What do you think of Wang Gnmng's mother? A. She is tall, beautiful woman. B. She does badly in educating her son. C. She is a little lazy and often gets up late. 查看更多




【小题1】What time is it now?
It' s           o' clock in the       .
【小题2】How' s the weather?
            a         day.
【小题3】Where are these people?
They are at a          
【小题4】Is the place in this picture a busy and crowded one?
No, it __, because only       persons are there.
【小题5】What do you think they are doing?
I think they are                a bus.



Paragraph 1: Scientists have learned a lot about the kinds of food people need. They say that there are several kinds of food that people should eat every day. They are: (1) green and yellow vegetables of all kinds; (2) citrus(柑桔) fruits and tomatoes; (3) potatoes and other fruits and vegetables; (4) meat of all kinds, fish and eggs; (5) milk and foods made from milk; (6) bread or cereal(谷物), rice is also in this kind of food; (7) butter, or something like butter.

Paragraph 2: People in different places of the world eat different kinds of things. Foods are cooked and eaten in many different kinds of ways. People in different countries eat at different times of the day. In some places people eat once or twice a day; in other countries people eat three or four times. Scientists say that none of the differences is really important. It doesn’t matter whether foods are eaten raw or cooked. It doesn’t matter if a person eats dinner at 4 o’clock in the afternoon or at 11 o’clock at night. The important thing is what you eat every day.

Paragraph 3: There are two problems, then, in feeding the large number of people on earth. The first is to find some ways to feed the world’s population so that no one is hungry. The second is to make sure that people everywhere have the right kinds of food to make them grow to be strong and healthy.

1.From the first paragraph we know noodles belong to a kind of ______ food.

A. vegetable                        B. fruit                         C. meat                        D. cereal

2.According to the scientists, which of the following groups is the healthiest for your lunch?

A. chicken, apples, cereal, cabbages                    B. potatoes, rice, bread, carrots

C. oranges, bananas, fish, tomatoes                      D. beef, pork, fish, milk

3.People in different places of the world ______.

A. have the right kinds of food to eat                   B. cook their food in the same way

C. have their meals at the same time                   D. eat food in different ways

4.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. People in some places don’t have enough to eat.

B. There are too many people in the world.

C. One of the problems is that no one is hungry.

D. The scientists are trying to make people grow to be strong and healthy.

5.If there is Paragraph 4, what do you think is going to be talked about?

A. When people eat their meals.

B. What to do with the two problems.

C. How to cook food in different ways.

D. Why people in different places eat different kinds of food.




1.What time is it now?

     It' s           o' clock in the        .

2.How' s the weather?

                a          day.

3.Where are these people?

    They are at a          

4.Is the place in this picture a busy and crowded one?

   No, it __, because only       persons are there.

5.What do you think they are doing?

   I think they are                 a bus.




Grace was fourteen years old and was in Grade Eight. She had a part-time job, so she had to get up at five o’clock. She was a newspaper girl.

Each morning, Grace left the house at 5:15. She always rode a bike to the corner to carry the newspapers.

In winter it was still dark when she got up, but during the rest of the year it was bright. Grace had to send newspapers to people’s houses in all kinds of weather. She tried to put each paper in the box where it would be kept safe from wind, rain or snow. Her customers thought she did a good job. Sometimes they gave her tips(小费).

Grace made about $70 each month and she was saving some of the money to go to college. She spent the rest on tapes and clothes. Once a month she got the money from her customers together. Since many of them worked during the day, Grace had to get the money at night. Sometimes when Grace was ill, her elder brother had to send the newspapers and Grace’s father had to help her.

Grace had 70 customers now, but she hoped to get more soon. Some day, if she got more customers, perhaps Grace could win a prize(奖赏) for being a very good newspaper girl. She wanted to win a visit to Europe, but she would be happy if she won a new bike.


1.What was Grace’s part-time job?


2. There is a word “customers” in the third paragraph. Please translate it into Chinese. _____

3. Why did Grace choose a part-time job?


4. From the story, we know customers liked ____ people to work for them.





5. What do you think of Grace?





think of,   like,  speak,  can’t stand,  join,  in fact,   sports,  15 years old,enjoy,  How about

Host: Welcome to 9 o’clock Weekend Talk.  We’re talking to Bill,  a    1    boy.  He is from US.  Hello,  Bill.  Welcome to the show.

Bill: Thank you. 

Host: You came to China five years ago.  Your Chinese must be very good. 

Bill: I practice    2   it every day.  I   3  reading Chinese stories and listening to Chinese songs. 

Host: Do you like to play    4  ?

Bill: Yes,  I do.  And basketball is my favorite. 

Host: Really?  What do you    5    baseball?

Bill: I love it,  too.  Lots of American boys love to play it.  

Host: Do you like to watch TV?

Bill: Yes,  I do. 

Host: What do you think of Soap Shows?

Bill: I    6    them.  They are really boring. 

Host:    7   Chinese Cooking?

Bill: I don’t mind it.   8  ,  my mom loves it. 

Host: How do you    9    China? 

Bill: It’s great.

Host: OK!  Thank you for    10   us,  Bill ! 

Bill: You’re welcome. 


