46.A.easy B.fast C.slow D.hard 查看更多



My work keeps me in Hong Kong most of the year,but I try to get away for a month in summer,usually in July.Now as you probably know,that’s the main 1 season in Europe.The favorite places for vacations and the famous cities are usually very 2 . But I’m not seeking(寻求) the sun—I can get lots of  3 in Hong Kong—and I’m certainly not seeking the crowds!So 4 I go on vacation,I buy a Train Pass(a kind of train ticket) that allows me first-class travel on most of the railways of Western Europe.First-class compartments(车厢) are 5 crowded and they are very comfortable.If you’re going on 6 trip, you can take a sleeping train for an extra charge.There are usually dining cars(餐车) in the train.

I find that train travel is restful and 7 .There’s always 8 to see.I particularly(特别地) enjoy 9 through Switzerland and Italy.You can get a very good 10 of what a country is like from a train because you don’t go too fast and you stop quite often.Also train travel is very safe,and I am never sick on a train 11 I am on a ship. Then there are always people to 12 to if you feel like a chat.

The reason that I seldom(很少) travel by plane is quite 13 : because train stations are usually built in the centre.I don’t have to 14 transport(运输工具), transport can be a problem when arriving by 15 

1.                A.vacation        B.visiting         C.cloudy   D.windy


2.                A.quiet          B.useful          C.exciting   D.crowded


3.                A.pleasure        B.daylight         C.sunshine  D.money


4.                A.when          B.where          C.what D.which


5.                A.always         B.hardly          C.certainly  D.nearly


6.                A.summer        B.overnight       C.day-time  D.vacation


7.                A.cheap          B.expensive       C.interesting D.lonely


8.                A.something      B.nothing         C.anything  D.everything


9.                A.running        B.walking         C.driving   D.travelling


10.               A.view           B.idea           C.seat  D.trip


11.               A.rather than      B.or             C.as    D.even though


12.               A.talk            B.speak          C.tell   D.say


13.               A.easy           B.wrong          C.right  D.simple


14.               A.find out        B.worry about     C.wait for   D.take away


15.               A.ship           B.train           C.air   D.car




More and more Americans are going to work by bike. Do you know why more people are  41   bikes to work? We can answer the question in  42  ways. First, bikes don’t need gasoline (汽油), so it takes  43  money to use them. Second, a bike doesn’t  44 much space (空间), so it is  45 to find a                   place for it. And riding a bike is good for one’s  46 . People often drive their  47 to offices or to shops, but now people think riding bikes is a good way of doing sports.

That’s  48  more Americans are now riding to work  49  bike, and they are  50  their own cars at home.






























































Dear Kitty,

I am sorry that I did not write ___1__ you earlier because T have been very busy.I was helping ___2__ a charity show to raise money for Project Green Hope.A lot of work needed to be finished.so I did not have ___3__ free time.

I felt very happy when I ___4__ to be the host.It was ___5__,but I was also very nervous ___6__ the TV cameras.I knew that lots of people would watch the show and that many famous ___7__ would come too.

We started working on the show ___8__ ago,so we could do everything on time.1t was my job to introduce each star.I also had many other duties.It was hard work but I was ___9__ to do it.

We practised a lot ___10__ the show.I had to remember to look at the right camera at the right time.___11__,I thought l would never be able to remember all the words and do everything right at the same time.Slowly,everything became ___12__.

The big day came very quickly,and suddenly it was the night before the charity show.I couldn't ___13__ at all that night because l was so excited.‘Will it be a ___14__?’ I kept ___15__ myself.

Twenty minutes before the big event,the doors opened and many people came into ___16__.‘No time to be nervous any more.This is it,’ I told myself.A lot of people came to watch the show.The fans of the pop stars were making a lot of noise,so I __17__ speak loudly.

Everything seemed to happen so fast,and now it is all over.A lot of money has been donated to Project-Green Hope.Everyone was very ___18__ and we had a lot of support from local businesses.I hope more events like this ___19__ to raise money for charity and I think more people should be invited ___20_ part in them.

I hope to see you soon.

