44.A.at B.about C.to D.of 查看更多



Take a look at our library! Our library is open to everyone and the library card is free!

·picture books for children
·information about the world
·books in 36 languages
·stories of kinds
You can enjoy newspapers and magazines in the reading room.
You can borrow five books at most one time and keep them for three weeks.
·all kinds of video films
·TV plays
·music video
·special interests
You can enjoy yourself and take time to watch your favourite videos at home.
You can keep a video for a week for 1 dollar.
You can borrow as many videos one time as you like.
·music of everyone:
classical, rock, pop, jazz, blues , folk
·Language cassettes(磁带)="42" main languages in the world.
Special rooms for you to enjoy listening.
CDs and cassettes can be borrowed —FREE.
You can borrow one CD or one cassette one time and keep it for one week.
【小题1】Which of the following can only be enjoyed in the reading room?
A.NewspapersB.Music videosC.CDsD.Language cassettes
【小题2】In the library we can           .
A.borrow the newest magazinesB.watch our favourite video films
C.listen to CDs of pop musicD.find books in 42 main languages in the world
【小题3】Which of the following is Not True?
A.You can pay nothing for the library card.
B.You can borrow as many videos as you like one time.
C.There are rooms for you to enjoy TV plays in the library.
D.You can borrow five books at one time and keep them for three weeks.


1. The movie is about two__________.

A.cats              B.kids              C.persons           D.tickets

2.If Jim and Bob want to see the movie in the evening, they have to pay_________.

A.£6.50                               B.£9.00

C.£11.00                              D.£13.00

3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the ad?

A.Children may like Crazy Cats.

B.The movie will be on for 6 years.

C.The movie will be shown 5 times a day.

D.We can see the movie at 10:00 on June 18th.



Climb to the top of the amazing Sydney Harbour Bridge and look down 134 meters at the water below! This 4-hour climbing tour is fantastic! Book your tour now?

Tour includes:
A certificate to prove your climbed the bridge.
A photo of you and your friends on top of the bridge.
We also offer you :
★ Special clothes to protect you from the strong wind.
★ A radio to communicate with the tour leader.
★ Snacks(for lunch and dinner tours only).

★ Prices are in Australian dollars
★ Children must be with a adult. At most 2 children per adult.
★ For more information,email us at tours@touraustralia.com.
【小题1】This is most probably a(n)       .

【小题2】What can we learn from the article?
A.Children can join in the tours alone if they are about 10.
B.It can be quite windy sometimes on the top of the bridge.
C.Free snacks are offered to the climbers during the tours.
D.It takes at least 4 hours to climb to the top pf the bridge.
【小题3】Mr. and Mrs.Johnson are going to take their twin daughters (aged 11) to climb the bridge this Sunday morning(June 22). How much do they pay for the tour?


There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. In fact, she 41 nobody except her boyfriend, for he was always 42 to help her. She used to tell her boyfriend, “If I could see the 43 , I would marry you. ”

  One day, someone donated a pair of 44 to her. When the bandages(绷带)came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend, for the 45 time. He asked her, “Now that you can see the world, will you 46 me?” The girl looked at her boyfriend and was greatly surprised to see that he was  47 . She had never expected that.She would not like to be with a blind husband for the rest of her life,so she 48 to marry him.

Her boyfriend left in tears and a few days later wrote a 49 to her,saying,“My dear,take good care of your eyes. 50 they are yours. They were mine.”

  This is how the human brain(人脑)often works when our status(地位)changes.Only a very few remember what 51 was like before.And we often ask for more than we need.Life is a gift. Today, before you complain about the 52 of your food,think of someone who has nothing to 53 . Before you complain about life,think of someone who went to heaven(天堂)too early. Before you complain about your old 54 , think of the people who are living in the streets.And when you are tired and complain about your job, think of those who have no jobs.So 55 what you have and don’t forget your past.

(  )41.

A. forgot

B. loved

C. disliked

D. thanked

(  )42.

A. ready

B. unhappy

C. angry

D. sad

(  )43.

A. sight

B. world

C. earth

D. people

(  )44.

A. shoes

B. glasses

C. trousers

D. eyes

(  )45.

A. first

B. second

C. next

D. 1ast

(  )46.

A. follow

B. love

C. marry

D. see

(  )47.

A. ugly

B. sick

C. short

D. blind

(  )48.

A. decided

B. agreed

C. refused

D. wanted

(  )49.

A. diary

B. note

C. song

D. story

(  )50.

A. Before

B. After

C. Once

D. Since

(  )51.

A. mind

B. work

C. school

D. life

(  )52.

A. taste

B. size

C. color

D. shape

(  )53.

A. do

B. wear

C. eat

D. make

(  )54.

A. food

B. house

C. clothes

D. bus

(  )55.

A. forget

B. spend

C. enjoy

D. pay



   Playing is a serious business for children. In fact, it’s what they do best! Ask them why they do it, and kids will probably say, "Because it’s fun!" But it’s much more than that. It’s also good for them.

 Studies show that from birth babies begin learning through playing. They use their five senses to get to know their new world. Touching allows them to discover how different things feel. Brightly colored toys and clothing help develop a baby’s sense of sight.

   When small children choose which toy to play with, they begin developing their abilities in   making decisions. Children love toys that allow them to use their imagination. Sometimes an empty box is more fun than a high-tech (高科技) toy. That’s because a box can become anything a child imagines it to be.

   Crayons, paints and Ply-Doha(彩色塑泥) are also good because they allow children to create. Traditional building blocks teach important pre-math skills like problem-solving.

   Playing doesn’t become any less important once children start school.   ?    . Kids learn how to share, take turns and play by the rules(规则).

1 Why is playing a serious business for children?

   A. Because it is fun.

   B. Because children like playing.

   C. Because children can get much more from playing.

   D. Because children make friends through playing.

2 Which sentence can be filled in the          ?

   A. Classroom is the most important place for children to learn life.

   B. Many useful lessons about life are learned on the school playground.

   C. Five senses are used in children’s study when they are at school.

   D. Children like to go to school if they can play on the school playground.

3 Which of the following is true?

   A. Arts can develop children’s creative ideas.

   B. Babies learn everything through playing.

   C. An empty box is less fun than a high-tech toy for children.

   D. Playing is no longer important for children after they start school.

4 What’s the passage mainly about?

   A. How to play with children.            B. How to develop children’s five senses.

   C. Playing is fun for children.            D. Playing is good for children’s development.


