Where did Jenny teach for many years before she moved to India? A. In Africa B. In America C. In Asia 查看更多



     Jenny was a very kind and beautiful woman and before she got married, many men werc in love with
her. Many of them wrote to her, telling her how wonderful she was, how much they lovcd her and wanted
to marry her.
     Jenny kept all these letters. She tied them up with a red ribbon (丝带) and put them away in an old
box. She never looked at them as she was happily married,  however. they werc a part of her life and
she did not want to throw them away.
     Jenny had a daughter. Sue was six. One day, Jenny had to leave Sue alone for half an hour. "Now be
a good girl," she said.  "Play quietly.  If you need anything, go to the lady next door."
    When she returned home, she asked Sue, "Have you been a good girl?"
     "Oh, yes, Mommy," Sue said.
     "What did you do while I was out?" Jenny asked her.
     "I played mailman," Sue told her.
     "How could you play mailman, darling?" Jenny asked. You didn't have any letters."
     "Oh, yes, I did, Mommy," Sue said. "I found some in an old box upstairs. They wer tied up with a
red ribbon. I put one in cvcry mailbox on the street. Wasn't I a good girl?"
1. Where did Jenny put her letters?
2. Why did Jenny neverlook at the letters?
3. How old was Jenny" daughter?
4. Did Sue go to he lady next door to ask for help?
5. What did Sue do while her mother was out?  




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Victoria Middle School Report

Student: Jenny Jones






Good work all year.



Does well in thissubject.



Very interested and very good job!



A little weak in this subject.



Not really interested and need improvement.



Captain of girls soccer team and on basketball team.

Total Grade



1.They are looking for _______.

A.a teacher

B.a reporter

C.an actor

D.a driver

2.Where can we read the first text?

A.In a picture.

B.In a dictionary.

C.In a newspaper.

D.In a storybook.

3.Whose school report is it?


B.Jenny Jones’.

C.Mrs. Brown’s .

D.We don’t know.

4. Which subject of the following was Jenny best at?





5. How did Jenny do in sports?

A.Very well.

B.With problems

C.A little weak.

D.Not interested at all.



A: Would you like a cup of tea?
B: No, thanks. 【小题1】_____
A: Fine. 【小题2】________
B: I went to visit a friend of mine.
A: 【小题3】_________
B: Yes, we talked a lot.
A: What did you talk about?
B: 【小题4】________ I asked him if (是否) he spoke Japanese.
A: You didn’t ask him if he knew somebody in Tokyo, did you?
B: 【小题5】________ He said he did.

A. I’d like a glass of water if you don’t mind.
B. Yes, please.
C. Did you see your friend Harry?
D. Where did you go yesterday?
E. Well, we talked about languages.
F. Yes, I asked him that question.


A: Would you like a cup of tea?
B: No, thanks. 【小题1】_____
A: Fine. 【小题2】________
B: I went to visit a friend of mine.
A: 【小题3】_________
B: Yes, we talked a lot.
A: What did you talk about?
B: 【小题4】________ I asked him if (是否) he spoke Japanese.
A: You didn’t ask him if he knew somebody in Tokyo, did you?
B: 【小题5】________ He said he did.
A. I’d like a glass of water if you don’t mind.
B. Yes, please.
C. Did you see your friend Harry?
D. Where did you go yesterday?
E. Well, we talked about languages.
F. Yes, I asked him that question.



J=Jenny  E= Emily    
J: Hello, Emily. Long time no see. Where did you go on  1  ?    
E:I went to London  2  my parents.    
J: Really? What do you think of London?    
E: It's a beautiful  3  .I like it very much.    
J:How was the  4   there?    
E: Oh, it  5   rainy or cloudy those days.    
J: Did you visit the Big Ben?    
E:Yes. I also went to a middle   6  .    
J: What about the  7   in that school?    
E:They are strict. Students there can't wear jeans  8     shirts. They have to wear  9   at school.    
J: We have to wear uniforms, too. Anything else?    
E: Let's talk  10   them later.

