21.The parents might be .Tom’s two important things 查看更多



Different from popular thoughts, sometimes flu(流感) is not caused by bad weather. It is caused by viruses in the body.  51  ,  A/H1N1 flu has been spreading in the most parts in the world. Some studies have now shown that one of  52  ways of spreading the viruses is through the air when  53  A/H1N1 flu-sufferer coughs or sneezes. However, its viruses can sometimes spread by  54 . After a flu-sufferer rubs his nose, the viruses might be spread to his hand. Then a friend 55 to visit him, they shake their hands. The friend then gets something  56  by hand, and several days  57, he is infected. A child  58  is carrying A/H1N1 viruses uses tissues(面纸) to clean his running nose, although his parents pick up the tissues and carefully throw  59  away, they fail to wash their hands, and they will catch the viruses, too. So it is important for you to wash your hands often, it will stop the viruses from  60  in a way.







A.more usual

B.the most usual

C.more unusual

D.the most unusual






















B.to eat
























B.to come


D.to spread



Different from popular thoughts, sometimes flu(流感) is not caused by bad weather. It is caused by viruses(病毒)in the body. 56 , A/H1N1 flu has been spreading in the most parts in the world. Some studies have now shown that one of 57 ways of spreading the viruses is through the air when 58 A/H1N1 flu-sufferer coughs or sneezes. However, its viruses can sometimes spread by 59 . After a flu-sufferer rubs his nose, the viruses might be spread to his hand. Then a friend 60 to visit him, they shake their hands. The friend then get something 61 by hands, and several days 62 , he is infected. A child 63 is carrying A/H1N1 viruses uses tissues to clean his running nose, although his parents pick up the tissues and carefully throw 64 away, they fail to wash their hands, and they will catch the viruses, too. So it is important for you to wash your hands often, it will stop the viruses from 65 in a way.

A.more usualB.the most usualC.more unusualD.the most unusual
A.eatB.to eatC.eatingD.eaten
A.comingB.to comeC.spreadingD.to spread


Did you know that a new weblog is being created each second? Many of these bloggers are teenagers. While their parents wrote in a diary to express their emotions, or shared their interests by spending time with friends, teens are now using blogs instead. In fact, in the US, one in every five school-aged teens has a blog. Most of these are just chatter, some are funny or clever, but a few have become Internet success.

For example, Chloe Spencer’s blog ‘Neopets Fanatic’ gets around 300,000 hits per month. When Chloe was 15, she started the blog out of her strong liking for Neopets, a kind of pet website. One reason her blog has so many visitors is because she gives instructions and tips for the popular pet site.

Then there is Tavi Gevinson’s blog ‘Style Rookie’. It is said to get 1.5 million hits per month. Tavi, who started her blog when she was just 12, puts up her photos of her own clothes online as well as designers’ collections. Tavi’s blog has caught on because she knows a lot about style for someone so young, and she is not afraid to try out unusual clothes or see things in a different way.

Blogs like these are interesting, but they only become really popular after better-known websites link to them or they get noticed by the media(传媒). For example, Tavi’s blog became an overnight(一夜之间) success after being written about in The New York Times. Popular blogs can even earn money, usually from advertisements that companies pay to put up on the bloggers’ sites.

So for some, blogging is just a recreation(消遣), but for others, it can become a source of income and even a full-time job!

1. Teens nowadays ________ than their parents did.

A. have more ways of communication?????????????

B. share their feelings more

C. write in diaries more often ?????????????

D. make more friends

2. In line 4, the underlined word ‘chatter’ means talk about ________ topics.

A. funny????????????? B. clever????????????? C. serious????????????? D. unimportant

3.Chloe Spencer and Tavi Gevinson are both ________.

A. pet lovers????????????? ????????????? B. teenage bloggers

C. interested in fashion????????????? ????????????? D. keen on taking photos

4. From the passage we know that Chloe Spencer is a person who ________.

A. visits many websites????????????? ????????????? B. loves pets

C. is easy to get angry????????????? ????????????? D. rarely gives opinions

5. According to paragraph 4, Tavi Gevinson’s blog ________.

A. is not well-known yet????????????? ?????????????

B. is written every night

C. became popular very quickly?????????????

D. got a lot of money from advertising?

6.The best title for the passage might be ________.

