4.A.How much is this toy? B.That's a little expensive. C.I'm scared of it. 查看更多



1.  Ben fell into the_________(湖)when he was running along it.
2.  Don't_________ (忘记)your friends when you become rich.
3.  It's very_________(重要的)to teach children about road safely.
4.  My father was not_________(生气的)with me at all.
5.  1 want to_________(喝)some coffee now.
6.  Though my brother is very young, he is an_________(工程师)now.
7.  I hope I can fly in the sky one day, s0 1 want to be a_________(宇航员).
8.  My house is not big, but it is_________(舒适的).
9.  Vivian likes to listen to the_________(收音机)in the evening.
10.  Many workers are_________(建造)a hospital.
11.  There are many_________(座位)in the theater.
12.  It was the _________(最差的)speech he had ever made.
13.  There are_________(超过)40 students in the library.
14.  We're going to learn_________(课)Six today.
15.  There's going to be a football_________(比赛)next week.
16.  Thank you very much for the_________(邀请).
17.  It rained three_________(整整)days.
18.  His father is leaving for Beijing_________(明天).
19.  _________(虽然)I may fail again,1 will try lt.
20.  "Calm" and "wild" have_________(相反的)meanings.
21.  We should never_________(笑)at others' mistakes.
22.  It is_________(需要)for older people to understand the young.
23.  We can get much more_________(信息)on the Internet.
24.     How much is this T-shirt?
25. The bus_________(车站)is on the left of this street.
26.  Miss Gao is our_________(化学)teacher.  She is very kind.
27.  The library is on the _________(对面的)side of the road from the school.
28. After you take the_________(药),you'll feel better soon.
29. The_________(读者)want to get the writer's autograph.
30.  He wants to be a scientist in the_________(将来).



Saleswoman: Can I help you? 
Jim: Oh, yes. How much is this T-shirt?
Saleswoman: It's only $ 29.50. 
Jim: Really? Is it on sale?
Saleswoman: Yes. It's usually $45.00. But only at the weekends, everything is at a very good price. 
Jim: OK. I'll take two T-shirts for my twin sons.
Saleswoman: What colour do they like? 
Jim: Blue.
Saleswoman: Oh, I'm so sorry. We haven't any blue ones left. How about the green ones? 
Jim: All right. Here's the money.
Saleswoman: Thanks. Here's your change (零钱).
1. Two sweaters are ______ on Monday. 
A. $28.00  
B. $45.00  
C. $90.00  
D. $56.00
2. The meaning of the phrase "on sale" is ______.   
A. 减价销售  
B. 正常营业  
C. 非卖品  
D. 高价回收
3. They are talking ______.
A. in a shop  
B. at home  
C. in a school  
D. in a hospital
4. At last (最后) Jim buys two ______ for his sons.  
A. blue sweaters                          
B. green T-shirts  
C. white jeans                          
D. yellow skirts
5. If Mary buys three ______ on Saturday here, they will cost (使……花费) her $60.00.
A. sweaters     
B. T-shirts      
C. skirts    
D. jeans


1. Everyone knows that giving is better than _____ (receive) .
2. The little boy got more and more _____ (interest) in that computer game.
3. There are too many people at the finishing line. I wonder who is the _____ ( win) of the boys'100-metre race.
4. Kate and Tina are afraid of living in the country, because there are too many _____ (mouse) .
5. -How much is this T-shirt?
    -100 yuan. But when I bought mine, it _____ (cost) me 120 yuan.


1.  —How much is this box?
      —It's seven d__________.
2. —What c__________ is your shirt?
     —It's white, but your shirt is black.
3.  This ruler is too short. I need a l__________ one.
4.  —Do you s__________ watches?
     —Yes, we have lots of new watches.
5.  —What's the p__________ of the coat?
      —It's 50 dollars.
6.  The green shorts are on s__________ for $ 25.
7.  There are t__________ months in a year.
8.  Trousers are called (被叫做) p__________ in American English.


1.How do you like this house?
___________ do you ___________this house?
2.Tom can’t work, if he doesn’t drink tea.
Tom can’t work ___________.
3. How much is this dictionary?
___________this dictionary?
4.A Chinese farm is different from an American farm.
A Chinese farm ___________ ___________an American farm .
5. The pen is cheaper than any other.
The pen is ___________of all.

