Chicken sandwich $2.75 查看更多



            FOOD                                         DRINKS
Hamburger-------------------$65   Tea----------------------------$50
Fries--------------------------$30   Coke---------------------------$40
Fried Chicken---------------$50    Juice---------------------------$50
Sandwich--------------------$30   Coffee-------------------------$60
                                 Open Hours:
                           Mon~Fri: 14:30~22:00
                           Weekends: 11:00~23:00
1. Which one is fifty dollars?
[     ]
A. Fried chicken
B. Tea
C. Juice
D. All of the above
2. Bill wants fried chicken and tea, and his girlfriend does, too. How much do they have to pay (付)?
[     ]
A. One hundred (百) dollars.
B. One hundred and fifty dollars.
C. Two hundred dollars.
D. Two hundred and fifty dollars.
3. Harry has only $75. What can he have for lunch?
[     ]
A. A sandwich and a Coke.
B. A hamburger and a juice.
C. Fries and coffee.
D. Anything he likes.
4. When is the restaurant (饭店) NOT open?
[     ]
A. On Tuesday morning.
B. On Sunday evening.
C. On Wednesday afternoon.
D. On Thursday night.
5. How many days a week is the restaurant open?
[     ]
A. Two days.
B. Five days.
C. Six days.
D. Seven days.

