If yon bring snacks to the party, the teachers will . A. take it away B. take them away C. take off it D. take them off 查看更多



A: Morning, Mary!
B: Hi, morning! What are you going to do this evening?
A: I'm going to the school party. 1._____?
B: 2._____. Let's bring some snacks then.
A: Oh, we can't do that.
B: 3._____?
A: If we bring snacks, 4._____.
B: Oh, I see. By the way, 5._____.
A: We can get there at 5: 00.


 If you bring snacks to school,the teacher will ________.

A. take away them   B. take away it  C. take them away D. take it  away



If you bring snacks to the party, the teachers will _____________.

   A.take it away  B.take them away

C.take away it  D.take away them


If you bring snacks.ice cream and soda to the party,the teachers will        

A.take it away         B.take them away      C.take away it     D.take away them


 If you bring snacks to the party, the teachers will ____.

A. take it away         B. take them away   C. take away it           D. take away them


