7.There were beautiful pictures on the wall of the classroom. 查看更多



【小题1】The street near my house is quite _________ (寂静的) at night.
【小题2】Do you think English ________ (语法) very difficult?
【小题3】Kitty will go _______ (在国外) as an exchange student.
【小题4】Last summer holiday, my teacher _________ (介绍) Joy to me, and now we are close friends.
【小题5】They are happy to get some help from some local _____________ (企业). 
【小题6】My hat is ______ (hang) behind the door. Can’t you see?
【小题7】There were twenty people in the room, _________ (include) the teacher.
【小题8】It was a delightful holiday and a ___________ (mean) experience.
【小题9】--- Who is the _______ (produce) of the new computer?
--- My father’s company made it.
【小题10】If you connect the printer to the computer ________ (incorrect), it will refuse (拒绝) to work. 


1.Jinan is the c____________ of Shandong Province.It’s a very beautiful city.

2.Weifang is f____________ for kites.

3.It’s 9:00am now,the students are having an English lesson at the m____________.

4.We work hard all the year r____________.

5.People will have more holidays in the f____________.

6.--What’s Tony doing? 

--He’s taking____________ (照片)on the Great Wall.

7.There were lots of____________ (游客)in the park last Sunday.

8.Hockey is more____________ (激动人心的)than rowing.

9.There are many old buildings and three____________ (教堂)in Weifang.

10.Is Hong Kong____________ (热的)than Shanghai?


     My mother had an accident last Thursday. She was trapped in her c   1   for 20 minutes!
     It was a cold day. And the s  2   was heavy. She was driving home f   3   work at nine p.m. As there
was snow on  the road.   She drove very slowly. But u     4    , the   car  broke   down  suddenly.   She
couldn't s  5     it. And what was worse, she couldn't open the door.  She f  6   very helpless and didn't
know what to do. So  she telephoned my father with her mobile. But my father happened to(碰巧) be
in a   7   city. There were f   8   people on the road and the snow c   9   to fall around her car. She had
to call 110 for help. Two policemen arrived in a h  10   . They tried many ways to open the door. And
my mother came back home in their police car in the end. She gave us a surprise!.


     My mother had an accident last Thursday. She was trapped in her c   1   for 20 minutes! It was a
cold day. And the s  2   was heavy. She was driving home f   3   work at nine p.m. As there was snow
on the road. She drove very slowly. But u   4  , the car broke down suddenly. She couldn’t s  5  it. And
what was worse, she couldn’t open the door. She f  6   very helpless and didn’t know what to do. So
she telephoned my father with her mobile. But my father happened to(碰巧) be in a   7   city. There
were f   8   people on the road and the snow c   9   to fall around her car. She had to call 110 for help.
Two policemen arrived in a h  10   . They tried many ways to open the door. And my mother came
back home in their police car in the end. She gave us a surprise!.


On August 26, 1999, New York City was struck by a terrible rainstorm. The rain caused the streets to  1  and the underground system almost came to a stop.

    Unluckily this happened during the  2   rush hour. Many people who were going to work were  3 to go home. Some tried their best to   4   a taxi or to get on a bus. Still others   5   the storm bravely, walking miles to get to work.

    I happened to be one of the people on the way to work that morning. I went from underground line to underground line only to find that most  6  had stopped. After making my way through crowds of people, I finally found an underground line that was   7 . Unluckily, there were so many people waiting to   8 the underground that I could not even get down the stairs to the   9 . So I took the train going in the  10   direction, and then turned back to the downtown(市中心)train. Finally, after what seemed like forever, the train   11   my stop. Then I had to walk several blocks in the heavy rain. When I finally got to my office, I was   12   through, tired and discouraged.

     My co-workers and I spent most of the day drying off. When it was 5:00 pm,I was ready to go home. I was going to  13 off my computer when I received an e-mail from Garth, my Director:

I would like to thank all of you who made the  14  and finally came to work. It is always reassuring (令人欣慰的), at times like these, when workers so clearly show their attention and devotion to their   15 Thank you.

1  A. break              B. flood              C. fall                D. crash

2  A. afternoon     B. evening       C. morning           D. night

3  A. made             B. asked          C. invited           D. gathered

4  A. order              B. pay             C. call               D. search

5  A. showed      B. fought            C. broke            D. faced

6  A. practice            B. order           C. process           D. service

7  A. working            B. acting             C. turning             D. rushing

8  A. check             B. get on          C. jump into        D. find

9  A. street              B. ground           C. floor             D. road

10  A. different          B. opposite         C. changed           D. right

11  A. stopped           B. crossed          C. reached            D. parked

12  A. wet              B. hungry           C. angry            D. cold

13  A. pay              B. get                  C. turn            D. put

14  A. rule              B. effort               C. promise          D. model

15  A. computers       B. lives                 C. actions                  D. jobs


