When do morning classes finish? 查看更多



The students in America usually begin(开始) middle school when they are eleven or twelve years old . They need to finish(完成) the three-year middle school study . So they leave(离开) school when they are fourteen or fifteen years old .

In America , the middle school day is about seven hours long . Every class lasts for fifty minutes(五十分钟) . American students learn English , history , maths , science(科学), art and foreign languages(外语). Some also learn how to use a computer.

Most classes start at about 7:30 in the morning. The students often have lunch at school. School ends(结束) at about two o’clock in the afternoon. But a lot of students stay two or more hours longer every day for sports. Like Chinese students, they have to do their homework at home in the evening.

On Saturdays and Sundays, the students can go shopping, go to a movie, have parties or play games with their friends . But many of them like watching TV or playing computer games at home.

(    )51. How old is an American student in a middle school?

     A. 11-12    B. 11-15    C. 14-15    D. 13

(    )52. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “lasts” in Paragraph 2?

     A. 最后的    B. 最新的    C. 迟到的    D. 持续

(    )53. How long does an American student stay at school?

     A. About six hours.    B. About two or there hours.

    C. About 24 hours.    D. About eight hours.

(    )54. After school , American students have to         .

     A. do homework   B. go to bed   C. go shopping  D. watch TV

(    )55. What do American students do on weekends?

     A. They often go shopping and do homework

    B. They usually go to a movie or sleep for a long day.

    C. They play computer games at home or watch TV

    D. They go to school and do their homework.


The students in America usually begin high school at the age of 13 or 14. Some leave at the age of 16. But most finish the 4-year high school study. They do not get their first full-time work or begin college studies until they are 17 or 18 years old.

The high school day is about 7 hours long. Part of the day is made into classes of about 50 minutes long. The students have lunch in the middle of the day. American students study English, history, math, science, art and languages. Some also learn job skills. They can learn how to use a computer or how to mend a car. Other students may learn by working in an office, a hospital or other places one day a week.

Jean Wilton Anderson is 16 years old. She lives with her parents and 2 younger brothers in Bethesda, Maryland, near Washington D.C. Jean studies at Whitman High School. There are about 1500 students at the school. Most of them will go up to colleges.

Jean wakes up early every morning. She begins school at about 7:30. This is her third year of high school. Every day she takes classes to learn English, world history, physics and trigonometry. (三角)She also has a class about different religions(宗教). And she plays the violin in music classes. School ends at about 2 o’clock in the afternoon. Yet, Jean stays 2 or more hours longer every day for sports. Jean arrives home at about 5 o’clock in the afternoon. She eats dinner. Then she starts her homework. She also spends a lot of time talking on the telephone with her friends. Students in America have their way of talking. They use the word “like” all the time. Jean and her girlfriends wear blue jeans and shirts or sweaters every day. The boys at her school also wear blue jeans. But they like to wear blue jeans that are several sizes too large for them.

Like students of her age in most part of the country, Jean began driving a car when she was 16 years old. She does not have her car. Most of the students in high school have their own car. Many of them drive their cars to school every day.

1. When the students in America finish their high school, they ________.

A. are usually 17 or 18 years old          B. try to find the full-time work

C. all begin their college studies            D. are ready to leave the country

2. Jean Wilton Anderson _________.

A. has a four-people family                         B. lives in the city of Washington

C. has studied in her school for 3 years              D. will go up to a college

3. On a school day Jean Wilton Anderson ___________.

A. has to get to school before 7:30 in the morning

B. takes classes for 10 subjects in the school

C. does some sports and homework after class

D. Spends hours on the phone with her classmates

4. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Students in high schools use the word “like” very often.

B. The boy students wear blue jeans as the girls.

C. Many high school students go to school in their own car.

D. Boy students wear jeans of larger size because they grow fast.



     The students in America usually begin high school at the age of 13 or 14. Some leave at the age of
16.But most finish the 4-year high school study. They do not get their first full-time work or begin
college studies until they are 17 or 18 years old.
     The high school day is about 7 hours long. Part of the day is made into classes of about 50 minutes
long. The students have lunch in the middle of the day. American students study English, history, maths,
science, art and languages. Some also learn job skills. They can learn how to use a computer or how
to mend a car. Other students may learn by working in an office, a hospital or other places one day a
week.Jean Wilton Anderson is 16 years old. She lives with her parents and two younger brothers in
Bethesda, Maryland, near Washington D. C. Jean studies at Walt Whitman High School. There are
about 1, 500students at the school. Most of them will go up to colleges.
     Jean wakes up early every morning. She begins school at about 7:30. This is her third year of high
school. Every day she takes classes to learn English, world history, physics and trigonometry (三角).
She also has a class about different religions (宗教). And she plays the violin in music class. School
ends at about 2 o'clcok in the afternoon. Yet, Jean stays 2 or more hours longer every day for sports.
Jean arrives home at about 5 o'clock in the afternoon. She eats dinner. Then she starts her homework.
She also spends a lot of time talking on the telephone with her friends. Students in America have their
way of talking. They use the word "like" all the time. Jean and her girlfriends wear blue jeans and shirts
or sweaters every day.
     The boys at her school also wear blue jeans. But they like to wear blue jeans that are several sizes
too large for them.
     Like students of her age in most part of the country, Jean begins to drive a car. She does not have
her car. She must use the family's car. Most of the students in high school have their own cars. Many
of them drive their cars to school every day.

