8.What’s Linda’s favorite animal?A.Dogs. B.Rabbits. C.Fish. 查看更多




1.How are you?

2.What’s your phone number?  

3.I’m Lucy, What’s your last name?

4.What’s this in English?

5.What color is the dictionary?

6.Good morning, Linda! 

7.What’s your first name?     

8.How do you spell your name?

9.Is this a gold ring?      

10.Your English is good.

A.My family name’s Miller.

B.Fine, thank you.

C.It’s “0”.

D.It’s 027-5603.

E. Yes, it is.

F. It’s green.

G. Thanks.

H. Good morning, Miss Green.

I.E-M-M-A, Emma.

J. It’s Tim.



Linda, Tom and Sally are my friends. Let’s go to their rooms and have a look!

I’m Linda. Welcome to my room. My English book is on the bed. My school ID card and the schoolbag are on the sofa. What are those in the bookcase? Oh, they are my tape player and some tapes.
My name is Tom. This is my room. Look! My keys are on the sofa. My red quilt is on the bed. In the bookcase is my brother Jim’s model plane. Where is my schoolbag? Oh, it is under the chair.
Hi, I am Sally. What can you see in my room? My computer is on the desk. My schoolbag is on the bed. The CDs are in the bookcase. What are those under the bed? Oh, they are three baseballs. They are my friend’s Alice’s.
【小题1】 Where’s Linda’s tape player?
A.On the bed.B.On the sofa.
C.In the bookcase.D.In the desk
【小题2】 What color is Tom’s quilt?
【小题3】  What’s under Sally’s bed?
A.Her schoolbag.B.Some CDs
C.Her computer gameD.Three baseballs.
【小题4】  Whose are the baseballs?
【小题5】 Who is Jim?
A.Tom’s brotherB.Tom’s father
C.Linda’s brotherD.Sally’s friend


从II 栏中找出 I 栏的相应答语把编号写在前面的括号中。 10%         

I                                                                                              II

1.What’s your name?

2.Is this your cousin?

3.What’s the weather like today?

4.How old is your friend Tom?

5.What color are your shoes?

6.Is there a sports hall at your school?

7.Has she got any beef at home?

8.What’s on the classroom wall?

9.Are Linda and Betty your friends?

10.What’s your mother?   A. Yes, they are.

B. Cold.

C. Yes, there is.

D. Tony.

E. Black.

F. No, she hasn’t.

G. A nurse.

H. A map.

I. Yes, it is.

J. Fourteen.



Linda: Hello, my name is Linda Brown. What’s your name?

Tony: I am Tony Smith. Nice to meet you!

Linda: Nice to meet you, too (也)! What is this?

Tony: Oh, it is a photo of my family.

Linda: Is this your mother?

Tony: Yes.

Linda: Is he your father?

Tony: Yes, he is.

Linda: And is the baby (婴儿) your brother?

Tony: Haha, it isn’t. It is my sister.


1.What is the boy’s last name? 

A. Brown.                   B. Tony.     C. Smith.

2.What is the girl’s first name?    

A. Linda.            B. Tony.        C. Brown. 

3.Tony has a photo of his __________.   

A. parents                B. school     C. family

4.Is the woman(妇女) Tony’s mother?      

A. Yes, she is.         B. No, she isn’t.  C. We don’t know.

5.Is the baby Tony’s brother?    

A. Yes, it is.     B. No, it isn’t.   C. We don’t know(不知道). 



My name is Tom. I’m nine. This is my mother. Her name’s Linda Johnson. Her telephone number is 13052864515. And this is my father. His name is Mike Johnson. His phone number is 13102884699. And this is my sister. What’s her name? Her name is Mary. Look! The boy is my brother Nick. Mary is eight and Nick is six.
【小题1】Mother is       .
A、Mary Johnson         B、Mike Johnson        C、Linda Johnson
【小题2】Father’s telephone number is      .
A、13120884699         B、13102884699         C、13052864515
【小题3】Mary is        .
A、six                 B、nine                 C、eight
【小题4】My brother is         .
A、Tom                B、Mike              C、Nick
【小题5】My last name is       .
A、Johnson            B、Tom                C、Mike