A. How to be good teen bloggers?????????????

B. How teen bloggers attract the media

C. Keeping diaries or writing blogs?????????????

D. Teen bloggers mean business



完形填空 (共15小题,计15分)

Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that thankfulness is indeed a virtue (美德).

— William Bennett

Thanksgiving Day was coming. The first grade teacher gave her class a fun assignment (作业) — to draw a picture of   1  for which they were thankful.

Most of the class might be considered poor, but still many would   2  the holiday with turkey and other traditional food of the season. These, the teacher thought, would be the subject of most of her students’ art. And they were.

But Douglas made a   3  kind of picture. Douglas was a different kind of boy. He was the teacher’s true child of weak and unhappy. As other children played at   4 , Douglas used to stand close by her side. One could only guess at the pain that Douglas felt behind those sad   5 .

Yes, his picture was different. When he was asked to draw a picture of something for which he was thankful, he drew a   6 . Nothing else. Just an empty hand.

His abstract (抽象的) picture caught the   7  of his classmates. Whose hand could it be? One child guessed it was the hand of a farmer, because farmers   8  turkeys. Another suggested a police officer, because the police protect and   9  people. Still others guessed it was the hand of God, for God feeds us. And so the discussion went on — until the teacher almost forgot the young artist   10 .

When the children had gone on to other assignments, she stopped at Douglas’ desk, bent down, and   11  him whose hand it was. The little boy looked away and murmured, “It’s yours, teacher.”

She recalled the   12  when she had taken his hand and walked with him here or there, as she had the other students. How   13  she had said, “Take my hand, Douglas, we’ll go outside.” Or, “Let me show you how to hold your pencil.” Or, “Let’s do this together.” Douglas was very   14   for his teacher’s hand. Brushing aside a tear, she went on with her work.

The story speaks of more than thankfulness. It says something about teachers teaching and parents parenting and friends showing friendship, and how much it means to the Douglases of the world. They might not always say thanks, but they’ll remember the hand that   15  out.

1.                A.anything        B.something       C.nothing   D.everything


2.                A.congratulate     B.spend          C.celebrate D.consider


3.                A.good           B.interesting      C.exciting   D.different


4.                A.break          B.rest            C.desk D.first


5.                A.noses          B.hands          C.faces D.eyes


6.                A.gift            B.person         C.hand D.turkey


7.                A.thought        B.description      C.respect   D.imagination


8.                A.raise           B.need           C.buy  D.show


9.                A.look at         B.care for         C.take away D.drive off


10.               A.himself         B.itself           C.herself    D.themselves


11.               A.said           B.asked          C.talked D.spoke


12.               A.chances        B.forms          C.ways  D.times


13.               A.much          B.many          C.often D.long


14.               A.thankful        B.helpful         C.careful    D.beautiful


15.               A.moves         B.holds          C.reaches   D.puts




Different from popular thoughts, sometimes flu(流感) is not caused by bad weather. It is caused by viruses in the body.  51 ,  A/H1N1 flu has been spreading in the most parts in the world. Some studies have now shown that one of  52 ways of spreading the viruses is through the air when  53 A/H1N1 flu-sufferer coughs or sneezes. However, its viruses can sometimes spread by  54 . After a flu-sufferer rubs his nose, the viruses might be spread to his hand. Then a friend 55 to visit him, they shake their hands. The friend then gets something  56  by hand, and several days  57, he is infected. A child  58  is carrying A/H1N1 viruses uses tissues(面纸) to clean his running nose, although his parents pick up the tissues and carefully throw  59 away, they fail to wash their hands, and they will catch the viruses, too. So it is important for you to wash your hands often, it will stop the viruses from  60 in a way.
A.more usualB.the most usualC.more unusualD.the most unusual
A.eatB.to eatC.eatingD.eaten
A.comingB.to comeC.spreadingD.to spread

