A. park B. market C. garden D. warm 查看更多



Two men, Mr Smith and Mr Martin were both badly ill. They were in the same 31 room. Mr Smith was able to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon. His bed was 32 the only window of the room. Mr Martin had to spend all his time lying on his back. The men 33 for hours without stopping. They spoke of their families, their times, their jobs...And every afternoon when Mr Smith could 34 in his bed, he would pass the time by talking to his 35 about all the things that he could see outside the 36. Mr Martin believed that his world was made “larger ” by the “colorful” 37 world. Out of the window was a 38 with a lovely lake. Mr Smith told Mr Martin about the beautiful ducks swimming freely on the water, happy children playing around, colorful flowers and big old trees around the lake. As Mr Smith told him all this, Mr Martin would close his eyes and tried to make the richest pictures for 39 in his mind…Days and40 passed, and finally, Mr Smith went back home. Then Mr Martin 41the nurse if he could move to the other bed. 42 for him, the nurse said he could. When everything was done, he tried hard to raise himself a bit to see what was outside. To his 43, as he looked out of the window, he saw nothing but a wall.

Mr Martin asked the nurse what made Mr Smith able to see so many wonderful things outside. The  44 answered that the man was 45 and could not even see the wall.

31. A. training        B. meeting       C. hotel         D. hospital

32. A. out of         B. next to         C. away from    D. well above

33. A. danced        B. sang         C. walked       D. talked

34. A. sit up         B. walk around    C. stand up      D. jump about

35. A. schoolmate     B. desk-mate     C. roommate     D. workmate

36. A. box          B. door         C. window      D. bed

37. A. foreign        B. outside       C. lonely       D. green

38. A. library         B. market         C. park         D. church

39. A. itself          B. yourself       C. herself         D. himself

40. A. weeks         B. hours        C. minutes       D. seconds

41. A. asked         B. thanked       C. told          D. invited

42. A. Unluckily      B. Happily       C. Worriedly     D. Seriously

43. A. happiness      B. joy          C. hope         D. surprise

44. A. patient        B. doctor      C. nurse        D. friend

45. A. blind          B. old          C. poor         D. ill


Mike always loves ships. When he was older, he said, “I’m going to be a soldier.” But his eyes were not very ___1_____, and he did not get in.
  Then he said,“I’m going to   2  a small boat and I’m going around the world.”But boats were very expensive, and Mike did not have enough   3   .
  Last summer Mike found a swimming   4    near his house. The lessons did not cost very   5   , and Mike began going to the school at every end of the week and having   6  . Now he is a good swimmer.
  Last week a little boy said to him,“You’re a very good swimmer. How do   7  learn to swim so well?”
  “I’m not good at all,”Mike said and he smiled.“  8  I’m in the water, I say to myself, There are   9  fishes behind me! Then I’m very afraid, and I    10   quickly.”
(       ) 1. A. big        B. beautiful   C. good         D. strong
(       ) 2. A. buy        B. make     C. borrow        D. draw
(       ) 3. A. food       B. work      C. time          D. money
(       ) 4. A. park       B. school     C. farm          D. factory
(       ) 5. A. much      B. little       C. many         D. any
(       ) 6. A. meals      B. lessons      C. talks         D. games
(       ) 7. A. I         B. they        C. we         D. you
(       ) 8. A. If         B. When       C. Though      D. Where
(       ) 9. A. interesting  B. nice       C. dangerous     D. different
(       ) 10. A. run       B. jump      C. swim         D. fly


Mike always loves ships(轮船). When he was a child, he said, “I’m going to ? ? ? a naval soldier (海军士兵) when I grow up.” But his eyes were not very ? ? ? , so he could not join the navy(军队).

?? Then he said, “I’m going to ? ? ? a ship and travel around the world.” But ships were very expensive, and Mike did not have enough ? ? ? .

?? Last summer Mike found a swimming ? ? ? . He didn’t have to ? ? ? much for the lessons, so he began going to the school on weekends. Now he is a good swimmer.

?? Last week a little boy said to him, “You’re a very good swimmer. ? ? ? do you learn to swim so well?”

