l 6. 100 years.kids won’t go to schoo1.They will study home computers. A.for,at,at B.in,at,on C.in,in,in D.for,at,on 查看更多



     Waste can be seen everywhere in the school. Some  1   ask for more food than they can eat, some
students  2  to turn off the water taps (水龙头) after they finish washing, and others often forget to turn
off the  3  when they leave the classroom. They say these things are cheap,  4  I don't agree with them.
     Waste can bring a lot of problems. Though China is rich in some resources (资源), we are  5  of others.
It is reported that we will have no coal or oil to  6  in 100 years. So if we go on wasting our resources,  7  
can we use in the future and where can we move? Think about it. I think we  8  say no to the students who
waste things every day.  9  should stop wasting as soon as possible. If we do our best, waste can be stopped 
 10  and many natural resources can be saved.
(     )1.  A. people 
(     )2.  A. remember
(     )3.  A. lights 
(     )4.  A. or     
(     )5.  A. tired  
(     )6.  A. use    
(     )7.  A. how    
(     )8.  A. can    
(     )9.  A. Anybody
(     )10. A. one day
B. students 
B. have     
B. machines 
B. and      
B. sure     
B. do       
B. where    
B. should   
B. Nobody   
B. two days 
C.  farmers  
C.  used     
C.  radio    
C.  but      
C.  full     
C.  make     
C.  what     
C.  shouldn't
C.  Somebody 
C.  some days
D.  workers  
D.  forget   
D.  fridge   
D.  so       
D.  short    
D.  choose   
D.  when     
D.  can't                        
D.  Everybody
D.  any day  


Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题)
1.Helen Monson has always been interested in helping her community. Her first volunteer experience was for the American Red Cross when she was in high school. When she was a school teacher, she also found time to volunteer. One year, she organized a Super Saturday Fun Day for kids in the community. She also used to volunteer at the Mint Festival every year. One summer, she served food, another year she organized an art programme.
2.After she retired, she started volunteering to help the old. When her father was older, he was not able to see as well as he used to, which made her sad because he had always enjoyed reading. She decided it would be fun to read to elderly people in her community. She also helped one woman write her stories. Ann was almost 100 years old, and Helen wrote down information about her life when she visited her. She put the information in a book and got it published. Ann was very excited to share her life story with her children and her grandchildren.
3.After a hurricane(飓风) destroyed some southern cities, Helen volunteered again for the American Red Cross. She prepared food and answered phones in a care centre. She says, “I have always liked the Red Cross because the organization helps people in need no matter what.”
4.One day, Helen read an article in the newspaper about refugees(难民) who needed to learn English. Now, she meets once a week with Sahra, a 38-year-old woman, from Somalia. Sahra is living and working in a town about 30 minutes’ walk from where Helen lives. They work on reading and writing skills. Helen gave Sahra a camera and asked her to take pictures of her daily life. She developed the pictures, and then asked Sahra questions about them. In the end, they wrote a book together and used the photos in the book. This helped Sahra learn many new words about her everyday life.
5.Helen says, “The most rewarding(有益的) part of volunteer work is becoming friends with the people I help. They enrich my life as well as I enrich theirs.”
【小题1】When was Helen’s first volunteer experience for the American Red Cross?
【小题2】What did Helen do after she retired?
【小题3】Why was Ann excited when her book got published?
【小题4】Where did Helen work when she volunteered again for the American Red Cross?
【小题5】How far is Sahra living and working from Helen’s home?
【小题6】Did Helen help Sahra to learn English?
【小题7】What can you learn from Helen?


Do you know Sweden?It l    (1)in the north of Europe. It is the fourth largest country in Europe with an area of 450,000 square kilometers and a p    (2) of about 8.5 million. Over one third of them live in the three largest cities, namely Stockholm, Goteborg and Malmo.
More than half of Sweden is c     (3) with trees. It is one of the r    (4) countries in the world. About 100 years ago Sweden became industrialized(工业化). Today less than one third of the people are f      (5).
Sweden is the country where the world-famous Nobel Prizes are awarded. Many people who have been to Stockholm, the c    (6) of Sweden, must have visited the places where Nobel Prizes are awarded.
The first language of Sweden is Swedish. English is the first f    (7)language in schools. Many middle-school students can s    (8) two to three languages. Most of the Swedish people, men and women, o    (9) and young, can speak English. So there is no p    (10) speaking with them in English. 


1Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题)

1.Helen Monson has always been interested in helping her community. Her first volunteer experience was for the American Red Cross when she was in high school. When she was a school teacher, she also found time to volunteer. One year, she organized a Super Saturday Fun Day for kids in the community. She also used to volunteer at the Mint Festival every year. One summer, she served food, another year she organized an art programme.

2.After she retired, she started volunteering to help the old. When her father was older, he was not able to see as well as he used to, which made her sad because he had always enjoyed reading. She decided it would be fun to read to elderly people in her community. She also helped one woman write her stories. Ann was almost 100 years old, and Helen wrote down information about her life when she visited her. She put the information in a book and got it published. Ann was very excited to share her life story with her children and her grandchildren.

3.After a hurricane(飓风) destroyed some southern cities, Helen volunteered again for the American Red Cross. She prepared food and answered phones in a care centre. She says, “I have always liked the Red Cross because the organization helps people in need no matter what.”

4.One day, Helen read an article in the newspaper about refugees(难民) who needed to learn English. Now, she meets once a week with Sahra, a 38-year-old woman, from Somalia. Sahra is living and working in a town about 30 minutes’ walk from where Helen lives. They work on reading and writing skills. Helen gave Sahra a camera and asked her to take pictures of her daily life. She developed the pictures, and then asked Sahra questions about them. In the end, they wrote a book together and used the photos in the book. This helped Sahra learn many new words about her everyday life.

5.Helen says, “The most rewarding(有益的) part of volunteer work is becoming friends with the people I help. They enrich my life as well as I enrich theirs.”

1.When was Helen’s first volunteer experience for the American Red Cross?

2.What did Helen do after she retired?

3.Why was Ann excited when her book got published?

4.Where did Helen work when she volunteered again for the American Red Cross?

5.How far is Sahra living and working from Helen’s home?

6.Did Helen help Sahra to learn English?

7.What can you learn from Helen?




1.I’m l____(大声的) than the other kids in my class.

2.Although the little girl is only three years old,she speaks c______(清晰地).

3.You can buy this bike c_____(便宜) because it’s a second-hand bike.

4.We should held our parents do h_____(家务事) in our free time.

5.Mo Yan is a great Chinese w_____(作家).

6.Our city looks w______(精彩的) from the top of the hill.

7.It’s a good habit to wash your hands before m____(饭).

8.---What do you you do on weekends?---I o_____(经常) watch TV.

9.I think you can do the job better with l____(较少) money and fewer people.

10.Because of the bad weather,we can see nothing b_____(在......下面).


