The first water sports meeting is to be in Rizhao in August. 查看更多



The world is not only hungry but also thirsty for water. This may seem strange to you, since nearly 70% of the earth’s surface is covered with water. But about 97% of that is sea water or salt water. Man can only drink and use the other 3% of fresh water from rivers, lakes, underground and so on. And we can not even use all of that because some of it has been made dirty.

Earth Day is April 22. But on all other days, we must also remember how important water is. The water that we use is the most important natural resource on the earth. Today we face serious water problems. One of them is water pollution. All kinds of things from cars, factories, farms and homes make our rivers, lakes and oceans dirty. Polluted water is very bad for people to drink. And dirty water is bad for fish, too.

How do cars and factories make our water dirty? First they pollute the air. Then when it rains, the rain water makes our drinking water dirty. Dirty rain, called acid rain is also bad for plants, animals and buildings. Scientists say that in 30 years, more than half of the people in the world won’t have enough clean water. We have to learn how to stop wasting water. One of the first steps is to develop ways of reusing it. Today in most large cities, water is used only once and then sent out into a sewer system (下水道). From there it returns to the sea or goes underground.

But even though every large city reused its water, we would still not have enough. So we should make use of sea water by removing the salt in it. If we can take these steps, fresh water won’t be used up.

1.The world is thirsty for water because _______.

A. we don’t have enough fresh water      B. a lot of water goes into sewer systems

C. only 70% of the earth’s surface is water                  D. sea water is widely used rather than fresh water

2.From this passage, we know acid rain _______.

A. is only bad for living things       B. is not bad for buildings and factories

C. can be produced in factories        D. is bad for people, animals, plants and buildings

3.One difficult way we can solve the problem is to _______.

A. use the water with salt in it           B. remove the salt from sea water

C. get water from underground              D. reuse the water in cities

4.What is the best title for this passage?

A. Fresh water and sea water               B. A thirsty country

C. The importance of water  D. The world’s water problem



A couple of years ago, I went to Australia for a meeting with my friend, Chris. We decided to drive across country to Brisbane after the meeting ended. The drive was going to take four days and most of it was across the desert,    81   
The first day was a lot of fun as we were excited and laughing at each other's stupid jokes. By the third day of driving in the seemingly endless desert, we began to get bored. We had been quiet for a few hours when in the distance Chris found some kangaroos. We were both excited and decided to get a closer look.   82  We got closer and closer, and Chris was doing 110 kilometers per hour. We were very close to the kangaroos—too close—when we heard a loud BANG!
Chris stopped the car and we got out. Behind the car was a larger kangaroo lying completely still on the ground.    83  He took off his sunglasses and put them on the kangaroo and did the same with his jacket. Then, he put his arm around the kangaroo and told me to take a photo of them together.   84  While I was focusing the camera, I saw the kangaroo move. It suddenly woke up, looked at Chris, and jumped away into the distance before we could do anything.
I started laughing but Chris looked very serious.   85   I started laughing even harder. I stopped laughing, however, when he said that our car keys were also in the jacket!
A.Chris speeded up to catch up with the kangaroos.
B.He said his wallet and passport were in the jacket.
C.In order to get there in three days, we drove very fast. we had to take food, water, and extra gas with us.
E. Chris went over to the kangaroo and put his baseball cap on its head.
F. I was still surprised, but I took out my camera.


Katie Spotz is a 22-year-old girl form America. She wants to cross the Atlantic Ocean by boat. If she succeeds, she’ll be the youngest and the first American to finish the 2500-mile trip.

Spotz began sailing when she was at university, but she has never tried to sail such a long way before. It will be a great challenge for her. In recent years, she has swum all the way down the 325-mile Allegheny River and traveled by bike form Seattle to Washington.

Spotz knows that she may see some dangerous things during the trip. It will be very dangerous if she meets very bad weather in the middle of the sea. But she believes that she can deal with all the difficulties.

“I never thought I could run 26 miles,” she said. “But once I finished it, I realized that maybe I could do something even more difficult.”

Spotz wants to collect money by going on this trip. She wants to collect money for an organization called “Blue Planet run”. The organization offers free, safe drinking water to people who need it.

It’ll take her about three months to finish this trip. Good luck to this brave girl and best wishes to her!

The age of Spotz

1.______ years old

The distance of the trip

2.______ miles

A dangerous thing during the trip is

the 3.______ weather

The purpose of the trip

to collect4.____for an organization

The trip will take

About 5.______months .



Welcome to the Blue Moon Beach land!

Check out the COOL things you can enjoy here in the HEAT of August, 2011!

Week 1

The welcome party in the Boating Club Opening of the Water Park

Week 2

Fresh seafood at Fishermen’s Market Bike riding along the beach

Week 3

Music shows in moon light

Street dance in Gold Street

Week 4

Cold drinks in Sand Garden

Swimming competition

Take Bus 201, 306 or take a taxi. Call 203-2228888 or surf moon. com for more information.

1.What can we do on the Blue Moon Beach land in the first week of August?

A. Enjoy the welcome party.

B.Go bike riding.

C. Have cold drinks.

2.When will we enjoy the music shows on the Blue Moon Beach land? '

A. In the morning.          B. In the afternoon.        C. In the evening.

3.Where can we have fresh seafood on the Blue Moon Beach land?

A. In Sand Garden.

b. At Fishermen’s Market.

C. In Gold Street.

4.How can we get to the Blue Moon Beach land?

A. By bus.          B. On foot.        C. By subway.

5.How can we get more information the Blue Moon Beach land?

A. Send an email.

b. Write a letter.

C. Call the phone or surf the Internet.



bad,  know,  win,  example,  can,  young,  be,  she,  hard,  take
   Bethany Hamilton, from Hawaii, likes surfing very much. She began to surf (冲浪) at the 1  
age. At the age of eight, Bethany took part in her first surf competition and 2.   . This started a love for surf competition in her.
On October 31, 2003, while she 3.    surfing, a big shark(鲨鱼) came over to Bethany suddenly. The shark got her left arm, and hurt her 4.      . Luckily, she tried her best and swam back to the land.
Bethany lost over 0% of her blood and was 5.      to hospital. The doctors saved her life. The girl was brave and strong-minded. Though she lost her arm, she .  6    still surf. Later, Bethany returned to the water. She didn’t give up 7.    dream of becoming a surfer, but she had to practice 8.     than before. The next year, Bethany got the first place in an important surf competition.
As time went by, people all over the world began to 9.      about Bethany and her story. In 2011, a movie about her was made. She is one many good 10.    to teenagers through the story of a brave girl with strong mind and hope.

