8.The little boy cried.because he wanted to go home. 查看更多



【小题1】 At the e_______ of the fairy tale, the prince and princess lived happily ever after.
【小题2】 The advertisement says we’d better take our o________ shopping bag to the supermarket, for it is good for our environment.
【小题3】 ---“It seems Tom never gets tired.”
---“Yes, he’s always full of e________.”
【小题4】 At the Spring Festival, Chinese people often visit their r_________ and have a get-together.
【小题5】 On the Internet, there were plenty of _________(报道) about how the cruel man _______(杀) cats for fun.
【小题6】 As the sun was shining b_________, the driver had to wear his sunglasses.
【小题7】 He has such a bad temper(脾气) that f_______ people are willing to make friends with him.
【小题8】 The little boy tried to _________ (捉住) the butterfly, but failed.
【小题9】 A_________ is a country famous for its pleasant environment and special animals, like the kangaroo and the koala bear.
【小题10】 Before sleep, the housekeeper(管家) would make sure the door was shut and _________(吹) out the candle.


动词填空 。可适当填加助动词或情态动词。
     Last Sunday, my friends Wang Tao, Zhang Jun asked me to go __1__ (swim) with them. Soon we got
  to the river. They were swimming in it. But I couldn't swim. So I__2__ (sit) under a big tree and watching
  a little boy __3__ (play) with a ball near the river. But the ball __4__ (fall) into the water and he fell into
  the water, too.
    I was standing up and __5__ (call) for help. But my friends __6__ (be) far from me and they__7__ (not
  hear). So I jumped into the water. I didn't know how to swim in it, but I __8__ (take) the little boy out of
 the water. His parents thanked me very much. They said, "You are a good boy, a good young pioneer."
     When my friends knew this, they all smiled and __9__ (say), "You __10__ (swim) now."


1.Yesterday Li Lei fell off his bike. ___________(幸运的是) he was not hurt.
2.This is a romantic film _____________ (导演) by Feng Xiaogang.
3.People sometimes feel ___________ (困倦的) on warm spring afternoon.
4.Blue represent ____________ (悲伤).
5.It is ____________ (纪录) that Suzhou has a history of over 2,500 years.
6.Father looked ____________ (生气) at his son, but he didn't beat him.
7.You are standing too near the TV. Can you move a bit ___________ (远)?
8.The little boy has___________ (积攒) a lot of money.
9.He can wait for two hours without getting ____________ (不耐烦).
10.Gong Li is one of the most famous ____________ (女演员).
11.Many kinds of animals are ____________ (消失), so we must take actions to protect them.
12.Suzhou gardens are _____________ (值得) visiting.
13.The football match is broadcast _____________ (现场直播).
14.I never _____________ (怀疑) that Mike is honest.
15.She has great difficulty ___________ (作出) a decision.
16. An _____________ (精力充沛的) person has lots of energy.
17. The rich man was _____________ (谋杀) last month.
18. I enjoy reading this kind of ____________ (每周的) magazine.


动词填空 可适当填加助动词或情态动词。
      Last Sunday, my friends Wang Tao, Zhang Jun asked me to go    1     (swim) with them. Soon we got
to the river. They were swimming in it. But I couldn't swim. So I    2    (sit) under a big tree and watching
a little boy    3    (play) with a ball near the river. But the ball    4    (fall) into the water and he fell into the
water, too.
      I was standing up and    5    (call) for help. But my friends    6    (be) far from me and they    7    (not
hear). So I jumped into the water. I didn't know how to swim in it, but I    8    (take) the little boy out of the
water. His parents thanked me very much. They said, "You are a good boy, a good young pioneer."
     When my friends knew this, they all smiled and    9    (say), "You    10    (swim) now."
1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____
6._____ 7._____ 8._____ 9._____ 10._____


Once upon a time, a rich man wanted to make a trip (旅行) to another town. He tried not only to take things to sell but also to take money to 36 things with. He 37 to take ten servants with him. They would 38 the things to sell and the food to 39 on their trip. Before they started, a little boy ran up to 40 and asked to 41 with them.

The rich man said to the little boy, “Well, 42 may go with us. 43 you are the smallest, the thinnest and the weakest of all my 44, you can’t carry a 45 load (担子). You must 46the lightest one to carry.” The boy thanked his master and chose the biggest load to carry. That was bread.

“You are 47.” said his master, “That is the biggest and the heaviest one.” The boy didn’t say 48 and lifted the load gladly.

 On the trip they walked for days and at last they got to the town. All the servants were very tired 49 the little servant. Do you know 50? Most of the bread was eaten during the trip and a little was left when they arrived at the town.

1.A. eat             B. buy                          C. change           D. get

2.A. decided               B. liked                       C. hoped D. tried

3.A. take           B. bring                       C. carry     D. borrow

4.A. cook          B. eat                          C. buy       D. drink

5.A. them           B. the servants                   C. the road                  D. the rich man

6.A. stop           B. stay                         C. go D. talk

7.A. you    B. he                            C. I   D. they

8.A. Since          B. If                    C. Because         D. But

9.A. family         B. guests                     C. servants         D. things

10.A. heavy               B. light                        C. small     D. difficult

11.A. eat            B. choose                            C. pick up D. understand

12.A. brave                 B. right                         C. clever D. foolish

13.A. sorry                  B. anything                 C. angrily            D. good-bye

14.A. besides             B. of                            C. except           D. with

15.A. who                  B. him                          C. that                 D. why


