---I overslept, so I missed the fashion show. --- . Don’t do that again. A. Come on B. What a pity C. That’s right D. Sounds good 查看更多




A:Hi, Lucy. 1.    

B:I had a bad morning.

A:Really? 2.        

B:Well, first of all I overslept. By the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower.


B:So, after he got out of the shower, I took a quick shower and got dressed. 4.       

A:Oh, no!

B:Oh, yes! 5.         But when I got to school, I realized I had left my backpack at home.

A:No wonder you look stressed out.




A: Hi! Sue. You look stressed out. 1.                                   ?

B: I overslept this morning. And I didn’t catch the school bus.

A:2.                                   ?

B: Yes, I was. By the time I got to school, my teacher had started teaching already.

A:3.                                   ?

B: He asked me to go to his office after school.

A: I’m sorry to hear that. By the way, will you be free this Sunday? Let’s go out and have fun.

B:4.                                   ?

A: How about the new mall on Oak Street?

B:5.                                   ?

A: Yes, I think it is a good place. After all, there are so many products and they are all cheap.



完成对话.根据语境,用恰当的语言完成对话(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)A:I had never been late for school, but yesterday morning……
A:I overslept. I had watched a football match between China and brazil the night before last. When I went to bad, it was 1:00 am already.
B:【小题2】____________________________________________ ?
A: Yes, I have one . But it didn’t go off.
B: You had to rush, didn’t you?
A: Yes, of course. I took a quick shower and ran off to the bus stop without breakfast.
A:I know it’s bad, but I had to.  And 【小题4】__________________________.
B: So you took a taxi, didn’t you?
A: Yes. When I got on the taxi, I suddenly found I had left my purse at home. So I had to ring my English teacher to meet me at the school gate and paid instead of me.
B: So did you get to class on time?
A: No , I didn’t . It was rush hour and the taxi move too slowly.
B: Bad luck . So I think 【小题5】_______________________________.
A: Thank you for your advice. I’ll do that.



A. Why were you late?

B. My bike broke down halfway.

C. I usually get to school on time.

D. Have you ever been late for school?

E. He said I shouldn’t stay up so late at night.

F. I rushed to the bus shop without breakfast.

G. By I got to the school, the class had been on 15 minutes.

A: Can I ask you some questions, Lisa?

B: Sure.

A: (1)_________

B: Yes, I have. But only once last term.

A: (2)_________

B: I stayed up watching the football match the evening before, so I overslept the next morning.

A: What did you do after you got up?

B: (3)_________ But unfortunately, by the time I got there, the bus had already left.

A: Poor guy! And then?

B: So I started walking. Luckily, my uncle drove by and gave me a ride.

A: But you didn’t make it in the end, did you?

B: No, I didn’t. (4)_________

A: What did your teacher say?

B: (5)_________

A: Yes, he is right. Thanks for your answering.

B: It’s my pleasure.



Tina: I have never been late for school.  But yesterday morning...
John: __1__?
Tina: Well, first of all I overslept.
John: Did you have an alarm clock?
Tina: Yes, but     2    . By the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower.
John: Oh, what a pity!
Tina: So, after he got out of shower,  I took a quick shower and got dressed. But __3__ I went outside, 
        the bus had already left.
John: Oh, no! How did you go to school?
Tina: I ran all the way to school. But when I got to school,     4     I had left my backpack at home.
John: You must be late for class?
Tina: __5__. I got to school very late.  I made an apology to my teacher.
John: No wonder you look stressed out.

