-Oh, hi, Lucy! ? -Not bad. A. How it is going B. What are you doing C .How is it going D. What does she do 查看更多




A:Hi, Lucy. 1.    

B:I had a bad morning.

A:Really? 2.        

B:Well, first of all I overslept. By the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower.


B:So, after he got out of the shower, I took a quick shower and got dressed. 4.       

A:Oh, no!

B:Oh, yes! 5.         But when I got to school, I realized I had left my backpack at home.

A:No wonder you look stressed out.



Lucy: Hi, Ann!
Ann: Hi, Lucy. What would you like?
Lucy: 1______, I don't know.
Ann: 2______ sugar and milk?
Lucy: Oh, no! I like Chinese tea without anything 3______ it.
Ann: OK, here you are.
Lucy: Thanks.
Ann: Dinner is ready now. Come and 4______ a seat. Let's 5______ dinner together.
Lucy: Mum, the pizza with peppers and onions 6______ it is delicious.
Ann: I'm happy you 7______ it. But I like the mushroom and cheese pizza better. How 8______ the salad?
Lucy: It's delicious, 9______. Do you want some apple pies?
Ann: No, thanks. I'm 10______. I eat a lot.


W: Hi, Sam.
M: Hi, Lucy. Have you seen Peter?
W: Did you hear (1) _______________________________________________________?
M: No. What's wrong with him?
W: His leg was broken.
M: Really? (2)_____________________________________________________________?
W: A car hit him while he was riding across the street.
M: Oh, my god! (3)________________________________________________________?
W: After school yesterday afternoon.
M: (4)____________________________________________________________________?
W: He's in hospital. He must stay there for a few weeks.
M: (5)___________________________________________________. I hope he will get better soon.




 B: Hi,Betty.

 A: I have b____1___ a new stamp. It looks very beautiful.

 B: Really? Let me have a l___2___.It is really interesting.Do you have any other s____3____?

 A: Yes,I have a lot of stamps.My hobby is c___4___ stamps.

 B: Oh,that’s a good hobby.Many people enjoy it as w___5___.

 A: W___6___ your hobby?

 B: My hobby is collecting tickets.I have all k___7___ of tickets.Now I have l____8___ a lot from them. They bring me much knowledge.

 A: By the way,do your classmates have hobbies?

 B: Yes.Some like kites,some like dolls,and o___9___ like books.

 A: Different people have different hobbies.Hobbies can make people h___10____.

 B: That’s right.


Tom: Hi! Lucy! I haven't heard from you for a long time!    1  
Lucy: I started a new job as a computer sales woman six months ago. Last month I
went to Japan. 
Tom: Wow! Japan!    3   Tell me all about it.
I.ucy: I stayed there three weeks in a big hotel.
Tom:Oh, it must cost lots of money.
Lucy: Yes, but the company always pays for everything.
Tom:    4  
I.ucy: Well actually, Tom, that is the reason why I am calling you now. I need an
    Would you like to be my assistant?
Tom: Great 1    5  
Lucy: Tomorrow, if possible.
A. it was great.
B. When shall I start?
C. where have you been?
D. How long have you been there?
E. I'd love to have a job like yours.
F. Don't worry.
G. I don't like to go to Japan.
1.           2.           3.       4.           5.           

