A. Yes, I will. B. Thank you. C. All right. 查看更多



(     ) 1. A. You're welcome.        
(     ) 2. A. Yes, I will.           
(     ) 3. A. Of course. Here it is.    
(     ) 4. A. I'm glad you enjoy it.  
(     ) 5. A. I'm sorry to hear that.   
B. Thank you all the same.  
B. Sorry, I won't.       
B. No, thanks.             
B. Not really very well.   
B. Thanks for telling me.      
C. That's wonderful.         
C. You are right.             
C. No, not at all.              
C. Help yourself to it.          
C. It doesn't matter.    



1.A.That's a good idea.

B.I don't know.

C.That's all right.

D.Thank you.

2.A.After two hours.

B.About two hours.

C.Since two weeks ago.

D.In two weeks.



C.Thanks very much.

D.A long time.

4.A.In spring.

B.In summer.

C.In autumn.

D.In winter.

5.A.No, I didn't.

B.I'm a driver.

C.Yes, will.

D.Yes, I didn't.


1.What do they do?

A.They are workers.

B.They are teachers.

C.They are doctors.

D.They are farmers.

2.What's the weather like in Australia now?

A.Very cold.

B.As warm as spring.

C.Very hot.

D.It's raining hard.

3.Which does Lily prefer, chicken or fish?



C.Both chicken and fish.

D.Neither chicken nor fish.

4.Whom did John borrow the book from?

A.From Allan.

B.From Joan.

C.From Emma.

D.He bought it in the bookshop.

5.What was Lucy doing last night?

A.She was writing a letter

B.She was writing a book.

C.She was writing a paper.

D.She was writing a composition.


1.Once, little John's mother went out ________.

A.to buy something

B.to see his uncle

C.for a walk

D.for a picnic

2.Before John's mother went out, she told John to ________.

A.play at home

B.watch the door

C.do his homework

D.eat cakes

3.An hour later ________ came.

A.one of John's friends

B.one of John's uncles

C.John's teacher

D.John's aunt

4.John's uncle cane to ________.

A.visit John's brother

B.look for John

C.see John's mother

D.have a picnic

5.John thought and thought, ________.

A.then he decided to stay at home

B.but he didn't know what to do

C.and he decided to go together with his uncle

D.then he pulled the door down and look for his mother with the door on his back



A: Hello. May I speak to Xiao Hua?

B:   1   Can I take a message?

A: Yes. This is her friend Nan Nan calling. Would you please ask Xiao Hua to bring a videotape of popular songs to the evening party tonight?

B:   2   Hold on, please. I'll get a pen to write this down,Bob called. You should bring a videotape of popular songs to the evening party tonight. Is that all?

A: Yes.   3   You also tell her to call me back if she has a chance.

B: All right.   4  .

A: My number is 83532436. Now I'll say it again 8   -3 -5 -3 -2 -4 -3 -6.

B: OK. I think she will see the message when she comes back.

A:   5  . Good-bye.

B: Good-bye.

AThat's right.


CWhat's your telephone number?

DThank you.

EI'm afraid he isn't at home.


Complete the following dialogues with proper sentences(选出适当的句子,完成下列对话,用A、B、C等表示)

   A.When will he be back in the office?

   B.Can I speak to Mr. Hamilton, please?

   C.And what's your telephone number?

   D.Can I take a message?

   E.No, that's not a good idea.

   F.Could you tell me your name again?

   G.Yes, that's right.


B:  1  

A:I'm sorry. He's not here.   2  

B:Yes. This is Mary Robertson from CITS. I'm returning his call.   3  

A:I'm not sure. If you leave your number, he'll call you when he comes back.

B:  4   I have meetings all afternoon. I'll call him again.

A:All right. I'll tell him.   5  

B:Yes, it's Mary Robertson.

A:And you're from CITS?

B:  6  

A:Okay, Ms Robertson. I'll give him the message.

B:Thank you.

A:You're welcome. Goodbye.

1.(  ) 2.(  ) 3.(  ) 4.(  ) 5.(  ) 6.(  )


(     )1. A. Sure.             
(     )2. A. Yes, I do.       
(     )3. A. That's right.     
(     )4. A. You're welcome.    
(     )5. A. I'm sure I will.   
(     )6. A. Yes, please.       
(     )7. A. Yao Ming.        
(     )8. A. For a long time.   
(     )9. A. Certainly.      
(     )10. A. Yes, I'm very happy.
B. Yes, I think so.     
B. Good idea.          
B. Yes, sure.            
B. Not at all.            
B. That's my dream.     
B. Yes, I am.            
B. Zhang Yining.         
B. Two hours.          
B. You're weleme.        
B. Yes, I had it at eleven.
C. Thank you.                            
C. Yes , it is.                          
C. Of couse not.                         
C. Yes, with pleasure.                   
C. A singer.                             
C. No, I don't.                          
C. Liu Xiang.                            
C. Twice a week.                         
C. Don't think so.                       
C. Yes, my mother has been ill these days.

