whether has the train arrived
  3. C.
    when will the train arrive
  4. D.
    whether the train has arrived

