32. How many does your brother buy? A.box of match B.boxes of match C.box of matches D.boxes of matches 查看更多



【小题1】Which do you like __________ of all the subjects?(well)
【小题2】There are many tall _____________ in our city.(build)
【小题3】I am in the _________(read) Club at school.
【小题4】How many ________(play) are there in a football match?
【小题5】How often does your school have a _____________ meeting?(parent)



1.Which do you like __________ of all the subjects?(well)

2.There are many tall _____________ in our city.(build)

3.I am in the _________(read) Club at school.

4.How many ________(play) are there in a football match?

5.How often does your school have a _____________ meeting?(parent)




1. Sometimes Dick and Jack go to work by car. (改为同义句)
    Sometimes Dick and Jack _____  _____ work.
2. Excuse me, how can I get to the bank? (改为同义句)
    Excuse me, could you tell me _____  _____ to the bank?
3. How many workers are there in your factory? (改为同义句)
    How many workers _____ your factory _____ ?
4. Paul usually goes to the library once a week. (对画线部分提问)
    _____  _____ does Paul usually go to the library?
5. Please open the door. (改为否定句)
    _____  _____ the door, please.


1. —How o_________ does your mother shop?
    —Twice a week.
2. I also like English. But math is his f_________ subject.
3. Some children often surf the I_________ with the help of their parents.
4. We u________ play soccer on weekdays.
5. A________ for him, he is nothing but a dog. Don't be angry with him.
6. Do you know the r_________ of the football match?
7. To go to bed early and to get up early is a healthy l_________.
8. Her uncle n_________ watches football match. He doesn't like football at all.
9. —What is your favorite TV p_________?
    —Sports news.
10. —How many t__________ did you go to Beijing?
     —Only once.



 86.Which do you like __________ of all the subjects?(well)

 87.There are many tall _____________ in our city.(build)

 88.I am in the _________(read) Club at school.

 89.How many ________(play) are there in a football match?

 90.How often does your school have a _____________ meeting?(parent)