“I’m not good at all,” Mike said. “ ? ? ? I’m in the water, I say to myself, “There are? ? ? fishes behind me!” Then I’m very afraid (害怕的), and I ? ? ? quickly.”

1.A. am????????????? B. is????????????? C. was????????????? D. be

2.A. big????????????? B. beautiful????????????? C. good????????????? D. strong

3.A. buy????????????? B. see????????????? C. show????????????? D. draw

4.A. food????????????? B. work????????????? C. time????????????? D. money

5.A. park????????????? B. school????????????? C. pool????????????? D. mall

6.A. pay????????????? B. use????????????? C. take????????????? D. send

7.A. Where????????????? B. How????????????? C. Who????????????? D. What

8.A. If????????????? B. When????????????? C. Though????????????? D. Because

9.A. interesting????????????? B. kind????????????? C. dangerous????????????? D. different

10.A. run????????????? B. ride????????????? C. swim????????????? D. drive



The story was a true one and still moved me deeply. Thirty years ago, I got to know a ____ lady named Rose, she had no kids and lived alone. ____ I went to visit her, I always took Rose some coffee and food. One day she said she wanted to____ me to have lunch.

We walked ____ my workplace to a little restaurant on David Street. On the way, I began to worry: I knew that she had no money, but if I offered to ____ the lunch, I was afraid I would hurt her.

There were many people in the ____, and all of them were happy. Rose told me to sit and drink coffee by the window. Then she went to ____ in the kitchen. After about 20 minutes, she came out and sat with me. She just paid for one meal and we started to ____ the delicious food together. She told ____ that the restaurant let people work for a meal if they had no money, or would give them a free meal if they were not able to work. To my surprise, she also explained that the workers ____ were working there were all volunteers.

I ____ remember the beautiful afternoon I shared with Rose. ____ we had a meal together only once, it was paid by Rose’s work. The weather was ____ and bright, and everyone’s smile was warm and bright too.

I’m still thinking that life cannot be easy to us, but we can still do ____ for our friends and neighbors. The world will be ____ if everybody would like to share happiness with others.

It will never be dark if there is a light in everyone’s heart.

1.A.poor        B. rich         C. outgoing           D. crazy

2.A. Unless      B. After        C. Unitl              D. When

3.A. invite       B. help        C. borrow             D. give

4.A. By         B. In          C. from               D. into

5.A. pay for      B. ask for      C. look for            D. care for

6.A. park        B. restaurant    C. hotel              D. bar

7.A. sit          B. rest         C. sleep              D. work

8.A. buy         B. cook        C. enjoy              D. drink

9.A. her         B. him         C. me                D. you

10.A. who       B. where        C. which             D. whose

11.A. never      B. still          C. hardly              D. already

12.A. So        B. But          C. Though             D. Because

13.A. hotter      B. cold          C. cool               D. warm

14.A. something  B. anything       C. nothing            D. everything

15.A. colder     B. nicer           C. harder             D. worse



Mike always loves ships. When he was older, he said, “I’m going to be a soldier.” But his eyes were not very ___1_____, and he did not get in.

  Then he said,“I’m going to   2   a small boat and I’m going around the world.”But boats were very expensive, and Mike did not have enough   3    .

  Last summer Mike found a swimming   4     near his house. The lessons did not cost very   5    , and Mike began going to the school at every end of the week and having   6   . Now he is a good swimmer.

  Last week a little boy said to him,“You’re a very good swimmer. How do   7   learn to swim so well?”

  “I’m not good at all,”Mike said and he smiled.“  8   I’m in the water, I say to myself, There are   9   fishes behind me! Then I’m very afraid, and I    10    quickly.”

(       ) 1. A. big        B. beautiful   C. good         D. strong

(       ) 2. A. buy        B. make     C. borrow        D. draw

(       ) 3. A. food       B. work      C. time          D. money

(       ) 4. A. park       B. school     C. farm          D. factory

(       ) 5. A. much      B. little       C. many         D. any

(       ) 6. A. meals      B. lessons      C. talks         D. games

(       ) 7. A. I          B. they        C. we         D. you

(       ) 8. A. If         B. When       C. Though      D. Where

(       ) 9. A. interesting  B. nice       C. dangerous     D. different

(       ) 10. A. run       B. jump      C. swim         D. fly


