The children didn’t know . A. where will they go B. what they should do next C. when could they go D. how they can get there 查看更多




The Witch(巫婆)

   “We should do something nice for the old people of our town,”the teacher said to her class one day. “What could we do?”

  “Can we give them a picnic?”one of the children asked. “We can send out invitations(邀请)and bring cakes and sausages(香肠)and all kinds of good things to eat.”

  “That's very good idea,”the teacher said. “We'll ask all the old people to a picnic by the river.”

  The children worked hard getting ready for the picnic. Their parents made cakes and pies(馅饼)or gave money, and the children wrote invitation cards to the old people. Then they took the cards to the old people's homes.

  On the morning of the picnic the sky was blue and the sun was shining. The children were all looking forward to giving the old people a happy day.

  Then one of the children said. “Oh! We forgot to invite Mrs. Waller.”

  They did not like Mrs. Waller. She looked like a witch.

   “We must invite her how then,” the teacher said. “She will be hurt and angry if we don't ask her.”

  She looked around the class and then pointed at one of the boys. “Tom, take an invitation card to her house. Apologize(道歉)for being late. Don't tell her we forgot her.”

  Tom did not want to go to Mrs. Waller's house, but he was a brave(勇敢的)boy, and said, “All right, Miss Lee.”

  He went to the old woman's house and knocked on the door. Mrs. Waller opened it. She looked very angry.

   “Well,” she said, “what is it? What do you want?”

  Tom gave her the invitation card and said, “I'm sorry we did not ask you before, but please come to our picnic. It's a beautiful day.”

  Mrs. Waller knew that the children thought she was a witch. She guessed that they had forgotten her.

   “You're too late,” the woman said. “It's a beautiful day now, but I've already arranged for rain this afternoon.”

1.What did the children decide to do?

[  ]

A.They decided to visit the old witch.

B.They decided to help their teacher.

C.They decided to give a picnic for some old people.

D.They decided to cook cakes and sausage themselves.

2.Where did the children have the picnic?

[  ]

A.At their school.

B.At home.

C.In the old people's home.

D.By the river.

3.Why didn't the children invite Mrs. Waller?

[  ]

A.They did not know where she lived.

B.She didn't like picnics.

C.They were frightened(受惊吓)of her.

D.She was cruel(残酷的)to children.

4.Why did the teacher say they must invite Mrs. Waller?

[  ]

A.Because she did not want to hurt Mrs. Waller.

B.Because she was frightened of her.

C.Because she wanted to punish the children.

D.Because she liked her.

5.What did Mrs. Waller say she had done when she realized(意识到)they had forgotten her?

[  ]

A.She had arranged for it to be a rainy day.

B.She had locked Tom in a closet(储藏室)so that he could not got to the picnic.

C.She had changed the date of the picnic.

D.She had said bad things about the teacher.



The Witch(巫婆)

   “We should do something nice for the old people of our town,”the teacher said to her class one day. “What could we do?”

  “Can we give them a picnic?”one of the children asked. “We can send out invitations(邀请)and bring cakes and sausages(香肠)and all kinds of good things to eat.”

  “That's very good idea,”the teacher said. “We'll ask all the old people to a picnic by the river.”

  The children worked hard getting ready for the picnic. Their parents made cakes and pies(馅饼)or gave money, and the children wrote invitation cards to the old people. Then they took the cards to the old people's homes.

  On the morning of the picnic the sky was blue and the sun was shining. The children were all looking forward to giving the old people a happy day.

  Then one of the children said. “Oh! We forgot to invite Mrs. Waller.”

  They did not like Mrs. Waller. She looked like a witch.

   “We must invite her how then,” the teacher said. “She will be hurt and angry if we don't ask her.”

  She looked around the class and then pointed at one of the boys. “Tom, take an invitation card to her house. Apologize(道歉)for being late. Don't tell her we forgot her.”

  Tom did not want to go to Mrs. Waller's house, but he was a brave(勇敢的)boy, and said, “All right, Miss Lee.”

  He went to the old woman's house and knocked on the door. Mrs. Waller opened it. She looked very angry.

   “Well,” she said, “what is it? What do you want?”

  Tom gave her the invitation card and said, “I'm sorry we did not ask you before, but please come to our picnic. It's a beautiful day.”

  Mrs. Waller knew that the children thought she was a witch. She guessed that they had forgotten her.

   “You're too late,” the woman said. “It's a beautiful day now, but I've already arranged for rain this afternoon.”

1.What did the children decide to do?

[  ]

A.They decided to visit the old witch.

B.They decided to help their teacher.

C.They decided to give a picnic for some old people.

D.They decided to cook cakes and sausage themselves.

2.Where did the children have the picnic?

[  ]

A.At their school.

B.At home.

C.In the old people's home.

D.By the river.

3.Why didn't the children invite Mrs. Waller?

[  ]

A.They did not know where she lived.

B.She didn't like picnics.

C.They were frightened(受惊吓)of her.

D.She was cruel(残酷的)to children.

4.Why did the teacher say they must invite Mrs. Waller?

[  ]

A.Because she did not want to hurt Mrs. Waller.

B.Because she was frightened of her.

C.Because she wanted to punish the children.

D.Because she liked her.

5.What did Mrs. Waller say she had done when she realized(意识到)they had forgotten her?

[  ]

A.She had arranged for it to be a rainy day.

B.She had locked Tom in a closet(储藏室)so that he could not got to the picnic.

C.She had changed the date of the picnic.

D.She had said bad things about the teacher.





1.Where are they talking?

A.Outside the Children's House.

B.On a bus.

C.At a bus stop.

2.Does the man get up early every day?

A.Yes, very early.

B.No, not very early.

C.Yes, very early except Saturday and Sunday.

3.What does the woman want to do?

A.She wants to drive to Shanghai.

B.She wants to buy air tickets.

C.She wants to go to Shanghai by train.

4.Who runs faster, Lily or Kate?




5.When was Jim born?

A.In 1997.

B.In 1996.

C.In 1995.

6.Where is the woman?

A.In a shop.

B.At the doctor's.

C.In the post office,

7.What are they going to do?

A.Go fishing.

B.Go boating.

C.Go swimming.

8.What time is it now?




9.Does the man like Japanese pop music?

A.Yes, he does.

B.He likes disco music.

C.No, he doesn't.

10.What are they talking about?

A.A film.

B.The weather.

C.Their family.



11.Where does the woman want to go?

A.The bus station.

B.The supermarket.

C.The museum.

12.Which bus can the woman take?

A.The No.7 bus.

B.The No.17 bus.

C.The No.70 bus.

第二段对话,回答 13-15小题。

13.Where does the conversation happen?

A.In a hotel.

B.In a shop.

C.In a restaurant.

14.Which floor will the man stay on?

A.The third floor.

B.The fourth floor.

C.The seventh floor.

15.How much should the man pay for two nights?

A.40 dollars.

B.80 dollars.

C.160 dollars.


16.What was Mr.Black's hobby?

A.Collecting books.

B.Collecting pictures.

C.Collecting clocks.

17.How many clocks did he have?




18.Whose job was it to clean the clocks every day?



C.Mr.Black's son's.

19.Where did he put his clocks?

A.In his office.

B.In his house.

C.Only in his room.

20.Why did Mrs.Black never know the right time?

A.She couldn't hear.

B.The clocks in their home were all broken.

C.The clocks didn't have the same time.