1. When the students in America finish their high school, they           .    
   A. are usually 17 or 18 years old                                
   B. try to find the full-time work                                
   C. all begin their college studies                              
   D. are ready to leave the country                                
2. Which of the following is NOT true to the high school? .        
   A. The school day usually lasts for 7 hours                      
   B. The student only have 6 subjects to learn                    
   C. Each class will last for 50 minutes                          
   D. The students can learn some skills out of the school          
3. Jean Wilton Anderson            .                                          
   A. has a four-people family                                      
   B. lives in the city of Washington                              
   C. has studied in her school for 3 years                        
   D. drives her own car at the age of 16                          
4. On a school day Jean Wilton Anderson            .                          
   A. has to get to school before 7:30 in the morning              
   B. takes classes for 10 subjects in the school                  
   C. does some sports and homework after class                    
   D. spends hours on the phone with her classmates                
5. Which of the following is NOT true?                              
   A. Students in high schools use the word "like" very often.      
   B. The boy students wear blue jeans as the girls.                
   C. Many high school students go to school in their own cars.    
   D. Boy students wear jeans of larger size because they grow fast.




  The students in America usually begin high school at the age of 13 or 14. Some leave at the age of 16. But most finish the 4-year high school study. They do not get their first full-time work or begin college studies until they are 17 or 18 years old.

  The high school day is about 7 hours long. Part of the day is made into classes of about 50 minutes long. The students have lunch in the middle of the day. American students study English, history, math, science, art and languages. Some also learn job skills. They can learn how to use a computer or how to mend a car. Other students may learn by working in an office, a hospital or other places one day a week.

  Jean Wilton Anderson is 16 years old. She lives with her parents and 2 younger brothers in Bethesda, Maryland, near Washington D. C. Jean studies at Walt Whitman High School. There are about 1, 500 students in the school. Most of them will go up to college.

  Jean wakes up early every morning. She begins school at about 7:30. This is her third year of high school. Every day she takes classes to learn English, world history, physics and trigonometry(三角). She also has a class about different religions(宗教). And she plays the violin in music class. School ends at about 2 o'clock in the afternoon. She eats dinner. Then she starts her homework. She also spends a lot of time talking on the telephone with her friends. Students in America have their way of talking. They use the word “like” all the time. Jean and her friends wear blue jeans and shirts or sweaters every day. The boys at her school also wear blue jeans. But they like to wear blue jeans that are several sizes too large for them.

  Like students of her age in most part of the country, Jean began driving a car when she was 16 years old. She does not have her car. She must use the family's car. Most of the students in high school have their own cars. Many of them drive their cars to school every day.

1.When the students in America finish their high school, they ________.

[  ]

A.are usually 17 or 18 years old

B.try to find the full-time work

C.all begin their college studies

D.are ready to leave the country

2.Which of the following is NOT true to the high school?

[  ]

A.The school day usually lasts for 7 hours.

B.The students only have 6 subjects to learn.

C.Each class will last for 50 minutes.

D.The students can learn some skills out of the school.

3.Jean Wilton Anderson ________.

[  ]

A.has a four-people family

B.lives in the city of Washington

C.has studied in her school for 3 years

D.will go up to a college

4.On a school day Jean Wilton Anderson ________.

[  ]

A.has to get to school before 7:30 in the morning

B.takes classes for 10 subjects in the school

C.does some sports and homework after class

D.spends hours on the phone with her classmates

5.Which of the following is NOT true?

[  ]

A.Students in high school use the ward “like” very often

B.The boy students wear blue jeans as the girls.

C.Many high school students go to school in their own cars.

D.Boy students wear jeans of larger size because they grow fast.


A student newspaper reports that most students go to sleep at 1:30 am. Even if that’s an overstatement (夸张), it’s close to the truth. Scientists say teens should sleep nine hours each night. But that’s hard. Some are even “pulling all-nighters” (开夜车). These students must hand in their homework the next day but they haven’t done it. In the morning they don’t look healthy and you can tell who’s been doing it. One of my classmates did a survey on the topic. She found that most kids pull all-nighters to finish homework, but some do it for other reasons, such as playing computer games!

    Maybe our lack(缺乏) of sleep is because of laziness — I think I’m a rather lazy student — or maybe it’s because we have too much to do in American high schools. I usually go to bed around midnight. If I stayed up past 1:30 am, I wouldn’t get any work done. I’d be falling asleep at my computer. My classes begin at 7:30 am. I’m partly awake in my first class. By the second, I’m a little sleepy. By my third class, I’m sleepy. By midday I’m finally fully awake. But by 3:00 pm, I’m slowing down again. Yet I get more sleep than usual students.

    Most American high schools seem to have a similar(相似的) problem with sleepy students. High school classes start at 7:30 am, so students have to get up one and a half hours before that to get ready and catch the bus. It’s believed that lack of sleep can be bad for both grades and health. Some schools are paying attention. Classes in those schools start at 8:30 am.

1.What does the underlined sentence “it’s close to the truth” mean?

A. It doesn’t tell the truth.         B. It is quite true.

C. It is impossible.              D. I don’t think it’s right.

2.Why do most of the teens have to stay up late?

A. They play computer games.             B. They watch videos late.

C. They have to do a lot of housework.      D. They have to do a lot of homework.

3.When do students in most American high schools have to get up?

A. At 7:30 am.     B. At 6:00 am.    C. At 9:00 am.    D. At about 7:00 am.

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the reading?

A. The writer usually stays up past 1:30 am.

B. The writer usually goes to bed around midnight.

C. The writer usually does a survey.

D. Many American students don’t get enough sleep, so they can have high grades.

5.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Something has to be done to solve the problem of students’ lack of sleep.

B. Many American high school students are sleepy in class.

C. Many kids have too much homework to do.

D. Students can’t play computer games.


