9.A.He fell off his bike and hurt his leg. B.Nothing has happened. C.He will come to see me. 查看更多




bad  little  easy  be  invent  sleep  hour  Europe  wear  he  

1. Betty ______ now much taller than she was last year.

2.After a long walk, the little boy got tired and fell ______ soon.

3.The boy is too young to look after ______.

4.I think the computer is one of the most important ______ in the world.

5.The weather report says it will be cloudy in some ______ cities in the coming days.

6.—Hi, Jack! What’s wrong with Peter?

  —He fell off his bike yesterday. Luckily, he was not ______ hurt.

7.My students find English ______ to learn and they like it very much.

8.Kate ______ a beautiful dress at her 18th birthday party yesterday.

9.—These tables are very nice. Which one would you like, madam?

  —I’d like that brown one. It uses the ______ space.

10.We will arrive at that small village in about one and a half ______ time.



bad  little  easy  be  invent  sleep  hour  Europe  wear  he  
【小题1】 Betty ______ now much taller than she was last year.
【小题2】After a long walk, the little boy got tired and fell ______ soon.
【小题3】The boy is too young to look after ______.
【小题4】I think the computer is one of the most important ______ in the world.
【小题5】The weather report says it will be cloudy in some ______ cities in the coming days.
【小题6】—Hi, Jack! What’s wrong with Peter?
—He fell off his bike yesterday. Luckily, he was not ______ hurt.
【小题7】My students find English ______ to learn and they like it very much.
【小题8】Kate ______ a beautiful dress at her 18th birthday party yesterday.
【小题9】—These tables are very nice. Which one would you like, madam?
—I’d like that brown one. It uses the ______ space.
【小题10】We will arrive at that small village in about one and a half ______ time.


A small boy lived with his mother and grandmother in a big house. His father had died.

A bucket(桶)of water fell on the small boy’s left foot, and it began hurting a hot. His mother said, “I’m going to put something very hot on your foot tonight. That’s always very good. Tomorrow your foot won’t hurt any longer.”

In the evening, the small boy’s mother came to his bedroom. She had a hot poultice(膏药)in a bowl. The small boy looked at it and said, “I don’t want that. I had one a month ago. Poultices hurt.”

His mother sat down on his bed and said, “You’re going to have this poultice on.” She pulled his sheets(床单)and blankets(毯子)away, and put the poultice near his foot, but the boy pulled it away quickly, and poultice fell on the bed.

His mother was angry. She went down stairs and came back with his grandmother and a stick. She said to her son, “Your grandmother’s going to put the poultice on your foot, and I’m going to hold this stick. Now don’t be a stupid boy.”

She held the stick over the boy, and the grandmother took his foot and put the poultice near it. The boy said. “Stop, you…” but his mother brought the stick nearer, and he did not say anything else.

The grandmother brought the poultice near the foot again, and the boy stopped her again, but his mother was angry now and said, “I’m going to hit you.” The boy did not finish his words, and his grandmother put the poultice on his foot. He let it there for a few minutes and then took it off again.

The boy’s mother and grandmother put the sheets and blankets over him again and he said, “My left foot hurts, but you put the poultice on my right foot. I stopped you twice, but you didn’t listen to me.”

1. The small boy’s foot hurt because ____.

A.he fell off the bike

B.a bucket of water fell on his foot

C.he fell and hurt his foot

D.he was ill

2. In the evening ___ first came to the small boy’s room.

A.his mother

B.his father

C.his grandmother

D.his grandfather

3. The small boy ____ his mother.

A.agreed with

B.didn’t stop


D.didn’t agree with

4. The small boy took the poultice off because ____.

A.his foot didn’t hurt

B.he hated his mother and grandmother

C.his left foot hurt

D.his right foot hurt

5.The best title for this passage is ____.

A.Left or Right

B.A Small Boy

C.The Poultice

D.A Small Boy’s Mother




1. They looked at each other and _______(keep) their secrets to themselves.

2. I _______(not fly) to London if it snows tomorrow.

3. He bought a coat ________(make) of cotton.

4. We were ________(please) with the pleasant trip.

5. Walk slowly around the big lake and feel the ______(beautiful)of the old park.

6.  _______(hunt) often kill many wild animals for their skin.

7.  None of us liked the movie at the ______(begin).

8. “Help _______(you) to some sweets,” Kate said to her friends.

9. He was ________(luck) to be hurt after he fell off his bike.

10. Who has ________(little) work to do , Tom, Jim or Peter?

11. She can cook healthy and ______(taste) meals.

12. I think these cars are those _________(foreign).

13. New shoes often make your feet feel ________(comfort) after a long walk.

14. It was my job ___________(introduce) each star at the fashion show.

15. He’s kept _________(wait) for 3 hours.



1.China is a d_______ country.

2.Jack has a c_______ of paintings.He has collected about 1000 pictures.

3.Mary is very i_______ in Chinese.

4.He is an h_______ man.He will say the truth.

5.Please don’t speak loudly in p_______ place.It’s impolite.

6.Don’t _______ (提及)it.

7.Edison is a_______(成功的)inventor.

8.Looking for new _______(友谊) can make you happy.

9.His mother will be _______(自豪) of his success.

10.He fell off his bike and _______ (受伤)badly.

