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Look at advertisement 1

  The Browns are looking for a new house.Mr Brown wants to live in the center of town near his work.Mrs Brown wants a house with four bedrooms.The Brown children don’t care what the house is like as long as(只要)the garden is big enough.

(  )Why didn’t the Browns buy the house in the advertisement?

[  ]


It was on the right side of town.


There weren’t enough bedrooms.


There was no dining-room.


The garden was too big.


Look at advertisement 2

  Ann has always wanted to work in a restaurant.She thinks they’re exciting places.It’s hard work but she isn’t lazy.You have to work on Saturdays and Sundays but you get other days off.It’s not very well-paid,but who cares about money?

(  )Why does Ann want to get the job in the restaurant?

[  ]


It’s an easy job.


The play is good and the food is free.


She thinks it would be fun.


You get long holidays.


Look at advertisement 3

  Tom:There’s a new football team standing in the village,Mum.I’m old enough to play in it.We stop school at half past three,so I’d have plenty of time.

  Mum:Well,I suppose you could do your homework later.But look,Tom,you haven’t read the advertisement carefully.You can’t possibly play for this team.

(  )Why can’t Tom play for the new football team?

[  ]


He’s not old enough.


It’s in a different village.


School stops too late.


He has to do his homework.


Look at advertisement 4

  Man:I’m looking for a room to rent(租).It doesn’t matter how big it is.I don’t care what colour the walls are or how old the furniture is.I’ve got to study for my exams,so the house must be quiet.

  Girl:There are some advertisements for rooms in the paper.What about this one?

  Man:Yes…Yes…that’s all right.Oh dear,no,I don’t think it would do.

(  )What’s wrong with the room in advertisement 4?

[  ]


It’s too small.


The walls are the wrong colour.


The man likes old furniture better.


It’s too noisy.


Look at advertisements 5 and 6

  Man:Why don’t we rent one of the Seaview Holiday Flats for our holiday,Mary?They sound just as good as the Seaview Hotel,and it would be much cheaper.

  Mary:There’s one big difference between the holiday flats and the hotel.The hotel would be much less work!

(  )Why would Mary rather stay at the hotel?

[  ]


They wouldn’t have to cook.


It’s not so expensive.


She would enjoy the beautiful gardens.


It’s nearer the sea.


【小题1】The baby fell asleep when its mother came back. (改为同义句)
The baby ________ fall asleep________ its mother came back.
【小题2】The boy was riding a bike when the UFO landed. (对划线部分提问)
        was the boy          when the UFO landed?
【小题3】Mr. Wang said to Scott " You are hard-working." (改为间接引语)
Mr. Wang told Scott           ________ hard-working.
【小题4】My uncle will go to Australia on vacation next month. He will have enough time. (合并为含if的复合句)
My uncle will go to Australia on vacation next month _________ he________ enough time.
If my dream _________  _________, I will have lots of money to help the poor.



1.The baby fell asleep when its mother came back. (改为同义句)

The baby ________ fall asleep________ its mother came back.

2.The boy was riding a bike when the UFO landed. (对划线部分提问)

          was the boy           when the UFO landed?

3.Mr. Wang said to Scott " You are hard-working." (改为间接引语)

Mr. Wang told Scott           ________ hard-working.

4.My uncle will go to Australia on vacation next month. He will have enough time. (合并为含if的复合句)

My uncle will go to Australia on vacation next month _________ he________ enough time.


If my dream _________  _________, I will have lots of money to help the poor.





1.The baby fell asleep when its mother came back. (改为同义句)

The baby ________ fall asleep________ its mother came back.

2.The boy was riding a bike when the UFO landed. (对划线部分提问)

          was the boy           when the UFO landed?

3.Mr. Wang said to Scott " You are hard-working." (改为间接引语)

Mr. Wang told Scott           ________ hard-working.

4.My uncle will go to Australia on vacation next month. He will have enough time. (合并为含if的复合句)

My uncle will go to Australia on vacation next month _________ he________ enough time.


If my dream _________  _________, I will have lots of money to help the poor.




小题1:The baby fell asleep when its mother came back. (改为同义句)
The baby ________ fall asleep________ its mother came back.
小题2:The boy was riding a bike when the UFO landed. (对划线部分提问)
        was the boy          when the UFO landed?
小题3:Mr. Wang said to Scott “You are hard-working.” (改为间接引语)
Mr. Wang told Scott           ________ hard-working.
小题4:My uncle will go to Australia on vacation next month. He will have enough time. (合并为含if的复合句)
My uncle will go to Australia on vacation next month _________ he________ enough time.
If my dream _________  _________, I will have lots of money to help the poor.