Best wishes


1.A.to                         B.for                      C.before                    D.at

2.A.of                         B.in                        C.with                             D.after

3.A.many                    B.much                   C.few                       D.a few

4.A.choose                         B.was chosen          C.chosen                   D.choosing

5.A.frightened              B.frightening           C.excited                   D.exciting

6.A.because                 B.because of                  C.instead of             D.instead

7.A.pop teachers            B.pop scientists         C.pop doctors            D.pop stars

8.A.two minutes            B.half an hour          C.two months            D.two seconds

9.A.sad                       B.energetic              C.angry                     D.happy

10.A.after                    B.behind                 C.before                    D.in front of

11.A.In the beginning      B.In the end            C.In the middle of      D.At last

12.A.easy                    B.easier                   C.easiest                   D.more easy

13.A.sleep                                                      B.eat

C.drink                                                        D.have a good time

14.A.successful                  B.succeed               C.Success                       D.successfully

15.A.ask                      B.to ask                  C.asks                             D.asking

16.A.the theatre            B.the factory                  C.the classroom         D.the library

17.A.have to                B.has to                  C.had to                    D.must

18.A.selfish                 B.generous                 C.silly                     D.polite

19.A.organize                                                  B.organizes

C.wilt organize                                              D.will be organized

20.A.to take                 B.takes                   C.taking                    D.took



Computer games are very popular. It is natural for people to want to  41 ,so playing against a computer or against a friend on the computer can be  42  to stop.“Just one more game,” often turns into another game, then another.

Computer games do have their 43 . They are excellent for training hand / eye coordination(协调).Surgeons(外科医生) who played computer games as chitdren are often more skilled.Computer games can also be great for teaching students. The students are open to learning while playing. They can study for longer than a 44  would be able to teach.Students can also learn at their own speed and not feel pressured to match classmates. And with computers you can 45  a task as many times as you like. The more you do this, the better you will get, until you can do it perfectly.

But like anything else in life, things should be balanced. Too much time on the com purer can  46  your eyes. Regular breaks are needed. If students cannot 47  playing computer games, they won’t do as well in other areas in their life--not just schoolwork,but in developing important social skills such as how to talk with people and how to work with others as part of a 48 .And if they are 49  taking regular exercise,their health will become worse.

Computer games have their place,but people must also remember it is important to 50 a balanced lifestyle.

41.A. win     B. lose       C. fight          D. race

42.A. easy     B. necessary     C. difficult        D. natural

43.A. rules    B. advantages    C. disadvantages     D. mistakes

44.A. teacher    B. parent       C. doctor          D. computer

45.A. make    B. practice     C. put off         D. discover

46.A. break    B. hurt       C. relax         D. close

47.A. enjoy    B. start       C. stop          D. keep

48.A. family    B. game       C. match         D. team

49.A. often    B. no longer     C. always         D. still

50.A. refuse    B. give up      C. stay away from     D. have



  Susan came back home late 1 work,and she 2 hurry to the airport to meet her friend.She 3 time for cooking.Actually(实际上),she didn’t even have time for supper.What could she do?

  But she didn’t need to 4 that.She drove to the McDonald’s and the McDonald’s helped her.It is a good place for 5 food.There are a lot of McDonald’s in the United States.You can find them both in cities and small towns.Those restaurants all have golden arches(拱形)on top.They all 6 a big letter“M”and you can find them 7 .With about 6 to 8 dollars,you can get quite a good meal.They have different kinds of food in the restaurants:sandwiches,hamburgers,salads,chicken,fish,beef and chips.They have different kinds of drinks,too.The service is quick.Just pay at the cash desk and you can get you 8 at once.

  If you don’t need to 9 ,you can sit there and enjoy your meal.If not,just stop your car

10 a window,pay for your food and take it away.You can have your meal in your car.

(  )1.A.for      B.to       C.from    D.before

(  )2.A.have      B.have to    C.had     D.had to

(  )3.A.doesn’t have  B.didn’t have  C.has     D.had

(  )4.A.worry     B.be worried   C.worry about  D.worried about

(  )5.A.healthy     B.delicious   C.fast     D.quick

(  )6.A.look like    B.look at    C.look for   D.look after

(  )7.A.easy      B.easily    C.later on    D.in a hurry

(  )8.A.meal      B.drink    C.fruit     D.seafood

(  )9.A.work      B.drive    C.hurry up   D.hurry 

(  )10.A.in the front of  B.in front of  C.behind    D.nearby

